On Wed, 8 Nov 2006 20:58:21 +0100, "Flemming Disc"
<disctekniksnabeladiscteknik.dk> wrote:
>Dette skulle vel være rigtigt, "snuppet" fra Duc fabrikkens side:
Well, når nu katten alliwl var ude af sækken kunne de vel også ligeså
godt frigive dem. Grim? Nøh egentlig ikke. Særlig interessant design?
Nøh, heller ikke, hvis ikke det var fordi den var rød, ville jeg nok
nærmere kalde det lidt grå leverpostej..ret ligegyldigt. Men det kan
jo være den har noget andet at byde på?
"England's Motorcycle News, owned by EMAP, has blown wide open a
worldwide embargo and coordinated release of Ducati's new 1098 model.
Ducati had coordinated with news outlets around the globe to introduce
the new bike on November 14th, but stolen studio photos surfaced on
the Internet and led EMAP to publish photos and information on the
bike. That led to Ducati moving up the press intro a week and to the
early launching of the bike on the official Ducati website.
A worldwide press intro scheduled for the end of this month in South
Africa was meant to follow release of photos and specs on the 14th."
De er nok en lille smule negative i 40132 lige nu
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