Mogens skrev:
> Forleden blev co-driveren i 2 forskellige biler skadet på grund af et hop
> på vejen - hvor er forskellen mellem chauffør og co-driver placering?
> For mig og se er de placeret ens - og har samme sikkerhedsudstyr.
> Alligevel skades de forskelligt - mystisk...
I sagen med Michael Park var det nok svingets retning der var
"Although details of the accident that killed Park remain sketchy, it
is known that the car driven by Estonian Markko Martin went off the
road at speed and hit a tree on the passenger side."
"(Nicky) Grist, who has had several lucky escapes with McRae over the
years including one in Corsica in 2000 when their Ford landed upside
down in a ravine, felt it was not really a question of co-driver
"It could just as easily have happened to the driver, had it been a
right rather than a left-hand bend," he said. "It's just a horrible
twist of fate."
"You could have that accident 200 times, but if you hit it in the wrong
place on the 201st time, then you will get hurt.""
Forøvrigt ser det ud til at Peugeot og FIA, allerede inden den
tragiske ulykke, havde startet et projekt der skal forbedre sikkerheden
ved side kollisioner:
(normalt skal man betale for at læse nyheder på Autosport-Atlas, men
lige de har artikler kan læses gratis).