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Fra : origo@earthling.net

Dato : 02-04-01 21:47

En liten historie funnet på et forum, et eller annet sted på det store

For those of you that didn't quite get it...
I'll help with a translation:

On 4/2/01 2:21:40 PM, Ara wrote:
>You know those leathers with
>gold/black woven kevlar pads
>on the outside? Those things
>are WORTHLESS.. A local guy
>crashed at the track at about
>50mph in one of those things
>and totally wore through it to
>the inside armour. The leather
>looked just mildly scratched.
Daddy paid a whole bunch of money for me to go to the racetrack...A guy
there had some leathers that were nicer than mine. He crashed, so his
leathers must suck...Pops doesn't have to buy me any of those...

>AVOID THESE.. If you crash you
>should be OK, since you have
>leather in most places.. But
>it will ruin the suit unless
>you can stitch in a new fake
>protection patch or replace
>that area with leather. Also
>gives me great doubt about
>these aerostitch suits.
I crash A LOT...so I won't make Dad buy me any of those...They suck anyway.

>By the way I went ALL 3 day
>weekend without crashing.
>Almost did once because I
>didn't know how to handle a
>traffic situation... But other
>than that it was a blast with
>no real close calls. I rode in
>3 short pratice sessions and 4
>normal practice sessions, and
>3 races.
I was going really fast, and everybody still kept passing me...and I wasn't
smart enough to get out of their way...so they almost hit me...I rode a
whole lot on the racetrack... If i would have been on public roads, I would
have at least let the bike fall over at least once over the weekend...Daddy
would have fixed it though...

>One I quit on the
>second lap because I was too
I was tired & hungry, Dad was buying lunch anyway, so I ate...instead of
riding some more...

>My third race was
>against provisional racers
>only. It was totally awesome.
>I faught almost the whole race
>with this one guy who finally
>crashed trying to catch up to
I saw my dad talking to some guy on the side of the racetrack, he took out
his wallet and next thing i knew I was in a race...This one guy, was going
really fast...and when he tried to lap me a second time I was in his
way...so instead of hitting me he crashed...

>I explored the limits of
>my traction on many corners,
>felt real confident and
>comfortable with my bike and
I was leaning way over...leaning over is fun...next time people come over to
my house, I will make them come into the garage, and I will lean my bike
over really far...and show them.

>BTW: I think the
>REnnsport/Supercorsa are
>"BETTER DUNLOPS"!! Great tire.
Dad...I kneed new tires...!!!!

>I better sign up for the Kieth
>Code school so me and Weasal
>can have it out at cresson
>BTW: this track was cresson.
AS soon as I got home, I got on the computer, and made reservations at a
riding school...Dad will see it on his credit card when he gets the bill....


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