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Yamaha dt rt1, 360 ccm igen
Fra : uffe.j

Dato : 23-12-02 16:11

Hvis der er nogen der interesserede, er her de svar jeg har fået på
"rec.motorcykles.dirt" ang. ovenstående.

That's in nice condition, probably worth about 1,200-1,400 U.S. Dollars.
The RT-1 was the big brother to the DT-1 (250cc), the bike was sold as
an Enduro Bike, what we now call Dual Sport, because the bikes came from
the factory with full road equipment. Many people bought those bikes and
stripped all of the road equipment off of them to use them for racing,
where they were fairly sucessful in their day. The DT-1 and RT-1 were
Japan's first real attempt to enter a market that had been dominated by
European bikes like Husqvarna, Maico, CZ, Bultaco, Greeves, AJS and
others. Yamaha later released a version of your bike called the MX-360,
which was a motocross only model. The RT-1 was produced from 1970-1973.

A friend of mine had one.At the time,I had a 1975 Honda XL350.We rode these
machines on a fairly long trip from the Seattle,Washington area,around
101 all around the Olympic Peninsula and down the Oregon coast.His two
did okay.We stayed off the freeways.His bike was a better dirt bike than my
XL,because the Honda was too heavy.But the Honda was a better street bike.
The RT360 became the RT400 in a few years.I had two Yamaha
were about the best compromise of the dual purpose bikes from that time
period.Something like the Bultaco Matadors were better off road bikes,but
nearly as good on the street.

Jon Neet

We've still got two of these bloody things. Yamaha will punish you if
you try to get parts from them, some people have been successful from
ebay, reportedly. I've been putting off rebuilding one so it can be
sold off, another has yet to be broken in with the not so new rings we
could scrape up to install. They're cantankerous old bastard
machines, IMO.

Claus Rittig (23-12-2002)
Fra : Claus Rittig

Dato : 23-12-02 17:28

"uffe.j" <uffe.j@private.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

> The RT-1 was the big brother to the DT-1 (250cc), the bike was sold as
> an Enduro Bike, what we now call Dual Sport, because the bikes came from
> the factory with full road equipment. Many people bought those bikes and
> stripped all of the road equipment off of them to use them for racing,
> where they were fairly sucessful in their day. The DT-1 and RT-1 were
> Japan's first real attempt to enter a market that had been dominated by
> European bikes like Husqvarna, Maico, CZ, Bultaco, Greeves, AJS and
> others. Yamaha later released a version of your bike called the MX-360,
> which was a motocross only model. The RT-1 was produced from 1970-1973.

Jeps, på en måde kan man godt sige at den motorcykel er en milepæl i japansk
motorcykelhistorie, og netop derfor er den penge værd.

> A friend of mine had one.At the time,I had a 1975 Honda XL350.
> His bike was a better dirt bike than my
> XL,because the Honda was too heavy.But the Honda was a better street bike.

Jeg har kørt masser af km både on- og off-road på en min 1973 XL250 og jeg
kan kun erklære mig fuldstændig enig. Yamaha'en var Honda'en overlegen i
terræn fordi den var lettere, og vægt er en meget, meget vigtig faktor i
off-road færdsel. På grusveje var Honda'en nu ret god, men i skoven, på bane
og i frit terræn var Honda'en for tung og for klodset - og med
styre-geometri som en gadecykel kørte den slet ikke imponerende på nogen
måde, her var Yamaha'erne noget bedre. Honda blev på 4-takt motorerne, og
valgte dermed at markedsføre komfortable modeller som var gode til
grusvejsbrug, mens Yamaha i '76 kom med XT500 som supplement til deres
2-takt linie, og dermed holdt Yamaha føringen (blandt de japanske
producenter) i en dekade. Kawasaki kom først midt/sidst i 70'erne med deres
modeller som primært var mindre 2-taktere der ikke fik nogen videre succes.
Jeg tror de hed KE175 og KE... noget andet. Suzuki's PE og TS modeller (også
alle 2-takt) kom for sent til at få nogen større succes.

> We've still got two of these bloody things. Yamaha will punish you if
> you try to get parts from them

Ja, det bliver jo nok det største problem med sådan en ældre japaner.


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