"PeterL" <overground@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> Flere billeder:
> yId=1016190338494390
> -PeterL
Den ser godt nok fed ud.
For dem der kun lige er begynde på italiensk for begyndere.
, kommer her
en oversættelse af artiklen til engelsk..
If of it it spoke already before the Hall of Monaco, indeed already voices
circulated more on presumed power (140 CV for the version standard - for the
"R") and on the aesthetic characteristics and of the ciclistica, but then to
the Intermot the ghost is not appeared in meat and boneses, for which it has
been believed that the voices could be lived in air, or that the House of
Noale was not felt still ready to come down in field with new Thousands.
Hour, at a distance of two months from fair German, ghost of new RSV returns
to churn overbearing, this time on Internet, where the photos are circulated
that we introduce to you and that all to verify are not more hypothesis, but
illustrate a motorcycle tried on the track of Rijeka, sure a 1000
bicylindrical one of supersport cut, on which substantial modifications
regarding the running version are noticed. The frontal extension a double
beacon with to the center, between the two "eyes", air inlet that replaces
the third fanale and that of sure it constitutes a potenziamento of the
system of air induction to the air-box. To the inside of the cupolino a
dashboard of new design is observed above all and one beautifulst advanced
slab of lightened steering. New also the retrovisori small mirrors with
integrated pointers of direction. The chassis evidently is redesigned and
also the forcellone it seems tightened more of originates them, probably in
order to facilitate the passage of the drainages. The line appears
aggressive, but not "at the same time extreme", in order not to perhaps cast
too much in ahead with a design that could does not appeal to endured, or it
do not appeal to in order a lot. Pregevole the codone, with the posterior
fanale extended one that of it constitutes the tip. To when, Aprilia?
Martin poll
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