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Børneopdragelse i biblens lys
Fra : C. Overgaard

Dato : 02-12-07 02:00

Fra chefen for Indiana fremmeligste kostskole for uartige piger:


--- citat ---
A good illustration of this hope is found in the case of a mother who
called me from a distant state about her troubled teenage daughter.
This teenager had gotten into such continual mischief and wickedness
that the desperate mother went to the local hardware store and
purchased a lock and chain with which to lock the girl to her body.
This unorthodox measure kept the girl in her home at night but fell
far short of Scriptural methodology in changing the heart! I explained
to the mother that we did not have room to receive the girl at the
time because our beds were filled. However, I mentioned that I could
give her a possible answer for her predicament. I also said, "But I
doubt that you will follow through." The mother, hearing that there
might be a solution to her crisis, desperately implored, "Yes, I will
take your counsel. What is your solution?" I then proceeded to explain
that the mother should get a stick that would not break and get after
that daughter until the daughter asked for peace in their
relationship. The mother hesitated in silence for a time on that long
distance telephone call, and then seemingly made a firm commitment
before me and the Lord that she would do so. She answered, "Alright, I
will!" I then forgot about the mother and her call inasmuch as we
receive several calls like this daily.

Three weeks later, I received a phone call from this same mother. I
had forgotten who she was and was reminded of her identity only when
she reminded me of the lock and chain she had purchased to secure her
daughter. I remembered who she was at that point since that was a
unique method of restraining the girl. I asked, "Well, what has
happened since our last conversation?" The mother replied that she had
taken my advice to secure a large stick that would not break, and to
quote the mother, "I wore off her behind!" I chuckled at the mother's
response and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the story. She went on to
explain that she was simply amazed and dumbfounded at her daughter's
change of heart following the severe thrashing that the mother gave
her. It seems that the daughter, for the first time in sixteen years,
chose to obey her mother when she realized that the mother was
unflinchingly determined to break the girl's will and to settle for
nothing less than complete obedience. The mother then said, "And it
has lasted for three weeks! But I think she needs it again this week."
This dramatic illustration of how one mother solved the problem of
breaking the will of her daughter points up how God's methods really
can and do work. But a parent must be fully purposed and determined in
his heart that he will obey God no matter what the consequences.
-- Citat slut ---

Ak. Måske er det derfor at tiderne er som de er. Skulle der være
danske forældre, som finder det for besværligt at føre en dialog med
afkommet, når de hænger ude om natten istedet for at sove i deres seng
og måtte have lyst til at lære afkommet om fremmede kulture samtidig
med at de går i skole og får et eksamensbevis med samme gyldighed som
et kørekort fra Legoland, så kan man finde skolens hjemmeside på dette
link: http://www.fornits.com/wiki/index.php/Hephzibah_House

Men jeg vil lige påpege at man som forældre godt kan risikere at blive
sat for en dansk domstol, hvis man tillader fysisk afstraffelse af sit
barn under et ophold i det udenlandske, hvis man skal drage
konklusionen af en debat i dk.videnskab.jura.

Men der er ingen tvivl om at danske forældre vil falde for fristelsen,
når de ikke kan finde engagementet til løsninger indenlandsk. Vi bør
måske stramme op omkring at lade unge studere udenlandsk, så vi ikke
risikerer at en trafik af unge som tager en "uddannelse" i udlandet
fremfor herhjemme. Jvf. Søndagsavisen er dette tal lavere end i andre
lande og det synes jeg at vi skal holde fast i.


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