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RR: MotoGP - Rossi er sur/tudekiks til Ros~
Fra : MKS - 74

Dato : 22-04-07 19:11

Vale er negativ, fordi de andre begynder at gøre det samme ved ham,
som han så ofte har gjort ved andre .

Snippet fra Crash.net:

""I'm quite unhappy with Elias today because I think he was quite
dangerous - more than once he passed me on the inside and then altered
his line. This is not a correct way to race," fumed Rossi.

But, whilst some of Elias' moves might be labelled 'over
enthusiastic', they were surely no worse than - for example - Rossi's
last turn pass on Sete Gibernau at the 2005 Spanish Grand Prix. On
that occasion the Italian successfully dived for victory on the
inside, banging fairings with the Spaniard in the process - and
sending Sete spearing off into the gravel.

Most, the FIM included, considered the incident 'harsh but fair' and
the limit of what was acceptable. Since neither Rossi nor Elias were
forced off-track at any time during Sunday's thrilling exchanges, it
is hard to call the incidents much more than the result of
no-holds-barred racing.

Nevertheless Elias, who was clearly at fault when he took Rossi down
at the start of the 2006 Spanish Grand Prix - and clearly not at fault
when he beat the Italian in a thrilling photo-finish last year at
Estoril - now has his card marked and can expect no-quarter from Rossi
next time they are side-by-side... but then Elias, who went on to
finish second, probably wouldn't expect things to be any other way."

Krig på kniven.....

Div. Aprilia RS250 og Honda CBR600+VF500-dele m.m. til salg på:

Armand (22-04-2007)
Fra : Armand

Dato : 22-04-07 19:22

"MKS - 74" <mks74temp@gmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> Vale er negativ, fordi de andre begynder at gøre det samme ved ham,
> som han så ofte har gjort ved andre .
> Snippet fra Crash.net:..........
- - - - Men intet om hvorfor Fiat-mobilen faldt tilbage de sidste runder??


MKS - 74 (22-04-2007)
Fra : MKS - 74

Dato : 22-04-07 19:28

On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 20:22:16 +0200, "Armand" <kim-armand@mail.dk>

>- - - - Men intet om hvorfor Fiat-mobilen faldt tilbage de sidste runder??

Fulde Yams-postrace presse yada-yada:

"The following release is from Fiat Yamaha:

High hopes for Valentino Rossi and Colin Edwards went unfulfilled
today as the Fiat Yamaha Team riders, who started from first and
second on the grid, were both victims of bad luck at Istanbul Park.
The pair got a good start and were leading the pack into turn one
before Edwards dropped back as he was unable to get enough heat into
his tyre and Rossi made a mistake and ran wide at turn eleven.
Disaster then struck for Edwards as he was hit from behind by another
rider and sent tumbling into the gravel trap in a crash that involved
four riders in total. Rossi meanwhile seemed to be going well and had
fought back to second behind eventual winner Casey Stoner, before he
suffered a serious rear tyre problem that forced him to roll off the
gas and drop right back through the field. The Italian had to use all
his talents to keep himself in the race and he eventually brought his
Yamaha home in tenth position, taking what were a creditable six
points under the circumstances.

Rossi now drops to second place in the championship standings, ten
points behind Stoner and 15 ahead of Dani Pedrosa, who was also
involved in the first-lap crash. Edwards' unlucky non-finish, only the
second in his Yamaha career, means he drops down to sixth. The Fiat
Yamaha Team have a one-day test planned tomorrow although Edwards will
wait until the morning to confirm if he will ride after badly bruising
his knee when he was knocked down.

Valentino Rossi, Position: 10th Time: +18.999

"We are very disappointed today because we had high expectations for
this race, but instead we had some unexpected problems with the tyre
and it's been a disaster for us. Yesterday and this morning the same
race tyre felt good but unfortunately today something happened to it
after some laps and I couldn't fulfil the potential we had here. We
don't know the reason yet for the problem but now Michelin are trying
to understand what happened. I had a great start and was leading on
the first lap, although I made a mistake at turn eleven when I ran
wide and dropped to fifth. However at that stage my bike was working
very well and I was able to fight back to second; I felt sure that I
was going to have a good battle with Stoner! Sadly though, after ten
or eleven laps, the tyre started to lose all grip and I had to slow
right down because I was quite scared. It felt like there was a big
problem with the tyre and I had to go very carefully just to finish.
We were very unlucky today, we started first and second but Colin
crashed when he was hit and then I had this problem. I'm also quite
unhappy with Elias today because I think he was quite dangerous - more
than once he passed me on the inside and then altered his line. This
is not a correct way to race. We're all quite sad tonight but we have
many more races so we will look forward now to China."

Colin Edwards, Position: DNF Time:

"I got a great start but I had some problems getting heat into the
rear tyre, which we were expecting at the start anyway. As a result I
couldn't corner so well and I slipped right back on that first lap.
Then Valentino ran off the track a bit at the fast right turn and I
think everyone was checking up a bit and looking at him instead of
thinking about the next corner! It seemed that everyone around me ran
a bit wide into turn 12 but I braked normally and went underneath them
when Jacque hit me from behind and I went down. I'm not badly hurt but
my knee took a bit of a bang and it's swollen up quite a lot. It's
pretty disappointing because we know my bike was working well and once
I got some heat into the tyre it might have been a good race."

Fiat Yamaha Team Director Davide Brivio

"A very difficult and disappointing race for us! Colin was very
unlucky as he was hit from behind through no fault of his own and
there was no way for him to avoid the crash. He has some bad bruising
to his knee but we hope it's nothing too serious. Valentino made a
mistake on lap one but he recovered well and it looked like he was set
for a good race, but we had some problems with the tyre. We'd chosen
the hardest and best tyre that we had available to us but it wasn't
enough to fight with our competitors today. We now have to work with
Michelin during tomorrow's test to understand why this happened and
learn from the mistake. It was very hard for Valentino to keep going
until the end in this situation but he didn't give up and took some
valuable points; we're still second in the championship so let's move
on from here and look forward to China."

Div. Aprilia RS250 og Honda CBR600+VF500-dele m.m. til salg på:

F.Sander (22-04-2007)
Fra : F.Sander

Dato : 22-04-07 22:54

Det er sku' da rart nogen giver ham lidt tilbage... ( hvad hvad det lige
han gjorde ved Sete G. i 2005 i det spanske GP ! nøjagtig det samme )

Også er det da rart med nogle 'nye' ansigter....

Som savner K. Kato # 74 - han ville passe godt på en 800... not to be

MKS - 74 (23-04-2007)
Fra : MKS - 74

Dato : 23-04-07 23:25

On Sun, 22 Apr 2007 23:53:45 +0200, "F.Sander" <rc30@wanadoo.dk>

>Som savner K. Kato # 74 - han ville passe godt på en 800... not to be

<dybt suk.wav> - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXJu2XKaGHs


Richard (23-04-2007)
Fra : Richard

Dato : 23-04-07 18:44

MKS - 74 wrote:

> Vale er negativ, fordi de andre begynder at gøre det samme ved ham,
> som han så ofte har gjort ved andre

Rossi må bare lære, at han sikkert kan vinde MotoGP-klassen på stort set
hvadsomhelst - men materiellet skal altså være i orden og holde et helt

Richard Pade, Sorgenfri, DK

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