Hi everybody!
first: Please excuse my bad English!
I need your help to surprise my sister with congratulations to her
wedding sent by motorcyclists from all over the world.
Tanja is 23 years old and owns her Silverwing for 3 years.
Norman is 26 years old and the worst motorcycle-passenger i´ve ever
seen, but he´s the nicest i could imagine for my sister.
So your invited to send your letters by mail to Tanja and Norman
(because of lack of time use air-mail outside Europe).
If you´re a member of a motor-club or something similar please add a
patch or sticker of your club to the letter. please send a short
notification that your letter is on its way to Germany to
If you don´t want to send a normal letter please take some minutes and
write an e-mail to s.dolenec@web.de, subject: Tanja+Norman. I will
print them out and deliver them on their wedding day.
The wedding will be on 3rd of July 11:00h CET in Schwerte,
Nordrheinwestfalen, Germany.
All information you need are available on
thank you in advance,
yours Sascha.
this is not meant as a spam message. Everybody is invited to answer,
but nowbody should feel forced to. I will put hi-res photos of the
wedding on
http://www.guellepumpen-ruhrtal.de on Saturday or Sunday
after the wedding. These photos will be for all who are interested.