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Lightweight Twins racing class - interest?
Fra : ziras

Dato : 27-07-05 09:55

Sorry about the english (the use of the language...not the
people...there's no apologizing for them)...but if I wrote this in Danish
½ of you would have no clue what the hell I'm going on about.

Looking to get back into racing...but here in northern europe there seems
to be a real lack of choice when it comes to racing classes. I'm a 30+
fat-n-fast guys who's looking to race 4 fun, on the cheap. I know I'm not
the next rossi and have nothing to prove.

I live in Skåne, and SVEMO (svenske version of DMU) only has 3 classes for
B-license amateur riders...125/250 600cc and 1000cc.

125/250 - Been there and done that plus my fat ass can't be competitive on
a little smoker

600cc - grids are too big and full of young wanna be heroes who take this
sh*t way too seriously and will end up hurting someone

1000cc - smaller grids...but killer when it comes to tires. In a weekend
one can easily go thru 2-3 sets of tires.

Back home in the states we had lightweight twins classes, sound of thunder
class, production twins, senior classes, etc. Check out the brits and
their lightweight twins class http://www.minitwins.co.uk

I'm looking to petition SVEMO to add a class for the "fun racer". Here in
Skåne, of course all you Danes could come across the bridge and race at
the tracks up here. (Knutstorp, Sturup - which is actually really nice
now. It's no longer a big go-kart track...although the run off is still
way too small)

Anyway...I wanna write a nice letter to SVEMO but first I would like to
find out what interest there is out there for a series like this.

Here's the idea for the series - 1 - Lightweight Twins Series (open to any
liquid cooled twin between 500 - 700cc) and any aircooled twin
(700cc-1000cc) - maybe we could get some buells in this thing. 2 - B
license racers only 3 - Only mods allowed (other than those for saftey of
course) would be:
a - Performance streettires
b - Steel / Kevlar brake lines
c - Brake pads
d - Rearsets (pegs)
e - Exhaust system (full or end can if it passes db requirements for the
f - Racebodywork
g - Lap timers and clocks can be added/replaced if you want
h - Rear shock & spring
i - Fork internals, however the fork "Bodies" must be stock. (No swapping
the front ends for an 05 Gix 750!!!!)
j - Can remove/hack off anything on the bike that is not necessary however
you cannot replace subframes or gas tanks or anything like that with
lightweight materials. (no carbon gas tanks or aftermarket subframes)
4 - 2 seperate race formats:
a - SPRINT - race format of 15 laps b - GP - 30 minutes as many laps as
you can get

That's it. Everything else is stock. Minimum rules...no minimum weight
limits, no horsepower limits (although tampering with any engine internals
is a no-no)

If you agree with this format, let me know by adding your name to this
list. If you have any suggestions, changes to the formats...add em to the
thread. Also, include your lån info so I can see how many are in each
location. If we get enough, how could SVEMO say no? 1. Michael Ziraschi,

Ulvir (28-07-2005)
Fra : Ulvir

Dato : 28-07-05 06:10

ziras wrote:
> Sorry about the english (the use of the language...not the
> people...there's no apologizing for them)...

What the fuck do you mean by that? If I understand you correctly, I take
offence, sir!

Mvh- Ulvir. (Who is a British bastard..)

Eg Egemarke (28-07-2005)
Fra : Eg Egemarke

Dato : 28-07-05 09:59

Also, include your lån info so I can see how many are in each

Det der refereres til er et Län eller på dansk et Amt fx er Skåne er et Län
for sig og Blekinge samt Halland osv.

MvH Eg Egemarke

Manualer til Mc brug emule hent programmet på www.emule.dk

ziras (28-07-2005)
Fra : ziras

Dato : 28-07-05 10:45

Eg Egemarke wrote:

> Also, include your lån info so I can see how many are in each
> location.................

> Det der refereres til er et Län eller på dansk et Amt fx er Skåne er et Län
> for sig og Blekinge samt Halland osv.

Oops...unskyld...jo...svenske lån svarer til danske amt. Jeg ville bare
se hvis der er interresse i sådan en series og hvis det er, hvor henne.

Ved nogen hvis der er en danske SV klub? Jeg ville gerne skik dem en mail
og se hvis der er nogle interrese der.


ziras (28-07-2005)
Fra : ziras

Dato : 28-07-05 10:44

Ulvir wrote:
> Mvh- Ulvir. (Who is a British bastard..)

HAHA...damn imperialists! Sorry...just a dumb yank. (or a colonist as you
guys say)

Sorry to have offended...good thing I didn't resort to jokes about
horrible british teeth or the food...oh God the food...;)

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