Jan Nielsen wrote:
> Hej gruppe
Her kan du downloade en ROM upgrade til de Ipaq håber det kan hjælpe
Liste over det som updaten fixer:
a.. Fixes the Sleep Mode SD power drain.
b.. Updates the BlueTooth driver to resolve Bluetooth hang issue.
c.. Fixes iPAQ Backup shutdown after 10 seconds when a backup is
d.. Connectivity: Accept header for pIE is configurable
e.. Connectivity: Can connect with 802.1x to Windows 2003 Server
with PEAP fast reconnect enabled
f.. Connectivity: Connectivity bubble displays GPRS status correctly
when connected through proxy
g.. Connectivity: JavaScript event handler fires correctly
h.. Connectivity: pIE correctly encodes URLs with "&lang" references
i.. Connectivity: pIE uses cached pages when offline even for a
local server
j.. Connectivity: Wireless technologies improved
k.. Contacts: Contacts are sorted according to the Country selected
in Regional Settings
l.. Contacts: Removed duplicate radio telephone number from Contacts
List view
m.. Feature request: Wireless Protected Access
n.. Inbox: Clarification of location of SMS inbox
o.. Inbox: Replace type short messages are not duplicated
p.. Inbox: SMS messages with alphanumeric address are parsed
q.. Instant Messenger: IM signs in
r.. Localization: Ability to enter full IP address for DNS entry in
s.. Localization: Able to save contacts with Far East characters in
both first and last name
t.. Localization: Can use partial Cyrillic name to find contacts
u.. Localization: Errant character no longer inserted by Action
button on KOR
v.. Localization: KOR keyboard allows for the '~' character
w.. Settings: CHT owner info can be shown on power-on
x.. Settings: Device properly returns to power off state after an
alarm has fired
y.. Shell: Alarms and meeting reminders use high-quality MIDI
z.. Shell: Data integrity improved when file system is near full
aa.. Sync: USB reliability improved
Jonas R.
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