jeg sidder lige og læser nogle "race stories" på bmwm5.com's messageboard og
falder over følgende:
"Friend of mine with M5 who live in South of Russia had an encounter with
Brabus S-class SV12....
The owner of the car had no idea what engine or what HPs he's got....The
only thing he knew it is the latest one from Brabus and emgine is more the
What a nice car inside comuters, Laptops, light shining when you open the
doors....Beautiful car.....Price in Germany about $300.000.....The guy got
it for $130.000....It was stolen one.....
We call these cat Insurance Autos....is when the thiefs agree with the owner
of the car give him some money like 10-20k.....steal the car by the owner
reports that the car was stolen in one week....By this time the car is in
Russia registered on Russian number plates.....If you get caught then you
can sort out the problem to make the car legal for 10-15k....There even a
law...if within one year insurance does not claim the car ...then it becomes
In Moscow you could have headage with it and there is too many policemanns
that have computers and you can get caugt and will have some problems....
In othe regions in Russia is no probs at all....and everything costs much
Anyway the cars like SV12 are specially ordered to be stolen and already
have a potential owners...."
Meget mystisk metode at forholde sig til stjålne biler på: "if within one
year insurance does not claim the car ...then it becomes legal..."
Dette forklarer måske hvorfor så mange stjålne biler ender ovre Øst på :((
Man må da håbe at det ikke fungerer således i de nye EU lande!
Thomas Krath
http://tkrath.dk/bilimport/ - importguide