> jeg ville høre om nogen kan give mig et hint på hvad der kan være galt med
> min gearkasse på sierraen, dohc motor og mt75 gearkasse.
> Når bilen er kold om morgenen kan den sagtens gå i bakgear men kniber lidt
> med førstegearet men ikke mere end den kan køre.
> Når den er varm (kørt ca. 15 minutter) og alle gearene er blevet brugt
> mindst en gang bliver den svært med overgang til umuligt at sætte den i
> bakgear med motoren kørende men slukkes motoren er der ingen problemer.
> når bilen har kørt og jeg skal holde i et kryds er den næsten umulig at
> sætte i første gear. Det virker lidt som om at tænderne på tandhjulene
> kan gå ind i hinanden.
> Kan nogen herinde komme med nogle ideer til hvad porblemet kan være.
> Jeg har flere reservedele til at skifte ud med men hvis der var nogen der
> vidste hvor jeg konkreet skulle søge fejlen kunne det være rarest. Men jeg
> har en gearkasse, en kobling, udrykkerleje, ophæng og så videre.
Service Instruction
If the brake pipes come into contact with the balancer weight on the
gearshift mechanism, this can cause difficult or noisy gear changes. To
resolve the concern, remove the air cleaner and bend the brake pipes away
from the balancer weight on the gearshift mechanism to provide at least 15
mm clearance.
Subject: Difficult gear selection, gear cannot be engaged
Should a concern arise over difficult gear selection, or a particular gear
cannot be engaged, the cause may be corroded or siezed gearshift or selector
cables, a damaged gear lever, damaged gearshift mechanism or a damaged
transmission. To rectify the concern check the selector/shift cable, the
gear lever, the gearshift/selector lever on the transmission and the
gearshift mechanism as described in this bulletin and renew the components
as necessary.
Subject: Difficulty changing gear
Should a customer express concern about difficulty changing gear, the cause
may be that the clutch pedal travel adjustment is incorrect. To rectify the
concern check the clutch pedal travel as described in this bulletin and
adjust it as necessary.
Subject: Difficulty in engaging 1st and/or 2nd gear
Should a customer express concern about difficulty changing from 1st to 2nd
gear, from 2nd to 3rd gear and from 2nd into 1st gear, the cause may be the
synchronisation between 1st and 2nd gear. To rectify this concern, visually
inspect the clutch system components (including the hydraulic lines) and the
top and bottom gaiters on the gear lever and adjust the clutch pedal travel.
Renew any damaged or bent components. If the concern is still evident,
remove the transmission and renew the components listed under Parts
The lower gaiter on the gear lever must be pulled over the shift tower
before the transmission is lowered and must be put back in the correct
position (below the shift tower) after the transmission is installed.
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