"Tom" <t.christensen(snabela)bigfoot.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> "ole" <sierra16_6@hotmail.com> skrev i en meddelelse
> news:4031e0dd$0$30061$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
>> hej
>> hvad kan man gøre ved at 1 gear i en ford sierra 1,6 1987 er
>> temmelig svær at få i gear
> Service Instruction
> If the brake pipes come into contact with the balancer weight on the
> gearshift mechanism, this can cause difficult or noisy gear changes.
> To resolve the concern, remove the air cleaner and bend the brake
> pipes away from the balancer weight on the gearshift mechanism to
> provide at least 15 mm clearance.
> Subject: Difficult gear selection, gear cannot be engaged
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----
> Summary
> Should a concern arise over difficult gear selection, or a particular
> gear cannot be engaged, the cause may be corroded or siezed gearshift
> or selector cables, a damaged gear lever, damaged gearshift mechanism
> or a damaged transmission. To rectify the concern check the
> selector/shift cable, the gear lever, the gearshift/selector lever on
> the transmission and the gearshift mechanism as described in this
> bulletin and renew the components as necessary.
> Subject: Difficulty changing gear
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------
> Summary
> Should a customer express concern about difficulty changing gear, the
> cause may be that the clutch pedal travel adjustment is incorrect. To
> rectify the concern check the clutch pedal travel as described in
> this bulletin and adjust it as necessary.
> Subject: Difficulty in engaging 1st and/or 2nd gear
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------------
> Summary
> Should a customer express concern about difficulty changing from 1st
> to 2nd gear, from 2nd to 3rd gear and from 2nd into 1st gear, the
> cause may be the synchronisation between 1st and 2nd gear. To rectify
> this concern, visually inspect the clutch system components
> (including the hydraulic lines) and the top and bottom gaiters on the
> gear lever and adjust the clutch pedal travel. Renew any damaged or
> bent components. If the concern is still evident, remove the
> transmission and renew the components listed under Parts Required.
> The lower gaiter on the gear lever must be pulled over the shift tower
> before the transmission is lowered and must be put back in the correct
> position (below the shift tower) after the transmission is installed.
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