Hej Jane
Very nice!
I also took the time to get a little deeper into janemark.dk and had a look
at your art work. Very original. Very agressive!?!
I also took a look at your daughter's homepage. Sikkert en sød pige ;) Kan
godt forstår at du er stolt på henne.
I found two missing links in either sites. Maybe you'll want to correct

" <virker@hotmail.NOSPAMcom> wrote in message
> > Emne: Re: Flash-effekt
> >
> > Lol ;)
> >
> > Certainly a very, very nice effect ;)
> >
> > But I suspect that somewhere in the script that belongs to the fire,
> > a line that states that the Flash movie should initially start in "low
> > quality". This causes your text to look "crappy" ;)
> >
> > Try to look up that line and remove it, or set it to medium / high.
> >
> > VH
> >
> > Jeroen
> Ok - det var rigtigt. Nu har jeg rettet det - hvordan ser det ud nu?
> Hvad er max. på en swf fil, for at alle ligesom kan "følge med"?
> Den er ved at være lidt "tung" nu, med alt det jeg har puttet på.
> Mvh Jane