Ib Jakobsen <senator@post.tele.dk> wrote in article
> Mener nu at huske det er dele af fornavnene på de to brødre der
> firmaet. Hvad med Albert og Dieter?.
Albrecht, Karl & Theo.
Undisputed kings of supermarket discounting. In 1948 Karl and Theo started
the no-frills Aldi discount chain from their mother's corner store in the
Ruhr valley. They now own more than 4,000 Aldi stores in Germany and 10
other countries with estimated revenues of $27 billion. Also have extensive
landholdings in Germany. In the U.S. they hold 7% of Boise, Idaho-based
Albertson's supermarkets and all of gourmet food and beverage chain Trader
Joe's. Little is known about the reclusive brothers who have kept out of
the limelight ever since Theo was kidnapped for 18 days in 1971. He
reportedly collects old typewriters. Older brother Karl is said to be a
keen golf player.
Besøg vores stand på Herning Stumpemarked - 9. november
Bliv snydt og fornærmet - for samme pris!!