You can buy everything at Aarhus Nimbus. E-mail him at:
The licenceplate is more difficult because one can't own a licensplate -
when the veichle is no longer registered, the licensplate must be returned
to the proper authorities.
Membership of the Nimbus club: Contact
T-shirts etc.: Ejgil Pedersen Brydeboelvej 12, 7620 Lemvig Denmark
How did your Nimbus end up in the US?
Med venlig hilsen
Journalist Jens Jessen (DJf)
Skanderborgvej 140, 8660 Skanderborg
Tlf. + 45 8657 7201 Fax. + 45 8657 7204
Mobil 2073 7471
"Dr. Robert Harms" <> skrev i en meddelelse
> My apologies for the English post.
> I am located in Tampa, FL and have just completed the first stage of the
> resurection of an extremely deteriorated and incomplete Nimbus. This was
> done virtually without
> factory parts, even to the degree of making my own distributor cap.
> I am seeking some assistance from a kind soul as I am now seeking a set of
> points, a Danish license plate of the appropriate era, T shirts (and that
> kind of stuff) and
> membership in the Nimbus Club.
> Pictures of the bike in progress are included below.
> Doc
> --
> *******
> Weird Motorcycle Stuff