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Gigtmidlet G-LINK
Fra : Bart2000

Dato : 21-08-01 18:28

Hvor kan det købes og er det recept pligtigt

Ralph (22-08-2001)
Fra : Ralph

Dato : 22-08-01 10:40

Bart2000 wrote:

> Hvor kan det købes og er det recept pligtigt

Snippet fra www.mezina.dk (lidt tricky, jeg fandt den via 19direktes

Så du indslaget om
Glucosamin i 19-direkte
på DR-TV onsdag d. 15.
august 2001?
G-lenk er i handlen
mandag d. 20 august

Mezina A/S
Energivej 2-4
6700 Esbjerg
Tlf. 75 18 1611
Fax. 75 13 81 72

Ralph (som INTET har at gøre med Mezina)

/arcana (22-08-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 22-08-01 13:12

"Ralph" <morso@post4.tele.dk> wrote in message

> Så du indslaget om
> Glucosamin i 19-direkte

Det ser da meget lovende ud:

Glucosamine for Arthritis
©1997 The Medical Letter
The Medical Letter has received many inquiries about use of glucosamine, a
basic constituent of articular cartilage glycosaminoglycans, for treatment
of arthritis. A recently published book ("The Arthritis Cure"), several
television news shows, and articles in the New York Times have suggested it
may be effective for treatment of osteoarthritis. Glucosamine is sold as a
"dietary supplement" in the USA.

Regulation of Dietary Supplements
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act passed by the United States
Congress in 1994 permits the marketing of a product claimed to affect the
structure or function of the body as a "dietary supplement' without the
approval of any government agency, as long as the labeling includes a
disclaimer saying that it has not been evaluated by the FDA and the product
is not intended to diagnose, treat of prevent any disease. If a question
about safety arises, the burden of proof is on the FDA, not the

Mechanism of Action
In vitro, glucosamine stimulates cartilage cells to synthesize
glycosaminoglycans and proteoglycans [1]. In animal models, oral glucosamine
sulfate has a beneficial effect on inflammation, mechanical arthritis and
immunological-reactive arthritis, but much less that of indomethacin
(Indocin and others) [2].

Clinical Use
In short-term controlled trials, glucosamine has been reported to be
effective in relieving pain and increasing range of motion in patients with
osteoarthritis [3]. One four-week double-blind trial in 252 patients with
osteoarthritis of the knee found oral glucosamine sulfate 500 mg three times
a day more effective than placebo in relieving symptoms [4]. Another
four-week double-blind trial in 200 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee
found 500 mg of glucosamine sulfate as effective in relieving symptoms as
ibuprofen (Motrin and others) 400 mg three times a day from the second week
onward [5]. In a double-blind eight week study in 40 patients with
osteoarthritis, glucosamine sulfate 500 mg three times a day orally was as
effective as ibuprofen 400 mg three times a day in relieving pain after the
first two weeks, and by the end of the trial was more effective [6]. In all
reports, the drug was generally well tolerated. Gastrointestinal discomfort
and nausea have been reported, but the incidence was no higher than with
placebo. One Medical Letter consultant in a area where many patients are
taking glucosamine has not detected any adverse effects.

Glucosamine is available in pharmacies and health food stores as the
sulfate, hydrochloride, n-acetyl or chlorhydrate salt and as the
dextrorotatory isomer. It is sometimes combined with chondroitin sulfate, a
glycosaminoglycan that has been reported to maintain viscosity in joints,
stimulate cartilage repair mechanisms and inhibit enzymes that break down
cartilage [7].

Glucosamine appears to be safe and might be effective for treatment of
osteoarthritis, but most published trials of the drug lasted only four to
eight weeks and Medical Letter consultants find them unconvincing. As with
other "dietary supplements," the purity of the glucosamine products sold in
pharmacies, health food stores, and supermarkets in the USA is unknown.

Basleer C and others. International Journal of Tissue Reaction 14:231, 1992.
Setnikar I and others. Antiarthritic effects of glucosamine sulfate studied
in animal models. Arzneimittelforschung 41:542, 1991.
McCarty MF. The neglect of glucosamine as a treatment for osteoarthritis: A
personal perspective. Medical Hypotheses 42:323, 1994.
Noack W and others. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2:51, 1994.
Muller-Fassbender H and others. Glucosamine sulfate compared to ibuprofen in
osteoarthritis of the knee. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2:61, 1994.
Vas AL. Double-blind clinical evaluation of the relative efficacy of
ibuprofen and glucosamine sulphate in the management of osteoarthritis of
the knee is outpatients. Current Medical Research and Opinion 8: 145, 1982.
Pipitone VR. Chondroprotection with chondroitin sulfate. Drugs Experimental
and Clinical Research 17:3, 1991.

Med venlig hilsen

/arcana (23-08-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 23-08-01 15:01

"Ralph" <morso@post4.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

> Mezina A/S
> Energivej 2-4
> 6700 Esbjerg
> Tlf. 75 18 1611
> Fax. 75 13 81 72
> mail@mezina.dk

Når jeg IKKE brokker mig over dette link/telefonhenvisning, er det fordi jeg
ved, at Mezina kun sælger til butikker og behandlere - ikke til
privatpersoner. Bare lige så det er på plads.

Med venlig hilsen

Ralph (23-08-2001)
Fra : Ralph

Dato : 23-08-01 22:20

/arcana wrote:

> Når jeg IKKE brokker mig over dette link/telefonhenvisning, er det fordi jeg
> ved, at Mezina kun sælger til butikker og behandlere - ikke til
> privatpersoner. Bare lige så det er på plads.

1) Jeg ANEDE ikke det var forbudt at linke i denne gruppe
2) Trådstarteren spurgte specifikt på adresse, telefon til forhandlere.
3) Mezina vil vel give navnet på en given forhandler af produktet (dig?)

Når du nu kender til Mezina (og måske produktet) og jvf. dit store vid på dette
område: virker det på Fibromyalgi???


/arcana (24-08-2001)
Fra : /arcana

Dato : 24-08-01 08:16

"Ralph" <rwr@post6.tele.dk> skrev i en meddelelse

> Når du nu kender til Mezina (og måske produktet) og jvf. dit store vid på
> område: virker det på Fibromyalgi???

Det ved jeg ikke, men hvis du læser det indlæg, jeg postede længere oppe i
samme tråd, er der masser af information om glucosamin (som er det aktive
stof i præparatet). Der kan i hvert fald ikke ske noget ved at prøve.

Med venlig hilsen

lene (31-08-2001)
Fra : lene

Dato : 31-08-01 22:39

Har netop været hos min lokale helsebutik for at få fat i præparatet.
Damen gjorde mig opmærksom på, at der ikke går ret lang tid før vi ikke kan
købe det i "håndkøb". Hun har fået at vide af Mezina, at G-Lenk højst
sandsynligt vil blive receptpligtigt inden for ret kort tid (ca. 1 uge, som
jeg forstod det). Altså skal man gå til sin læge, og det bliver dyrere at

"Bart2000" <151515@sol.dk> wrote in message
> Hvor kan det købes og er det recept pligtigt

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