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Andet penge
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The battle for Europe
Fra : KL

Dato : 05-11-11 11:23

Set fra toppen, er den nuværende kreerede krise (i Grækenland) en af slagsen hvor
muligheder bliver til virkeligheder, dvs en del af programmet som kører mod en EU
'fiscal union'? Eller vil det kollapse?



The Battle for Europe: will the People or the Euro survive?
November 4, 2011 by Anthony Migchels

"But economics are of lesser import here. Because the Euro was not created to
build wealth, it is the Banker's best bet for World Currency. To rule the world,
one must rule Europe and World Currency is a key goal of the Globalists. Clearly,
the Euro is their pet project.

The current crisis is not at all unexpected. The Eurocrats couldn't get their
coveted Federalization in 1992, at the time of the Maastricht Treaty so they had
to settle for the Euro. They reasoned the 'right major crises' would pop up at
some point, making clear that monetary union without fiscal union is impossible.
They expect the nation states of Europe to surrender fiscal sovereignty to save
the Euro."

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