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Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 14-08-11 14:04

Regi: Nissim Mossek, Israel 2007. 80 min. Engelsk text.

Torsdag d. 18. august kl. 19.30 i Cafeen,
Verdenskulturcentret, Nørre Alle 7, Kbh. N

Ezra Nawi, som filmen handler om, vil være til stede for at
introducere filmen, og han er parat til en debat efter filmen. Ezra
Nawi har været på turné i Sverige og afslutter med et besøg i
København. Debatten foregår med tolkning til dansk.

Citizen Nawi" tells the story of Ezra Nawi, the driving force behind
the protection of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills who regularly
face attacks from their Jewish settler neighbors. The South Hebron
Hills have recently turned into the "wild west," where the strong rule
and the weak are silenced. Nawi works to change this situation. He
embraces the necessary fights and arrests, assists in the Arab olive
harvest and in digging wells, and also organizes day camps for the
Arab children. Ezra has committed himself to the cause of the South
Hebron cave dwellers. Saving them has become an essential part of his


Free Gaza Danmark

Lyrik (14-08-2011)
Fra : Lyrik

Dato : 14-08-11 22:01

Den 14/08/11 22.03, Patruljen skrev:
> Regi: Nissim Mossek, Israel 2007. 80 min. Engelsk text.
> Torsdag d. 18. august kl. 19.30 i Cafeen,
> Verdenskulturcentret, Nørre Alle 7, Kbh. N
> Ezra Nawi, som filmen handler om, vil være til stede for at
> introducere filmen, og han er parat til en debat efter filmen. Ezra
> Nawi har været på turné i Sverige og afslutter med et besøg i
> København. Debatten foregår med tolkning til dansk.
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt10​92055/
> Citizen Nawi" tells the story of Ezra Nawi, the driving force behind
> the protection of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills who regularly
> face attacks from their Jewish settler neighbors. The South Hebron
> Hills have recently turned into the "wild west," where the strong rule
> and the weak are silenced. Nawi works to change this situation. He
> embraces the necessary fights and arrests, assists in the Arab olive
> harvest and in digging wells, and also organizes day camps for the
> Arab children. Ezra has committed himself to the cause of the South
> Hebron cave dwellers. Saving them has become an essential part of his
> life.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hpGYtm9kd0
> Free Gaza Danmark

Don't feed the Troll!


Bo Warming (15-08-2011)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 15-08-11 08:09

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 23:01:18 +0200, Lyrik <jenserikbech@gmail.com>

>Den 14/08/11 22.03, Patruljen skrev:
>> Regi: Nissim Mossek, Israel 2007. 80 min. Engelsk text.
>> Torsdag d. 18. august kl. 19.30 i Cafeen,
>> Verdenskulturcentret, Nørre Alle 7, Kbh. N
>> Ezra Nawi, som filmen handler om, vil være til stede for at
>> introducere filmen, og han er parat til en debat efter filmen. Ezra
>> Nawi har været på turné i Sverige og afslutter med et besøg i
>> København. Debatten foregår med tolkning til dansk.
>> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt10?92055/
>> Citizen Nawi" tells the story of Ezra Nawi, the driving force behind
>> the protection of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills who regularly
>> face attacks from their Jewish settler neighbors. The South Hebron
>> Hills have recently turned into the "wild west," where the strong rule
>> and the weak are silenced. Nawi works to change this situation. He
>> embraces the necessary fights and arrests, assists in the Arab olive
>> harvest and in digging wells, and also organizes day camps for the
>> Arab children. Ezra has committed himself to the cause of the South
>> Hebron cave dwellers. Saving them has become an essential part of his
>> life.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hpGYtm9kd0
>> Free Gaza Danmark
>Don't feed the Troll!

Ja , Hamas terrorister bør ikke være i DK

E.Dalgas (14-08-2011)
Fra : E.Dalgas

Dato : 14-08-11 22:41

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 13:03:40 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:

> Regi: Nissim Mossek, Israel 2007. 80 min. Engelsk text.
> Torsdag d. 18. august kl. 19.30 i Cafeen,
> Verdenskulturcentret, Nørre Alle 7, Kbh. N
> Ezra Nawi, som filmen handler om, vil være til stede for at
> introducere filmen, og han er parat til en debat efter filmen. Ezra
> Nawi har været på turné i Sverige og afslutter med et besøg i
> København. Debatten foregår med tolkning til dansk.
> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt10​92055/
> Citizen Nawi" tells the story of Ezra Nawi, the driving force behind
> the protection of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills who regularly
> face attacks from their Jewish settler neighbors. The South Hebron
> Hills have recently turned into the "wild west," where the strong rule
> and the weak are silenced. Nawi works to change this situation. He
> embraces the necessary fights and arrests, assists in the Arab olive
> harvest and in digging wells, and also organizes day camps for the
> Arab children. Ezra has committed himself to the cause of the South
> Hebron cave dwellers. Saving them has become an essential part of his
> life.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hpGYtm9kd0
> Free Gaza Danmark

Det er ofte to sider af samme sag og det er der også mht den beskrivelse
som hæftes på Ezra Nawi.

Ezra Nawi and an Irish Scandal: A praised Guardian “activist” is now not so

"In Ireland, a scandal has erupted because it turns out that a gay Irish
politician named Senator David Norris, who is (or perhaps now we should
say, was) running for the presidency of Ireland, had Ezra Nawi as his
partner for 30 years and intervened in an earlier court case brought
against Nawi in 1992. In that case, Nawi was convicted of the statutory
rape of a 15-year old boy. According to the Daily Mail report:"

Artikkel her :



Bo Warming (15-08-2011)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 15-08-11 08:11

On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 23:41:01 +0200, "E.Dalgas" <e.b.d@live.dk> wrote:

>On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 13:03:40 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
>> Regi: Nissim Mossek, Israel 2007. 80 min. Engelsk text.
>> Torsdag d. 18. august kl. 19.30 i Cafeen,
>> Verdenskulturcentret, Nørre Alle 7, Kbh. N
>> Ezra Nawi, som filmen handler om, vil være til stede for at
>> introducere filmen, og han er parat til en debat efter filmen. Ezra
>> Nawi har været på turné i Sverige og afslutter med et besøg i
>> København. Debatten foregår med tolkning til dansk.
>> http://www.imdb.com/title/tt10?92055/
>> Citizen Nawi" tells the story of Ezra Nawi, the driving force behind
>> the protection of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills who regularly
>> face attacks from their Jewish settler neighbors. The South Hebron
>> Hills have recently turned into the "wild west," where the strong rule
>> and the weak are silenced. Nawi works to change this situation. He
>> embraces the necessary fights and arrests, assists in the Arab olive
>> harvest and in digging wells, and also organizes day camps for the
>> Arab children. Ezra has committed himself to the cause of the South
>> Hebron cave dwellers. Saving them has become an essential part of his
>> life.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hpGYtm9kd0
>> Free Gaza Danmark
>Det er ofte to sider af samme sag og det er der også mht den beskrivelse
>som hæftes på Ezra Nawi.
>Ezra Nawi and an Irish Scandal: A praised Guardian “activist” is now not so
>"In Ireland, a scandal has erupted because it turns out that a gay Irish
>politician named Senator David Norris, who is (or perhaps now we should
>say, was) running for the presidency of Ireland, had Ezra Nawi as his
>partner for 30 years and intervened in an earlier court case brought
>against Nawi in 1992. In that case, Nawi was convicted of the statutory
>rape of a 15-year old boy. According to the Daily Mail report:"
>Artikkel her :

Det er kompliceret at tage stilling til. Men de involverede gavner
ikke DK og bør ikke have opholdstilladelse her

Patruljen (15-08-2011)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 15-08-11 03:32

On 14 Aug., 23:41, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 13:03:40 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
> > Regi: Nissim Mossek, Israel 2007. 80 min. Engelsk text.
> > Torsdag d. 18. august kl. 19.30 i Cafeen,
> > Verdenskulturcentret, Nørre Alle 7, Kbh. N
> > Ezra Nawi, som filmen handler om, vil være til stede for at
> > introducere filmen, og han er parat til en debat efter filmen. Ezra
> > Nawi har været på turné i Sverige og afslutter med et besøg i
> > København. Debatten foregår med tolkning til dansk.
> >http://www.imdb.com/title/tt10​92055/
> > Citizen Nawi" tells the story of Ezra Nawi, the driving force behind
> > the protection of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills who regularly
> > face attacks from their Jewish settler neighbors. The South Hebron
> > Hills have recently turned into the "wild west," where the strong rule
> > and the weak are silenced. Nawi works to change this situation. He
> > embraces the necessary fights and arrests, assists in the Arab olive
> > harvest and in digging wells, and also organizes day camps for the
> > Arab children. Ezra has committed himself to the cause of the South
> > Hebron cave dwellers. Saving them has become an essential part of his
> > life.
> >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hpGYtm9kd0
> > Free Gaza Danmark
> Det er ofte to sider af samme sag og det er der også mht den beskrivelse
> som hæftes på Ezra Nawi.
> Ezra Nawi and an Irish Scandal: A praised Guardian “activist” is now not so
> praiseworthy
> "In Ireland, a scandal has erupted because it turns out that a gay Irish
> politician named Senator David Norris, who is (or perhaps now we should
> say, was)  running for the presidency of Ireland, had Ezra Nawi as his
> partner for 30 years  and intervened in an earlier court case brought
> against Nawi in 1992. In that case, Nawi was convicted of the statutory
> rape of a 15-year old boy.  According to the Daily Mail report:"
> Artikkel her :http://cifwatch.com/2011/08/03/a-praised-guardian-favorite-is-not-so-...

Ja. Artiklen er umiddelbart interessant. Der er blot den lille
detalje, at der øjensynligt ikke er tale om voldtægt som vi forstår
det. Manden blev idømt en måneds fængsels-straf. Men om sex med

Jeg vil spørge ham -

Bo Warming (15-08-2011)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 15-08-11 13:03

On Mon, 15 Aug 2011 02:32:14 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen
<Patruljen@yahoo.dk> wrote:

>On 14 Aug., 23:41, "E.Dalgas" <e....@live.dk> wrote:
>> On Sun, 14 Aug 2011 13:03:40 -0700 (PDT), Patruljen wrote:
>> > Regi: Nissim Mossek, Israel 2007. 80 min. Engelsk text.
>> > Torsdag d. 18. august kl. 19.30 i Cafeen,
>> > Verdenskulturcentret, Nørre Alle 7, Kbh. N
>> > Ezra Nawi, som filmen handler om, vil være til stede for at
>> > introducere filmen, og han er parat til en debat efter filmen. Ezra
>> > Nawi har været på turné i Sverige og afslutter med et besøg i
>> > København. Debatten foregår med tolkning til dansk.
>> >http://www.imdb.com/title/tt10?92055/
>> > Citizen Nawi" tells the story of Ezra Nawi, the driving force behind
>> > the protection of Palestinians in the South Hebron Hills who regularly
>> > face attacks from their Jewish settler neighbors. The South Hebron
>> > Hills have recently turned into the "wild west," where the strong rule
>> > and the weak are silenced. Nawi works to change this situation. He
>> > embraces the necessary fights and arrests, assists in the Arab olive
>> > harvest and in digging wells, and also organizes day camps for the
>> > Arab children. Ezra has committed himself to the cause of the South
>> > Hebron cave dwellers. Saving them has become an essential part of his
>> > life.
>> >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hpGYtm9kd0
>> > Free Gaza Danmark
>> Det er ofte to sider af samme sag og det er der også mht den beskrivelse
>> som hæftes på Ezra Nawi.
>> Ezra Nawi and an Irish Scandal: A praised Guardian “activist” is now not so
>> praiseworthy
>> "In Ireland, a scandal has erupted because it turns out that a gay Irish
>> politician named Senator David Norris, who is (or perhaps now we should
>> say, was)  running for the presidency of Ireland, had Ezra Nawi as his
>> partner for 30 years  and intervened in an earlier court case brought
>> against Nawi in 1992. In that case, Nawi was convicted of the statutory
>> rape of a 15-year old boy.  According to the Daily Mail report:"
>> Artikkel her :http://cifwatch.com/2011/08/03/a-praised-guardian-favorite-is-not-so-...
>Ja. Artiklen er umiddelbart interessant. Der er blot den lille
>detalje, at der øjensynligt ikke er tale om voldtægt som vi forstår
>det. Manden blev idømt en måneds fængsels-straf. Men om sex med
>Jeg vil spørge ham -

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