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(rev 2.6) (True Science examines Religion)~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 08-04-11 05:01

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Is the Koran (Qur'an) 'halal' (pure)? - Criminal Acts on Muslims - WE
are the ones ending the Muslim war - (True Science examines Religion)

14 October 2010
{HRI 20101014-V2.6}

(Version 2.6
on 8 Apr 2011)

(to gain an overview,
skip indented text)

(suits foreign
language readers)


' ... and THEN a "prophet" tells you "what God wants,"
in order TO REPLACE YOUR CONSCIENCE, and thereby
to destroy you and the society.'



The prophet denies your conscience (and with it, the nature of
your soul) and demands it to be REPLACED, by "what God wants"
- by "what God told ONLY HIM, the prophet."

Thus the prophet DISCONNECTS you from yourself and from your
conscience, AND from God*

- and he replaces it, with what he himself wants, and
calls that (his blasphemy and his Extremely Ugly and
deadly lies, he calls that) then "holy," and "from God,"
and yes, "the last word from God," and "beautiful" even,

calling it so, in order to PREVENT you from even
examining it

...and so to keep up forever, that old and worn-out
trick of the Supremely Evil,* on you. (see '(ODE)' in
the References, below)



'Everyone has the right, audibly or visually to
communicate constructively - and in an educated,
or informed, or observing way - to others and
to the society, about any matter and about any
person; and doing so, will by its very nature
offend some individuals and some, possibly even
large, groups.'

The First Correct Human Rights Declaration
ARTICLE TWO - {HRD-02 20100102-V1.5} *



Islam is a political "culture," invented and set up by a sociopath
(the prophet), and is undermining and destroying Civilization.

Civilization is defined as civilized life - natural, caring,
loving, beautiful and truthful life between and for people - *


which you know of, because it is a native part of your soul, and
known to your conscience,*

BUT NOT TO Criminal Minds (like sociopaths),*

who have - as opposed to you - a REVERSE conscience, and

usually enforced as 'brotherhood' (Arabic: 'Umma'),

based on THEIR nature, which is insidious or open hate,
with lies and ugliness, but masked as the opposite,*

and they are DESTROYING caring, loving, beautiful and
truthful Life with others,

including of course the abundance of life that takes place
between the genders of life, between male and female. *

{extended definition}



The Koran (Qur'an) is a book that consists ONLY of blasphemous,
psychotic gibberish and lies

- extremely OFFENSIVE it is, to God* -

and, mostly it is very HARMFULLY psychotic, too,

and it stems from a severely Criminal Mind (from a sociopath)
who was called Mohamed or Mahomad ('pbfuh') (Mohammed or
Mahommad) ('peace be finally upon him'). *



To regard it - the psychotic gibberish that makes up all of the
Koran (Qur'an) - as "holy," (let alone to memorize all of it, as

and also, to believe ANY of it,

IS a Criminal Act on yourself;


and to teach it to CHILDREN, is a Criminal Act on children,

as it (teaching the Qur'an AS IF IT IS NOT BLASPHEMY) intends
to drive also these (children, and adults alike) psychotic, and

leaves them socially and 'sacksually,' spiritually crippled, as
one can easily observe. *


Imams ("teachers" of Islam) thus - by the definition of Life itself -
ARE psychotic by profession and education. *

And as we know, there are indeed many, who chose the position
because of the nature of their own soul: those who have proven
to be actual sociopaths, indeed;*

and we see also now, that countries "governed by Islam" are bent
on self-destruction - on the destruction of their own people,
and on the destruction of other countries as well:

OPPOSED TO or DENYING genuine Love, true Beauty, and
actual Truth - which are however vital to Life - but

which are SHUNNED, opposed and denied by sociopaths.




So here it comes (which you can understand, and 'see coming,'
from the above):


It is a Criminal Act ON MUSLIMS, and on the general society, to NOT
inform* Muslims - especially children born into Islam - (to NOT
educate) them about the nature of their "religion," and,

about the sociopathic nature of its "prophet" and of its "holy book."


Islam - that is, in particular its Koran (Qur'an) - KNOWS NOTHING
ABOUT LIFE,* AND "knows" almost all WRONGLY about Life. *

But what else do you expect from a severe sociopath, "prophet"
Mahommad (pbfuh),

AND of those, who accept him, and enforce him on others, "as a
good person," "with knowledge of God," and as "a prophet:"

All Insanity is CAUSED by the (inflicted) inability or
refusal, to recognize and face Criminal Minds (like
sociopaths). That causatively DEFINES Insanity.

{definition by cause}


Islam - that is, in particular its Koran (Qur'an) - KNOWS NOTHING
ABOUT LIFE, AND "it knows" almost all WRONGLY about Life,*

AND it does enforce a known sociopath (the "prophet" Mahommad) onto
the society, and it teaches a vast amount of his very intense Evil,
to the society.

Inflicting that on others, is a SEVERELY Criminal Act on people, and
much more so, on Life and on Civilization.

The term 'Religious Freedom' does not apply in any sense
whatsoever, to that. (See the Human Rights Issue of the same
Title.) *

One can also not extend Religious Freedom, to a group that
OPPOSES, that takes away and that punishes Religious Freedom,

just the same, as one can not extend Democratic Rights to
a group, that OPPOSES AND DESTROYS Democratic Rights.

This takes some courage, of course: TO DEFEND these Democratic
Rights, this Religious Freedom,

defending it in this case against a Muslim group or culture,
tribe or family, that OPPOSES Religious Freedom and that OPPOSES
Democratic Rights.



The concept of Religious Freedom is DENIED by Islam, and is OPPOSED
on penalty of death, BY (the "prophet" of) Islam.

OF COURSE he does, otherwise people would never flock to him,
and certainly not stay with him:

He NEEDS other sociopaths, to punish and destroy those,
who DO claim freedom of thought and of association and
of expression, and of life between people male and female.

Also, religious freedom was meant, to make people NOT start a
fight - who for instance, would not talk to each other

"because their own group BELIEVED, that 'Christ was hung
on the front side of the cross,' while the other, rivaling
group, BELIEVED, that 'he was hung on the back side of the

You get the idea.

Following and worshiping A SOCIOPATH however, CAN NEVER FALL UNDER





Correct data about Life abound, and can be found within your

(by those who are not a sociopath AND are not supporting the
Energies of sociopaths - then correct data about Life can be

felt, sensed, within your soul which contains your conscience,


To feel, sense and know, what is right and wrong and true or
false. *

Sociopaths REPLACE that, your conscience, with rules,
with dogmas and with - preferably "divine," "universal"
or "cosmic" - doctrines and theories,

IN ORDER TO HIDE THE PRESENCE - or existence even - OF
CRIMINAL MINDS (individuals like sociopaths).




So, what is the case here: Nullifying your conscience, your very


FIRST a "prophet" DENIES that quality of you - of your soul, of the
soul of normal people (who are not sociopaths and who are not
supporting sociopaths) - first a "prophet" DENIES, or IGNORES, THAT
you have, and that (excepting sociopaths) anyone has a conscience,

and THEN a "prophet" tells you, "what God wants," TO REPLACE YOUR
CONSCIENCE and to thus destroy you and the society.


INTENTIONALLY and MALICIOUSLY, very destructively to you and
to the society,

the sociopath "prophet" comes TO DENY the conscience that people
do very well have - that you have natively, and that is a 'God-
given' part of the soul of people who are not sociopaths,

- sociopaths, like this "prophet" HIMSELF, having
NO CONSCIENCE (a reverse conscience, actually) -

he DENIES, that you have a conscience (a feeling, sensing
and knowing what is good and evil),*


and then the sociopath, the "prophet," REPLACES the natural,
'God-given' conscience of people,

with, what HE claims, "THAT God WANTS" of you.

So he DENIES God,* and places himself - his extreme HATE
of people - BETWEEN people and God. *


Yes, he, the sociopath "prophet," even tells you, that "God is
talking," (and only to him, at that), and, that "God is judging,
revenging, punishing, etc.," (but tells it to him ONLY, at that),

and also thereby the sociopath, the blasphemist "prophet,"
Mahomad or Mohamed,

is DENYING and OPPOSING the very nature of God,* and

is committing severe BLASPHEMY.


And THEN other sociopaths

- sociopaths all protect each other, on a spiritual level, and

to make you blind and to make you accept and worship these,
sociopaths, Criminal Minds,

to make you consider these to be ABOVE YOU (as you consider
sociopaths who determine current "science,"* to be "senior to
you" and accepted, to 'tell you what to do or think') -

other sociopaths, supporting each other and wanting to be seen
by you as being "above you," they then

make that BLASPHEMY into law, as is the case in countries driven to
Insanity by that "prophet,"

and then they publicly - "by law" - are murdering people "for having
committed blasphemy,"

suddenly murder "is legal and necessary, and demanded by
God," exactly as any sociopath wishes it,

"legally" being allowed or demanded to murder caring and
sane and responsible people,

or to harass and imprison these, which in this case,
actually amounts to spiritual murder,

but you can not face spiritual murder, what that is
and what it is not, so we give an example of what
you can more easily recognize, which is

someone committing physical murder on others, "by Islamic

yes, even for refusing to teach the Koran to their children,
would you believe it, *[see External Reference]

publicly murdering or imprisoning decent and caring, responsible
people - the very ones, that are most valuable to the society,
and who DO point out - or refuse to comply with - the ACTUAL

Well, what ELSE do you expect of Criminal Minds?

Criminal Minds, sociopaths, do have all - and do WANT others to
have all - perceived, felt and acted upon ...IN REVERSE. *(a)





It is time, to END that Evil game on Earth. It is time, to FREE
people from the SPIRITUAL and POLITICAL oppression, that is Islam

that is personified by its "prophet" and sanctioned by his "holy,"
and wholly psychotic, gibberish that is collected and called the
Koran (Qur'an, Quran).



It is a very simple "war:"

of Truth* - versus Lies,

of Good - versus Evil,*

of free, decent and caring, responsible people

- VERSUS Criminal Minds, including those who have
been made into followers and supporters of the
ideas and intentions of Criminal Minds (of



Criminal Minds have everything in REVERSE, as you see it in the
Islamic State of Iran,

THEY do promote and follow, the very OPPOSITE of

as THEIR "war" - pretended to be 'for final "peace",'

for a fictitious "Islamic Brotherhood," where
Criminal Minds (Khamenei, Ahmadinejad and Nasrallah
- as their latest global Islamic propaganda film
[20110405] states, where these)

are "divinely" destined by Islamic scripture, to be
in charge of the whole world,

and 'that may have to be "achieved" by AN ACT OF UNIVERSAL

(a "peace" such as is fought for, by people
promoting and implementing communism or fascism,

- and which they did try to implement, to the
torturous death of millions, and

to the destruction of themselves too,
which they do not mind either:


and they promote, that,

after the Arab King of Sunni Islam has died,

they, the Shi'ite Islamists of Iran, of Syria, of
Gaza and of Lebanon,

"must destroy Israel and occupy the whole of the
Middle East,"

after putting the above-mentioned sociopathic
Islamic "leaders"* in charge of all,

by means of "divinely ordered" destructive war, to
"achieve" - just as in fascism and communism - a
fake "peace,"

to unite all Islamic sects in an 'Umma' - a
"brotherhood" to HIDE Sociopaths and put these
in charge to fight against the "common Enemy,"
against the free world,

because in the Sociopath's mind, ONLY
submission and domination and agreeing to
be dominated, and enforcing domination,

in this case as ordered by the Sociopath
author of the "holy" Koran (Qu'ran),

"total domination of all people is vitally

in order to achieve

a fake "peace" - violating as it does (and being in fact the
OPPOSITE of) the very Definition of Peace (DOP)* itself -

a fake "peace," a "feeling of peace," in which everyone must
have submitted to a great "brotherhood,"

to the Islamic 'Umma,' in this case,*

LED BY CRIMINAL MINDS, in an 'Islamic Council,' (by sociopaths)

who are THEN the revered, worshiped individuals, who are
holding power and who are REVERSING Good and Evil,*

"because God wants it"

- according to the sociopaths, that is -

supporting the main sociopath and self-proclaimed
"last prophet" Mahomad or Mohamed (Mohammed)(pbfuh),

"the last one 'God ever talked to'."






It is time, that you start to look through that ENDLESS "game" of Evil
being played, on Earth

- the endless repetition of aggressive war upon aggressive war -
(see HRI 'The Nature of War' and 'The First International Law')

and it is time, that you begin to recognize Criminal Minds (like
sociopaths, or "well-adjusted" Sociopaths), and it is time for you

(well, when was it NOT time, for you, but now you have again
the required knowledge that forces you to face Criminal Minds
and their Evil, knowledge that forces you

to get out of 'being "happily" hypnotized' into letting the
destruction of (your) Life have its way - now it is time

to climb out - instead of staying hypnotized in - your Energetic
'Comfort Zone,' to push yourself out of it)

to understand the very simple but most uncomfortable fact, that there
are many individuals

- and, at that, highly intelligent and forceful, but entirely
Evil* individuals capable of giving and of demanding great
Admiration -

who have a REVERSE Conscience (who are Criminal Minds, who are
"well-adjusted" Sociopaths),

in fact, there are AT LEAST some sixty million of them alive on

and many are "well-adjusted," socially highly adapted and
capable enough to get in charge politically, or in science or
in religion or in any arts,

but inwardly they have no greater JOY than to SUCCEED in
destroying all civilized joy of life on Earth,

and instead to turn life into a total dictatorship, at best,
where one is not allowed to recognize them, and

where THEY (Sociopaths) are "the leaders" and where THESE
dictate "the law," as is the case in various countries on Earth
still, currently, and of course in the past.

Look in your history books, or in the Human Rights Issues describing
that condition of 'Criminal Minds being in charge.'

And 'for God's sake' teach all journalists - ALSO when you are the
head of a Journalist Association - you do have that responsibility. *
(see 'The Introduction to Journalism Course' {IJC})



As an example, I have recently pointed out - ONCE AGAIN - that
Hu Jintao and his predecessors Jiang Zemin and Mao Zedong, ARE
sociopaths. *

(See also the 1993 book by the truly great historian and
journalist Harrison Salisbury, on the actual nature of Mao

'The New Emperors: China in the Era of Mao and Deng,'

and the marvelous woman Jung Chang's book 'Wild Swans:
Three Daughters of China,' on the Chinese "Revolution,"

as well.)


Are you - and are the Chinese - acting on that knowledge?

Are you broadcasting - if only already with your thoughts (with
your ENERGY) to others - THAT KNOWLEDGE, which PREVENTS WAR, and

that returns decency to the Chinese?


And, are you relating the current oppression of decent, caring
people in China - are you assigning that to the sociopath Hu

(his oppression of "Dissidents" as they are called in
current journalism, instead of being called what they ARE:

'the most decent, the most caring, the most responsible
people' of the country (of China, in this case)

- "dissidents" who are actively and forcefully PREVENTED
from caring for people, blocked due to the oppression
of a country by its sociopaths.)

Do you bring that in connection with China's sociopath
Hu Jintao?


Sociopaths do not 'tear down walls' (between East and West
Germany, in Berlin), or respond to 'the spirit and intention
of the Olympic Games,'

so you can wait forever for that "development" by sociopaths:


But Russia's Gorbachev - indeed tearing down the Berlin
Wall, twenty years ago - is NOT a sociopath, is NOT a
Criminal Mind, even though he can not understand the
Definition of Peace (which I is translated into Russian,
by the way).





By looking into your soul, I have defined various parts of Life and
the nature of Life

- something that Jesus Christ unfortunately failed miserably to
do, despite his somewhat God-like abilities, as 'God' was
"defined" in those days,

or maybe it was for himself "not needing" to understand
people and Life,

BECAUSE of his abilities (to create physical copies
of objects and of life forms, including copies of a
human body*) - vast abilities that on Earth however,
only he himself had,

and because he had no purpose for understanding
people nor life on Earth,

but came here to be punished, "to improve his
character," and,

while groveling for

- something that ALSO certainly did not
improve his character -

and fawning upon his father who resides on
some undisclosed planet, and who demanded of
Jesus Christ to agree to being punished,

and being so indoctrinated AGAINST understanding
the prevailing conditions of Life on Earth, and of
whom he regarded to be his father, so it was,

that Jesus Christ failed miserably even to recognize the

to understand people on Earth, and to DEFINE the nature of Life
and the various parts of it - of, in particular, such conditions
as prevail unchecked, on Earth - * (but)


I have defined, by looking into your soul, various parts
of Life and the nature of Life

- in particular as it is vital to (and which forms
the basic knowledge required to) a Life on Earth -

definitions of Life, that you can check and observe YOURSELF, that
you do feel, and work with

- ALL THE TIME, because it IS Life -

given in the Human Rights Issues (including Fine Particle Physics).


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34



(a) Now go and ask some journalists - maybe ask Christopher Bodeen
(Associated Press writer), or any other above-average journalist

Criminal Minds, "well-adjusted" sociopaths, do have
all - and do WANT others to regard all - IN REVERSE.

And, if you want to feel, how caring, how responsible and how
intelligent you actually are yourself (if not hypnotized),

then create the Energy to send this Human Rights Issue to (many)
journalists, and to other professionals,

because - as you might have easily guessed - I do not have the
time or personnel for that, currently.



(*) Currently, you will have to look under References, below.


'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and
Preamble' (HRD-2)
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.5}
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.5 on 8 Jul 2010)


'Religious Freedom - (Definition for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-3-V1.3}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 3 - Version 1.3 on 8 Dec 2009)


'Definition Of Religion - (for Human Rights enforcement)'
{HRI 20030407-2-V1.0}
(7 April 2003 - Issue 2)


'Definition of Peace' (DOP)
(First workable Definition of Peace)
{HRI 20070520-V3.8.1.1-t}
(20 May 2007 - Version on 20 May 2010)


'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)


'Definition of Justice' (DOJ)
{HRI 20070817-V2.1.1}
(17 August 2007 - Version 2.1.1 on 9 July 2008)


'Very Superior Knowledge - the Human Rights Issues and you -
Observations and Conclusions' (VSK)
{HRI 20100728-V1.2}
(28 July 2010 - Version 1.2 on 24 Aug 2010)


'Proof: The Holy Quran (Koran) in all its lines, is Blasphemy
only - Islam KNOWS NOTHING about life, and ALL its claims are
FALSE - (incl. Definition of Blasphemy)'
{HRI 20100718-V1.4}
(18 July 2010 - Version 1.4 on 11 Aug 2010)


'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.1} (IWBA)
(12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 19 Aug 2010)


'Islam: "Kill any American because they burn the Quran" -
Islam will be abolished in the process of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI note 20100909-V1.1}
(9 September 2010 - Version 1.1 on 11 Sept 2010)


'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
{HRI 20080402-V3.3.1}
(2 April 2008 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Nov 2009)


'A Simple Definition of Criminal Mind' (SDCM)
{HRI 20100928-V2.2}
(28 September 2010 - Version 2.2 on 3 Oct 2010)


'Elaboration and Proof, on the Royal Society's famous sociopath,
Stephen Hawking, with his ENTIRELY FALSE "Physics" '
{FPP Note 20091204-II-V1.0.1-A}
(4 December 2009 - Addition V1.0.1-A on 6 Dec 2009)


'Honest Dutch culture versus Islam: Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas)
versus "prophet" Mohammed (Mahommad)'
{HRI note 20100919-V1.1}
(19 September 2010 - Version 1.1 on 19 Sept 2010)


' 'Trapped by Allah:' The Muslim True Believers'
{HRI 20100121-V1.2.1}
(21 January 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 27 Jan 2010)


'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)


'First International Law on Islamic countries -
Fatwa (Islamic Decision) on some known Islamic demons:
Saddam Hussein, Khomeini, Yasser Arafat, Khamenei,
Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad, Muqtada al-Sadr,
Manouchehr Mottaki, Nasrallah, Haniyeh, Meshaal, Kadafi
(Qadaffi), Omar al-Bashir, Mahathir Mohamad, Erdogan' (Fatwa)
{HRI 20070223-V3.2.3}
(23 February 2007 - Version 3.2.3 on 2 Jun 2010)


'EXPOSING evil in Islam: Exposing Hate, IS THE OPPOSITE of
'Inciting to Hate' - but Criminal Minds have everything
in reverse - 'Fitna' and 'Obsession,' the movies'
{HRI 20080402-V3.3.1}
(2 April 2008 - Version 3.3.1 on 7 Nov 2009)


'The First Law of Human Rights' (FLOHR)
{HRI 20060601-V3.5}
(1 June 2006 - Version 3.5 on 11 Dec 2008)


'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)


'True Love ...Loves - Sex In Any Religion and Definition of Sex'
{HRI 20060521-V2.0.2}
(21 May 2006 - Version V2.0.2 on 26 March 2007)
'True Love Loves - 'Sacks' In Any Religion, and Definition
of 'Sacks' '
{HRI 20060521-V2.1-UAA}
(21 May 2006 - Version 2.1-UAA on 26 March 2007)


'Koos Nolst Trenite Anecdotes - Intending others to be decent
to each other - What is 'Zero Tolerance' actually'
{HRI 20060305-V2.5} (ZTA)
(5 March 2006 - Issued 7 Dec 2007 - Version 2.5 on 8 Dec 2008)


'How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed
and Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of
Truth' (JVDT)
{HRI 20081026-V2.9.5}
(26 October 2008 - Version 2.9.5 on 2 Nov 2008)


'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)

(and further as applicable)


'The Origin Of Veiling The Women In Islam And Its Present Role'
Author: Dr. R. Brahmachari
Thursday, January 03, 2008


'Pastor Youcef was arrested in October 2009, after protesting a
decision by the Iran government requiring that his son study
the Quran.'

... /iran-pastor-sentenced-to-death/442618356273


(and further as applicable)



Copyright 2010-2011 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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