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Problemer i Malaysia
Fra : kk

Dato : 21-03-11 09:15

Det følgende har jeg modtaget d.d. fra en ven og kollega, indbygger i
Malaysia og muslim. Han er ked af udviklingen, og er så venlig at holde
mig orienteret om kontroversielle spørgsmål.
Jeg ved ikke rigtig, hvad jeg skal mene om det idet jeg ikke er den
store religionsdyrker, men dog et kristent menneske:

Bishop Ng Moon Hing
Thursday, 17 March 2011 16:55

The Christian community in Malaysia is deeply hurt that the Government
has desecrated and defaced the Bible.
Initial news that the Government had agreed to release copies of the
Bible in Bahasa Malaysia which had been impounded in both Port Klang
and Kuching was greeted with joy.
However, this joy soon turned into grief and mourning when it was
discovered that the release was subject to certain conditions.
Each copy has to be stamped with a serial number, the official seal of
the relevant department of the Bahagian Kawalan Penerbitan Dan Teks
Al-Quran, and the words "by order of the Minister of Home Affairs".
This means that the Bahasa Malaysia Bible is now treated as a
restricted item, and the Word of God has been made subject to the
control of man. This is wholly offensive to Christians.
Any person who respects the Holy Scriptures of any religion would be
appalled by this action.
The Christian community in Malaysia has always acted in good faith and
with great patience to find amicable solutions without compromising our
fundamental beliefs. But that good faith has not been reciprocated by
the Government. It is the Government that has moved the "goal posts"
over the years through a systematic imposition of unreasonable
conditions and restrictions.
We have never agreed to any wording to be endorsed on Bibles to say
that it is only for Christians. The 1982 order issued under the
Internal Security Act 1960 did not state that any form of words had to
be endorsed on any copy of the Bible in Bahasa Malaysia.
The latest letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs dated 15 March 2011
is therefore a set of new conditions imposed on the release of the
impounded Bibles which is wholly unacceptable to us. We will never
accede to any desecration of the Bible since the Word of God to us is
We also wholly reject the Government’s contention that the Bible in
Bahasa Malaysia is prejudicial to the national interest and security of
Malaysia, and treated as a subversive publication.
As Christians we wonder how our Holy Scriptures can become a national
security threat where countless number of us find it helpful in
bringing hope and healing to broken lives and homes which we can
testify to. Besides it commands us to be better citizens of our beloved
We therefore insist that the Government withdraw the conditions imposed
on the release of the Bibles impounded in Port Klang and Kuching. Given
that copies may already have been endorsed, we will NOT take delivery
of those endorsed copies.
We call on all Malaysians, from Semenanjung and in Sabah and Sarawak,
and from all walks of life, to come together in unity to reject any
attempt to restrict the freedom of religion in our beloved country.
We invite all Christians in Malaysia to remain calm and to continue to
pray for a dignified and respectful resolution of this issue. As Sunday
20 March 2011 marks the 2nd anniversary of the impounding of the Bibles
at Port Klang, we call on all those in Malaysia and elsewhere to
dedicate themselves to a day of prayer and quiet reflection.
Bishop Ng Moon Hing
Chairman and the Executive Committee,
Christian Federation of Malaysia
(The views expressed above are strictly that of the author and does not
in any way represent the opinion of Malaysian Mirror


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