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On Christmas Eve - PEACE not in Heaven, bu~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 24-12-10 16:18

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PEACE not in Heaven, but ON EARTH: (with many correct, extensive

Please look at the Extreme, "Impenetrable" - Blinding, Hypnotizing
and Vampiring - Ugliness Energies of Satan (current alias l. ron
hubbard, of 'Scientology' infamy)

24 December 2010
{HRI 20101224-V1.0}
{FPP 20101224-V1.0}

(the value of this, and of
any Human Rights Issue, or
Fine Particle Physics Issue,
to Mankind, is far beyond
anything written before)

(Christmas Eve)



To create Peace - not in Heaven, but on Earth, and - for all of us who
want it and very naturally deserve it:


Please look at the Extreme, "Impenetrable" Ugliness

- the Blinding, Hypnotizing and Vampiring -

Ugliness Energies of the individual who HAS MOST MOST OPPOSED
and who (also currently, and deceptively) most opposes

Love, Beauty, and Truth,

the very pillars of Science itself,

being Love, Beauty, and Truth,

forming the Trinity of Science,

Science being OPPOSED by Hate, Ugliness and Lies,


so please look at Extreme, "Impenetrable" Ugliness,

that is most destructive to Mankind's past and future:

the Extreme, 'Impenetrable' Ugliness Energies of l. ron hubbard
(alias Satan, and currently of 'Scientology' infamy)


and you will not only assist yourself, and your true friends and true
family, and Mankind too, but

you will also assist me in my job to assist you and Mankind to
build an acceptable, civilized future - 'not "in Heaven," etc., but -
on Earth.




Remember (keep in mind), that 'Truth is absolute,'

- Truth is 'That what actually happened, plus who
caused what of it, and with what intentions' -


and while Life on Earth can only be truly pleasant

- and extremely joyful till the very end of your body's
days -

IF and of course ONLY IF existing Ugliness, and

ONLY IF any open or rather hidden intentions of individuals, to
be Ugly,


Life being truly pleasant and joyful, does require that looking
from you:




(definitions - after a life time of very intense research in this
subject - by the, by far most Intelligent, most Beautiful, and
most Loving person on Earth and beyond - by me)


Extreme = 'When looked at AS IT REALLY IS (Truth being absolute), it
will make considerable improvements in personal and in
general health, intelligence, awareness, sanity and peace,

restoring as that looking of yours does, in yourself
and in others, (your looking at Extreme Ugliness as
it really is and who created it, looking at that) is
getting back to you AND to others) the command over
own Life Energies

that were corrupted or hidden or taken
from you

(perception, sensing, feeling, memories,
intelligence, abilities, Joy of Life, etc.

are all Life Energies, and are Particles,
which thus can have been taken away (vampired)
and can have been misused, hidden, etc.).'

That is why it is called 'Extreme.'


Impenetrable = 'Ugliness Energy Particles, with Unconsciousness
Energy Particles, with Drugging Energy Particles,
with their foundation of Hate Energy Particles

are making things and are used by individuals to
make themselves and their nature and intentions

IMPENETRABLE to sense, to 'look through,' to
correctly feel as it is or to perceive these
individuals as they are really,

including their intentions for the future,
and including what they have inflicted and
intended in the past, on you and on others.'


Blinding = 'Making it impossible to look at the Ugly Energies and at
who - the individual who - created and inflicts these.

The "Impenetrable" Energies (mentioned above, under
'Impenetrable' - these) are COVERED with

(they GIVE you the perception, sensing or feelings

Beauty and Love and Truth ENERGY Particles

that thus are used by such individuals, to DECEIVE
and HIDE the "Impenetrable" Life Energies (described


Hypnotizing = ....

Hypnotist: A forceful and deceptive, (as such) undetected
manipulator of the perceptional, feeling- and
emotional and computational Life Energies in
others (in you )- including in the dreams of
others (of you)


Vampiring = 'Parts of your Life Energy (such as for awareness and
for feeling and abilities and Joy about taking part
in Life, etc.) being smashed, pulled or sucked away
by someone (incarnate or disincarnate), by means of
the Deception and Force of (Harmfully Altered) Life
Energy Particles of the attacking individuals.

All dictators, and all ("well-adjusted") sociopaths,
are Life Energy Vampires on others, on you, too.

Life Energy Vampires are covering for each other,
and are vehemently HIDING their activity and the
nature of Life itself,

because - as is known from Demonology - determining
correctly (Truth is absolute, remember?) WHO,

which individual dead or alive (disincarnate
or incarnate), created and WHO

inflicted the Harmful, Vampiring Energy Particles.

Medical "science" HIDES the nature of Life, itself,
and thus hides the very cause in any case of lack of
resistance to diseases (also to parasites).'


l. ron hubbard (alias Satan, and currently of 'Scientology') =

l. ron hubbard is currently the only individual, who has a
permanent Human Rights Order on him, based on all his past,
present and intended activities,

since he decided 'to go against The Creation,' and to design
the various Harmfully Altered Life Energies (see under 'Extreme'
and 'Impenetrable,' above) and to capture and mutilate souls to
destroy their Beauty and their desire to enjoy Life.

l. ron hubbard (alias Satan) CREATED the indelible condition in
others, in their soul, that we know and can describe as ("well-
adjusted") sociopathy. *()

He is currently also very active as a spirit disincarnate, or
demon, to project his Harmful Energies and to Vampire on others.


Satan = See under 'l. ron hubbard,' above. *()

His followers, those he made*() into sociopaths, have been
responsible for such concepts as

to hide that he, Satan, is an individual, and for
such ideas as

"Evil is necessary" (meaning, sociopaths are "necessary" in
the society, AND they and their action shave to be hidden)

- "in order to grow," "in order to appreciate good," "in
order to create," "in order to bring about progress in
the society," even "in order to develop logical
thinking," etc.. *()


'Scientology' = A self-perpetuating method developed by Satan (by
l. ron hubbard) PRIMARILY to hide himself, and other
"befriended" sociopaths, from discovery, *()

and to provide the Deception necessary in order to
Vampire on the Life Energy of others without that
these know or would protest, or be able to oppose
too strongly, and to provide victims (including you)

who instead will blame the resulting ailments
on themselves (on the condition of their own
mind "being bad" and affecting their body and
"needing repair," or on "the body being worn
out," etc. *()

- which is of course an idea, that by ITSELF
"confirms itself" with any bad condition,
that a Vampiring (that any sociopathic)
individual inflicts (that the individual
who originated and worked "to Destroy The
Creation," also inflicts, Satan, or l. ron
hubbard - now disincarnate). *()


Jesus Christ = Could but did not face and had NO DESIRE AND NO
PURPOSE in facing or even locating Satan, the
individual mentioned.

Neither did Jesus Christ have any desire or purpose
to create Peace on Earth, but - as he himself would
return to the planet with his father "in heaven,"
that he was so much propitiating to, AFTER having
agreed to undergo punishment by some sociopaths on
Earth - he, rather ego-centrically, would suggest
the same course of action to others, as well.

The capabilities of Jesus Christ were SO FAR
above what people on Earth are still capable
of, spiritually, that for anyone on Earth to
even THINK of being part of such a group

of spiritually still intensely powerful

as the group or 'family' that Jesus
Christ is part of and that he went back
to after the punishment, for whatever
"misdeeds" he may have committed in the
eyes of his father on his Heaven planet,

for anyone on Earth to believe to ALSO
become or be able to be part of such a
group, is preposterous,

regardless of the amount of prayer
or 'Following God's Commands' he
may have completed in how many
life times.

Jesus Christ was made to be born - to incarnate - on
Earth, *()

where someone who has the ability to create a
whole body in an instance, could also be
credited with creating the fertilization of
a human egg in a womb, of course,

their can be no further moral or other
significance of that fact, much like when
Jesus Christ copied, multiplied the bodies
of fishes for his poor fishermen friends to
catch, *()

which he also could have bestowed with
richness and with money for the poor,
had he wanted to,

but he came NOT to Earth to help others,
NOR to prevent wars, BUT to get back in
good standing with his father, to be
received again by his father after
punishment had been meted out to him,

under supervision of his father who sent "the Star
of Bethlehem," *() and some people dressed in White
Uniforms, to make sure he complied.

Jesus argued NOT "with Satan," but with his as yet
unlocated father, in an attempt to forego the public
punishment he was required to undergo. *()

And which then - as so much if not most of
what Jesus Christ kept hidden about himself,
and about Life in general - *()

was embellished by his friends and later on
by people bent on having an idol in Jesus
Christ, as "you also need to be punished for
all the things you know by your conscience
that you did wrong," "but Jesus Christ has
taken the punishment FOR YOU." *()

On the cross, Jesus then felt his father had in fact
actually abandoned him, and he expressed his anger
in creating natural phenomena such as a local
Earthquake - things which were all within his
capabilities to bring about, which included his
ability to create and repair a human body at a
distance, and to create objects such as bread and
wine.' *()


God = 'The Energies of Unlimited Beauty, Unlimited Truth, and
Unlimited Love *() - including

the Energy Particles from which Life and Matter have been
created by individuals who were still capable of using
those Energies (Pure Life Energy Particles), in order to
create all Life Forms and all Material Objects with. *()

God is NOT an individual, and does NOT talk, nor write,
nor command, act, punish or favor *()

- but individuals (PRETENDING to be "God," or to "speak
for" God) DO talk, command, and may act, punish or
favor if they are still having such spiritual abilities.

And some individual spirits (you also are a spirit) can

(they still have maintained the occasional ability to
create a real, living body or plant, or a real,
material object

and NOT just the idea or hypnotic image of it,
that Satan calls "The Creation," *()

but they still may have the ability, largely extinct
on Earth, since very long,

- and some mediums can "create matter and life
forms" which is NOT by connecting to The
Creation's pure and persistent 'Source' Life
Energy Particles, but done by using the
Life Energy Particles from a Living body,
called ectoplasm - *()

but some may still have, like Jesus Christ,
the REAL ability to connect that strongly to
the Source Energies of The Creation, to God,
in order permanently


create a Life Form or a Material Object out of the Life
Energy Particles of God (if defined correctly, as above),

the Energy that is the Source of creating - well -
creating The Creation, of course, *()

including all its chemical elements, its stars
and planets (galaxies full of these),

created over very long periods of time,

created for Life Forms to live,

and creating Life Forms on these planets,

as some spirits can or could do it,

such as Jesus Christ could do it, to some very
limited extent,

who did create a very few copies of actual, living
Life Forms, like fish, birds, human bodies or parts
thereof, and actual Material Objects, *()

and most notably but deceptively - distastefully
for misleading, and misusing the emotions of, his
friends and disciples - hiding the actuality:

of him creating a copy of his own body which
he then let be tortured and crucified, *()

and that copy-body of himself, *() he later
dissolved again, to disappear from the grave,

and then made it appear again "out of nowhere,"
amongst his Disciple friends, *()

confusing the poor, unbelieving Disciple
Thomas even further,

and then dissolving his copy-body again "into thin
air," and going back,

at some undetermined time thereafter, no doubt
to his father,

the individual who apparently had forced him,
whom we know as Jesus Christ, to let himself
be punished on Earth, *()

for crimes undisclosed to us also by
Jesus Christ himself. *()

The mystery Jesus created and maintained, that lived
throughout centuries, the - rather deliberate - lies
about himself and about his father,

also the lies about the nature of life, and about
life after death,

that I now, after suffering these for two
thousand years to my considerable detriment,*

the mystery Jesus Christ created about
the reasons for his stay on Earth, about
himself, about his father, about heaven,
and concerning his death and following

is reprehensible and has led to much destructive
confusion in the very best people, and

has led to strife and to even more confusing
"religions," based thereon.'





For you to create PEACE, not in Heaven, but ON EARTH, you need of
course, to know what is going on, *()

WHO causes suffering, and HOW they inflict it, and their
nature, *()

and that is why I began studying, not "to earn a good

- first I studied physics the way it was made
available in University -

and from the sane science branch of physics called
Thermodynamics, which deals correctly with
particles -

studying driven by my Love for people only, and guided by my
extraordinary Intelligence and with my ability to hold on to
truth discovered, and very necessarily protected spiritually,
by my unparalleled Beauty,

I started to learn about Life Energy Particles, and about Life
itself, and about those who OPPOSE and DESTROY such studies and
such students "who discover and pursue what needs to be known
and also needs to be understood,"

I started to learn as occasioned by whoever's failure to stop
the Second World War, from which I felt and concluded, that

destruction of love and infliction of despair,

handle Earth and its people,

else they WOULD have prevented it, and no one obviously

so I set out to dig out the deception, to undo the opposition,
and to acquire the knowledge, *()

driven as I was and am - and will be - by my Intense Love for you.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


*() As indicated in the text.
See under References, for now.


(HRI's about, or titled as)

Not WHY, but WHO

Trinity of Science

KNT Anecdotes

Genuine Art

Definition of Sanity

Insane Defined

What is Being in the Present

What is loneliness

Feeling Increase

Exhilarating Joy

HRO on Satan

Why look at Himmler

Defense against Demons like Hubbard

Scientologists REPLACING Jesus Christ

Defining God Correctly

Jesus Christ

(the more aware you are, the more you are aware of what you do NOT
know and can NOT do)

Penetrating Hindusim and Buddhism

Definition of Evil




Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

Koos Nolst Trenite (25-12-2010)
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 25-12-10 14:14

Link to Version 2.0, of Christmas Day, 25 December 2010

'PEACE not in Heaven, but ON EARTH: (with many correct, extensive
definitions) Please look at the Extreme, "Impenetrable"
- Blinding, Hypnotizing and Vampiring - Ugliness Energies of
Satan (current alias: l. ron hubbard, of 'Scientology' infamy)'
{HRI 20101224-V2.0}, {FPP 20101224-V2.0}
(24 December 2010 - Version 2.0 on 25 Dec 2010)

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