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(rev 2.2) The Exhilarating (but Evil) JOY,~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 24-11-10 08:36

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The Exhilarating (but Evil) JOY, of NOT facing Intense Evil
(sociopaths, like dictators, and demons - deceased sociopaths -
like l. ron hubbard)

18 November 2010
Issue II
{HRI 20101118-II-V2.2}

(Version 2.2
on 24 Nov 2010)

Already from this Human
Rights Issue, you can guess,
what the THIRD ARTICLE of
the Correct Human Rights
Declaration is. **


There is the Exhilarating, Extreme - but Evil* - JOY of NOT facing

Evil is caused (and is also hidden) by sociopaths,

sociopaths in general, including the charismatic type - or
also less clever - dictators,

and including sociopaths when they are deceased, then
commonly called a demon, indeed because their inflictions
do NOT suddenly stop when their body dies, and their
condition is incurable.



Here, we look at the EXHILARATION of NOT FACING EVIL, with the example
of what is or can be seen, as spiritually the most Evil individual
on Earth,

we look at the exhilaration and (Evil) JOY of not facing

(the Intense, Past and Present and Future Evil, of) *(R1)

the demon, the deceased l. ron hubbard.


It is a kind of 'disconnecting from Evil,' which produces exhilaration
(until it manages to strike at you, of course).



Then there is the MUCH BIGGER Exhilaration and Extreme JOY,

of NOT ONLY, NOT facing Evil - in this case of not facing the
demon l. ron hubbard - not only THAT, BUT

when you accept him as THE REVERSE of what he is:

"He is your biggest friend," and

"the biggest friend Mankind can have"

- that, what the 'Scientologists' say and think, and which
they enforce on others.


That is the ultimate of 'disconnecting from Evil,' by deciding "IT IS

"The 'Best Friend' you can have,"

which produces true - but 'Drugged,' Euphoric - EXHILARATION,

the feeling of "having conquered Evil." *(R2)


How is THAT, for NOT facing Intense Evil, in this example, not facing
the demon, the deceased l. ron hubbard: *(7)

That indeed feels as - to those who comply, it IS - absolute,
enthralling JOY,

Evil* "JOY," though.




It is like "cutting loose from all Evil"

BY being totally INSIDE IT, BY NOT FACING IT AT ALL, and

BY making that be very RIGHT:

declaring it (him, the demon) to be "your best friend," and

someone "who is far above you;" and declaring him to be

someone who "enhances your life more than anyone else..."


... till you find out, that his actual intentions are the very

and, that all the "beautiful phrases" he ever uttered,

and, that he ensnared many with,

were ONLY written or spoken by him,

to deceive you, into thinking that "he means of course, what he
says and writes:"

Till you find out, that he does not mean a thing at all,
of what he says and writes

- which one can also observe in his 'Scientology'

where it is indeed a constant source of amazement by its
followers, inside 'Scientology.'


In Germany, this was known as "If the Fuhrer only knew..."

(about what is going on ...he would never approve of
that, and he would immediately remedy any evil):

'Wenn das der Fuehrer wusste...'



That is the ultimate of 'disconnecting from Evil,' by deciding "IT IS

You saw that not only in Germany, of course, the exhilarating,
enthralling enthusiasm, of

"Germany is Hitler, and Hitler is Germany,"

("Hitler ist Deutschland, Deutschland ist
Hitler" - his deputy, Rudolph Hess, shouted
into a microphone, whipping up ADMIRATION for

in millions of Germans, listening to their
radios and at huge public rallies)

NOT FACING THE EVIL of its sociopaths, its dictators,

and INSTEAD, to claim these to be "the very REVERSE, the
very opposite" of sociopaths.

And you saw it in Russia, with the adoration of the socio-
paths 'Father Stalin,' and the not less severe sociopath
Lenin, the 'savior of the Russian Nation,'

and you saw it in China, with even more blind adulation
by millions upon millions, of the severe sociopath
'Chairman Mao,' *(2)

not to mention it, in people being enthralled by
North Korea's Dear Leaders, the sociopaths Kim and
his father Kim,

who are, by the way, an extension of China's
'Long March on the Path of Evil,' *(2)

there are North Koreans who adore these very severe
sociopaths, with tears of admiration and gratitude,
and they make up gushing stories 'of the near god-
like abilities and qualities' of these murderous
sociopaths; and

not to mention Cambodia's Social Reformer and
'Friend of the People,' Pol Pot,

etc., etc.:

Tremendous, exhilarating JOY by millions of people,


(which is alway an individual, causing Evil) *(3)

AND in particular declaring it (the sociopath) to be - not
merely "Good" - but to be "indispensable," and "actually,
the best friend of the whole nation or of Earth, yes, of
all people,"

and by consequence, "he is also YOUR best friend."


And if you do NOT AGREE, thus TO BE BLINDED AND BE

then you will have to be humiliated, deprived,
tortured, declared "insane" - or best, ridiculed
and put to death publicly.


Such are the actions of sociopaths, but "sociopaths DO NOT
EXIST," in modern journalism: *(4)

NOT pointing out the source of Evil, is "being
impartial," and "does not(!!) upset anyone..."

That denial makes it in fact impossible, to study
AND understand history.

Such is the sociopathic REVERSAL, that also infected and
dominates journalism. *(4)




So we face here another part of the INTENSE, very Harmfully Altered
Life Energy called 'DRUG' Energy (falsely-Euphoric feelings and false
ideas and destructive intentions, to go with those feelings), *(5)

that all sociopaths, including dictators, and deceased sociopaths,
the demons,

and the demon 'par excellence,' the deceased l. ron hubbard,

do emanate and inflict in huge quantity. *(5)

You might remember, that Admiration is their SUBSTITUTE
for Love,

because Admiration requires neither looking or
facing, nor does it require care. *(6)


Again: It is the mentioned REVERSAL of Good and Evil,*

that "disconnects from Evil ...PERFECTLY,"

and which - in our example - 'Scientologists' find so intensely

sickeningly so, really,

but anybody who is NOT immersed in Drug Energy, but who
is connected to real life and uses his own Energy to
perceive with, can easily observe their condition:

Those adore and trust that demon, will likely get
VERY UPSET, when you mention l. ron hubbard's true

BECAUSE you touch upon and pierce their
bubble, of the EXHILARATION of NOT facing
Evil, and of being "extremely RIGHT" about
NOT facing Evil,

about their NOT facing (the demon, the deceased) l. ron hubbard:

"He is not Evil, he is Good! - He is the greatest person ever alive!"


I have called that mental condition 'the Uri Geller Syndrome,'

after facing a much simpler - yet similar - relationship:

Uri Geller's (Yuri Geller's) unwavering "friendship" and
Admiration for, and Blindness to Michael Jackson's actual
nature, and blindness to the deception, that Michael
Jackson does inflict - aided by his drugs - on himself
and on others. *(1)



You must know also here, that Truth is absolute and is not a matter of
opinion, at all, but it IS

'that what happened plus what was intended by whom.'




So there is the tremendous EXHILARATION of NOT FACING EVIL,

and more so, the exuberant JOY,

of really 'cementing' that and making it almost irreversible,
- with EXUBERANT JOY as a "reward" -

fully complying with the source of Evil, with the sociopath,
which also occurs in Buddhism

(Gautama Sakyamuni: "Life is Ugly, and Life's goal is, to
withdraw and end participation in it, forever") *(R3)

and in Islam

(the prophet Mohammed or Mahomad: "Any free, independent
person must be tortured or destroyed," and "Life is only
free AFTER you have died") *(R4)

all of whom provide the tremendous EXHILARATION of NOT FACING
EVIL (of sociopaths, that is - these are the source of any Evil)

(and in our example, it is complying with the demon, the
deceased l. ron hubbard),

and REVERSING ALL that is true, in this way: by

assigning the demon or sociopath to be "your biggest friend" and,
"to know and feel him as 'having the best of all intentions for you
and for everyone'" and "best to be taken as 'the highest authority
on Life',"

yes, even "to think of him as 'helping you for all eternity'..."

...which makes you very RIGHT, FOR fully NOT facing Evil

(again, Evil means sociopaths - these are the source
of any Evil): *(3)

"He IS 'not Evil,' at all, he is 'the best friend you can

(And my in 1976 facing that lie - that fierce Energy
radiated and inflicted by the demon l. ron hubbard -
my facing that, resulted INSTANTLY in an ENORMOUS
resurgence of, a connecting back to my OWN Energy

- a repairing of my soul, really, and by consequence,
it started the gradually noticeable demise of the
demon, l. ron hubbard, who had most severely vampired
on my Life Energies.)


The Unconditional ADMIRATION of sociopaths, is one of the many
Hells, that he, the demon, the deceased l. ron hubbard, has
created, *(R1) and this time, by creating his 'Scientology.'




Now, you can be happy, to have me around, because I sooner or later
notice and penetrate these things,

and that is, because natively, in my soul, that is, I excel in
Truth, Love and Beauty, above all others - as you know.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34




(*) 'Independent, Objective Definition of Evil' (ODE)
{HRI 20090810-V1.1.2}
(10 August 2009 - Version 1.1.2 on 11 Aug 2009)


(**) 'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE ONE and
Preamble' (HRD-1)
{HRD-01 20091223-V1.1}
(23 December 2009 - Version 1.1 on 25 Dec 2009)

'First Correct Human Rights Declaration - ARTICLE TWO and
Preamble' (HRD-2)
{HRD-02 20100102-V1.5}
(2 January 2010 - Version 1.5 on 8 Jul 2010)


(1) 'Quotes from: The Uri Geller Syndrome, and Mass Hysteria on
Michael Jackson, the 'Hit-ler of Pop:' Hypnotist and Vampire
on your Life Force'
{HRI 20090707-V3.4-quotes}
(7 July 2009 - Quotes from V3.4 on 27 September 2009)

'Hitler Loved by Lonely, Pained 'Lizard' Soul Mate Michael
Jackson - Yedda.com (AOL.com) Violates Human Rights Order
on Soul Mate l. ron hubbard'
{comments on media 20090926-V2.0}
(26 September 2009 - Version 2.0 on 28 Sept 2009)
Message-Id: <pan.2009.>
(no web address, so far)
'Hitler Loved by Lonely, Pained Soul Mate Michael Jackson
- Yedda.com (AOL.com) Violates Human Rights Order on
Soul Mate l. ron hubbard'
{comments on media 20090926}
(26 September 2009)


(2) Read 'Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China,' by Jung Chang.

Autobiographical family history of the destruction of China
by Mao Zedong being admired and followed FOR being a sociopath.

The book has been translated into 30 languages, and has sold
over 10 million copies (according to a Wikipedia contributor)

View the documentary 'Wild Swans' by director Mischa Scorer,
USA, based on the book:

'The changing political climate of China is illustrated in
this program, a look at three women who live through the
turbulence and upheavals of the times. Wild Swans: Jung
Chang is based on a book written by Jung Chang, describing
her life and the lives of her mother and grandmother.

Their efforts to survive the frequently brutal existence
of their eras give a sense of China's troubled history for
the past hundred years. Her grandmother endured the
torture of bound feet, and her mother suffered in the
communist labor camps. ~ Alice Day, Rovi'

Read 'Mao, The Unknown Story' by Jung Chang

View the documentary TV Series (1985) 'Heart of the Dragon,'
partly by the same director and writer, Mischa Scorer (in
episodes 1, 4, 7 and 8)

Review: 'Feast of insight into Chinese culture,' 8 June 2003
(Author: gt-14 from Canberra, Australia on imdb.com)

'"Heart of the Dragon" is the most insightful and
engrossing documentary I have seen explaining Chinese
society, traditions and culture to western viewers.

'The producers had extraordinary access and cooperation
from the Chinese Government and the characteristically
hospitable Chinese people. Eminent sinologists around the
world helped to give the programme intellectual depth.

'The 281-page book "Heart of the Dragon" by writer-producer
Alasdair Clayre (Collins/Harvill, London 1984) is a
valuable companion to the series. At the time of writing,
[this review, 2003] the series seems not to be available
either in VHS or DVD. This is a major omission. Little
high quality documentary material about China is in DVD.

'This series would be my first choice, followed by the 1989
Anglo-Australian co-production about [China's] People's
Liberation Army, "The Great Wall Of Iron".'


(3) 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO Causes It - Is The Question'
{HRI 20030610-V1.1}
(10 June 2003 - Version 1.1 on 23 July 2009)

'Middle East conflict - NOT why, but WHO -
(includes {HRI 20030610} 'Not WHY Is There Suffering, But WHO
Causes It - Is The Question' )'
(16 September 2006)
... alt.politics.org.un/msg/49cdba2749082185

(4) '(Associated Press) Journalists must not assume United Nations
staff privileges' (encl. 'Definition of Peace' V3.3)
{iJC note 20090201-V1.1}
(1 February 2009 - Version 1.1 on 2 Feb 2009)

'How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed
and Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of
Truth' (JVDT)
{HRI 20081026-V2.9.5}
(26 October 2008 - Version 2.9.5 on 2 Nov 2008)


(5) 'Definition of Perception - Protecting against the Criminal Mind
- Fine Particle Physics on the main Poisonous Life Energy
{FPP-HRI 20080608-V3.4}
(8 June 2008 - Version 3.4 on 24 June 2008)


(6) 'Plato On Making Love - And Defining Loneliness' (POML)
{HRI 20041114-V2.2.1}
(14 November 2004 - Version 2.2.1 on 28 May 2007)
{HRI 20041114-V2.0-UAA}


(7) 'The CORRECT Definition of 'Scientologist' - (plus history and
some Fine Particle Physics, and scolding your Stupidity)'
{HRI note 20091105-V1.3} (archived 20100101 by groups.google)
(5 November 2009 - Version 1.3-u_all on 9 Nov 2009)
(was repeatedly CENSORED by GOOGLE)




(R1) 'Human Rights Order on Satan, last incarnation l. ron hubbard'
(incl. Definitions of 'Karma,' of 'Truth,' and of 'Punishment')
{HRO 20081017-V2.5}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.5 on 22 Dec 2009)


(R2) 'Living In The Present - Definition' (LIP)
{HRI 20030102-V3.1.2}
(2 Jan 2003 - Version 3.1.2 on 5 Nov 2007)


(R3) 'Intro to 'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' '
{HRI 20060816-V5.2-Intro}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 Intro, on 10 July 2008)

'Penetrating and Exposing Hinduism and Buddhism' (PEHAB)
{HRI 20060816-V5.2}
(16 August 2006 - Version 5.2 on 10 July 2008)


(R4) 'Sociopath "Prophet" imposes Death Penalty, on anyone who exposes
that HE IS a Sociopath'
{HRI Quotes 20101104-V1.1}
(4 November 2010 - Version 1.1 on 10 Nov 2010)

'Islam Will Be Abolished In The Process Of Civilizing Earth'
{HRI 20100812-V1.2.1} (IWBA)
(12 August 2010 - Version 1.2.1 on 19 Aug 2010)

'Is the Koran (Qur'an) 'halal' (pure)? - Criminal Acts on Muslims
- WE end the Muslim war - (True science examines Religion)'
{HRI 20101014-V2.3}
(14 October 2010 - Version 2.3 on 20 Oct 2010)


Issue note:

Some parts of this text were published on 18 Nov 2010 by me,
under my pseudonym 'Leonardo Been'



Copyright 2010 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and about themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific or artistic "agenda," but only to educate,
and to encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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