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Rupert Murdoch
Fra : Nicky

Dato : 18-10-10 15:39

Mindst en person har forstået det.

Rupert Murdoch holdt en direkte, relevant, utvetydig, fri tale om den
igangværende anti-israelske og anti-jødiske propaganda, der indtager Vesten.

I sin tale til Anti-Defamation League, der gav ham en pris, sagde han bl.a.:

My own perspective is simple: We live in a world where there is an ongoing
war against the Jews...This is the soft war that seeks to isolate Israel by
delegitimizing it. The battleground is everywhere: the media, multinational
organizations . NGOs. In this war, the aim is to make Israel a pariah.

The result is the curious situation we have today: Israel becomes
increasingly ostracized, while Iran - a nation that has made no secret of
wishing Israel's destruction - pursues nuclear weapons loudly, proudly, and
without apparent fear of rebuke.

For me, this ongoing war is a fairly obvious fact of life. Every day, the
citizens of the Jewish homeland defend themselves against armies of
terrorists whose maps spell out the goal they have in mind: a Middle East
without Israel. In Europe, Jewish populations increasingly find themselves
targeted by people who share that goal. And in the United States, I fear
that our foreign policy sometimes emboldens these extremists.

Tonight I'd like to speak about two things that worry me most. First is the
disturbing new home that anti-Semitism has found in polite society -
especially in Europe. Second is how violence and extremism are encouraged
when the world sees Israel's greatest ally distancing herself from the
Jewish state. When Americans think of anti-Semitism, we tend to think of
the vulgar caricatures and attacks of the first part of the 20th century.

Today it seems that the most virulent strains come from the left.

Nemlig. De gamle venstreorienterede fanatikere er blevet de nye fascister,
så hvad mon det næste bliver? Men læs selv resten. Det er en irettesættelse
til verden om det vigtigste og mest afgørende emne i vor tid.


Nicky (19-10-2010)
Fra : Nicky

Dato : 19-10-10 07:03

"Nicky" <notvalid@hotnotmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen

> http://www.commentarymagazine.com/viewarticle.cfm/-the-aim-is-to-make-israel-a-pariah--15550

Og mere fra Rupert Murdochs tale:

In this regard, I was pleased to hear the State Department's spokesman
clarify America's position yesterday. He said that the United States
recognizes "the special nature of the Israeli state. It is a state for the
Jewish people." This is an important message to send to the Middle East.
When people see, for example, a Jewish prime minister treated badly by an
American president, they see a more isolated Jewish state. That only
encourages those who favor the gun over those who favor negotiation.

Rupert Murdoch vil tilsyneladende ikke fornærme sine værter, men med til
historien hører, at den kære talsmand fra udenrigsministeriet, havde
umådeligt svært ved at tage ovennævnte ord i sin mund:

On Tuesday, State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley was asked, "Do you [i.e.
the administration] recognize Israel as a Jewish state and will you try to
convince the Palestinians to recognize it?

As Rick Richman at Commentary's blog noted, Crowley repeatedly tried to
evade answering the question. Reporters were forced to repeat the question
six times before Crowley managed to say, "We recognize that Israel is a - as
it says itself, is a Jewish state, yes."


Patruljen (19-10-2010)
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 19-10-10 09:48

On 18 Okt., 16:38, "Nicky" <notva...@hotnotmail.com> wrote:
> Mindst en person har forstået det.
> Rupert Murdoch holdt en direkte, relevant, utvetydig, fri tale om den
> igangværende anti-israelske og anti-jødiske propaganda, der indtager Vesten.
> I sin tale til Anti-Defamation League, der gav ham en pris, sagde han bl.a.:
> My own perspective is simple:  We live in a world where there is an ongoing
> war against the Jews...This is the soft war that seeks to isolate Israel by
> delegitimizing it. The battleground is everywhere:  the media, multinational
> organizations . NGOs. In this war, the aim is to make Israel a pariah.
> The result is the curious situation we have today:  Israel becomes
> increasingly ostracized, while Iran - a nation that has made no secret of
> wishing Israel's destruction - pursues nuclear weapons loudly, proudly, and
> without apparent fear of rebuke.
> For me, this ongoing war is a fairly obvious fact of life. Every day, the
> citizens of the Jewish homeland defend themselves against armies of
> terrorists whose maps spell out the goal they have in mind: a Middle East
> without Israel. In Europe, Jewish populations increasingly find themselves
> targeted by people who share that goal. And in the United States, I fear
> that our foreign policy sometimes emboldens these extremists.
> Tonight I'd like to speak about two things that worry me most.  First is the
> disturbing new home that anti-Semitism has found in polite society -
> especially in Europe. Second is how violence and extremism are encouraged
> when the world sees Israel's greatest ally distancing herself from the
> Jewish state.  When Americans think of anti-Semitism, we tend to think of
> the vulgar caricatures and attacks of the first part of the 20th century.
> Today it seems that the most virulent strains come from the left.
> Nemlig. De gamle venstreorienterede fanatikere er blevet de nye fascister,
> så hvad mon det næste bliver? Men læs selv resten. Det er en irettesættelse
> til verden om det vigtigste og mest afgørende emne i vor tid.
> http://www.commentarymagazine.com/viewarticle.cfm/-the-aim-is-to-make...

Der er mulighed for at få behandlet forfølgelsesvanvid og paranoid
tankegang -

Det er sørme underligt at Israel er udsat for kritik bare fordi, de
bryder stort set alle de konventioner, internationale love og
menneskerettigheder man kan komme i tanke om. Det er virkelig meget
besynderligt og den eneste forklaring må være, at alle kritikere er
racister - Det er da klart :)

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