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Fish Tank/Red Road
Fra : Peter Brandt Nielsen

Dato : 15-10-10 00:12

Her er noget, jeg har læst i et forum på IMDb:

I went to a screening of Fish Tank which had a Q+A with Andrea Arnold
afterwards. I asked her why the film was shot in 4:3, and she said that
it was related to her previous film Red Road. Although that was shot in
1.85:1, because the film had Danish funding they stipulated that it had
to be re-cut in 4:3 for their market.

Andrea liked the re-cut version so much, she decided to use the same
ratio for Fish Tank. She also loved the idea that she was using the
whole of the 35mm negative - making it feel that there was no film
waste. It also worked especially in the telling of this story, since it
makes you focus on Mia, and relates to her claustrophobic world.

Zentropa var involveret. Er der nogen god grund til, at de skulle ønske
at få en 4:3-udgave til det danske marked - til en film fra 2006?

Peter Brandt Nielsen

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