Tv channel tv2 news
A few minutes ago(actually, by now its a couple of hours 10:30CET),
a female TV ancors left eye was affected by Quantum Driving!(my expression)
This have benn done acouple of times on that particular channel by my brainstem/subconcious/concious mind!
To turn society left(policitically)
Remnants of programming done by Karsten Bjørnholt and a woman i refer to as
he Sadist Nazi Jew! "you are only allowed to be attracted to ugly women"!
This effect is by manipulating indivudual atoms by Quantum Mechanic effect!
This effect was in use at the Haiti Earth quake!
Insurance companies can contact Karsten Bjornholt here
My Brainstem will kill you, if you use Tetrado on people in a way that
the Vodoo religion does!
Tv channel tv2 news
In Denmark!
Hubbard is still in hell!
(and its not funny to program people to make spelling mistakes!
Its that very same error inserted that have made it almost impossible for people to
leave hell once in there)