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Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 15-05-10 00:59

Lady Chatterleys Lover læste jeg under dynen da jeg delte værelse med
min bror og den startede kvindeorgamsmyten om at universet skælvede

D. H. Lawrence 1855-1930 engelsk romanforfatter

1, Der ville ikke eksistere krige, hvis ikke kvinder så til. D H
2. Never trust the artist. Trust the tale. DH Lawrence
3, Lad os ikke bilde os ind, at vi ser solen,
som de gamle civilisationer så den." (D.H. Lawrence)
4. Jeg hader ekstase - det være sig Dionysisk, narkotisk eller anden.
Det er som at løbe rundt i en trædemølle. D.H. Lawrence.
5. Men bliver syg fordi man ikke lever ordentlig - og ikke kan det.
Det er mangel på evne til livet der gør syg og som ydmyger en. DH
6. Hvis en kvinde ikke har et lille anstrøg af en luder i sig, er hun
som regel en vissenpind.D.H. Lawrence
7. I like to write when I feel malicious, it is like a good
sneeze.D.H. Lawrence
8. Kvinder bør elskes og beunderes og frem for alt adlydes, især vedr
sex-begær. Der må man ikke gå hende imod , for så bliver hun en
djævel. Og hvis hun bliver adlydt, så bliver hun en misforstået kvinde
med nerver, som ser sig om efter den næste mand som hun kan nedgøre.
Sådan er det. DH Lawrence
9 We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
authority.D. H. Lawrence
10. We have to hate our immediate predecessors to get free of their
authority.D. H. Lawrence
11.Nothing is as awfull as a man who has fallen in love - so doggy.
D.H. Lawrence
12Woman will sacrifice eleven men, fathers, husbands, brothers and
lovers, for one baby- or for her own female self conceit. DH Lawrence
13I never saw a wild thing Sorry for itself.      D.H. Lawrence
14It is love that causes the neuroticism of the day. It is love that
is the prime cause of tuberuculosis…A ghastly disease, love. DH
15The question of property will never be settled till people cease
tocare for property. Then it will settle itself.      DH
16At have udøvet magt er et privilegium, der ødelægger sin mand ved at
dræbe hans evne til at rette sig efter andre.       DH Lawrence
17.My very instincts resent the bible DHLawrence
18. A woman who isnt quite ordinary herself can only love a man who is
fighting for something beyond the ordinary life. D H Lawrence
19Sin isn't the breaking of divine commandments. It is the breaking of
one's own integrity. DH Lawrence
20Sex and beauty are inseparable, like life and consciousness. . DH
21The great white monkey has got at hold on the keys of the world. .
DH Lawrence
22. Beware of absolutes. There are many gods. DH Lawrence
23.REVENGE! It is this that fills the unconscious spirit of women
today. Revenge against man, and against the spirit of man which has
betrayed her into unbelief.      DH Lawrence
Sex is a powerful potent thing not to be played with or paraded. The
one mystery. And a mystery greater than the individual. The individual
hardly counts. D H Lawrence
One gets ill , because one does not live properly and cannot. It is
the failure to live, that makes one ill and humiliates one. D.H.
Today is the great day of the masturbation consciousness, when the
mind prostitutes the sensitive responsive body, and produces all kinds
of novelties, which thrill for the moment, then go very dead. DH
I solskin er mænd objektive, i tåge og sne subjektive. Subjektivitet
er stort set et spørgsmål om tykheden af din overfrakke. DH Lawrence
Det er let at forstå at mænd dræber hvad de elsker. At kende en
levende ting er at dræbe den. Du er nødt til at slå ihjel for at
forstå ordentligt. Derfor er den begærlige bevidsthed , ånden, en
vampyr DH Lawrence
Mennesket har en slange i sig som er med ham eller mod ham. Når
slangen er med ham, er han næsten guddommelig. Når slanget en mod ham
er han såret og forgiftet og har tabt overfor sig selv. DH Lawrence
Det virkelige problem med kvinder, er at de altid prøver at ændre sig
til mænds teorier om kvinder. Når en kvinde er hysterisk, er det fordi
hun ikke helt ved hvilket billede af en kvinde, hun skal leve op til.
DH Lawrence
Jeg kan ikke give min krop til en kvinde, som ikke respekterer den. DH
Når kvinden løsner sig fra de bånd og hæmninger som kommer af mandens
stærke meninger, hans guder og ham selv, så bliver hun en fin djævel.
DH Lawrence
Kvinder bør elskes og beunderes og frem for alt adlydes, især vedr
sex-begær. Der må man ikke gå hende imod , for så bliver hun en
djævel. Og hvis hun bliver adlydt, så bliver hun en misforstået kvinde
med nerver, som ser sig om efter den næste mand som hun kan nedgøre.
Sådan er det. DH Lawrence
Det vedvarende som en kvinde kan have, er en urørlig blød flod af
tilfredshed, som bærer hende af sted ved siden af den mand hun er gift
med. Det er fuldkommengørelse og den største opnåelse, DH Lawrence
"Sin is not the breaking of divine commandments. It is the breaking of
own integrity." DH Lawrence
Pornography is the attempt to insult sex, to do dirt on it.D.H.
There is a hidden will behind all theories of sex, implacable. And
that is the will to deny, to wipe out the mystery of beauty. DH
Society has a mysterious hatred of sex, becouse it perpetually
interferes with the nice money-making schemes of social man. DH
Sex appeal is only a dirty name for a bit of life-flame. No man works
so well and so successfully as when some woman has kindled a little
fire in his veins.      DH Lawrence
In sexual intercourse, there is give and take. A new stimulus
enters as the native stimulus departs…But in masturbation there is
nothing but loss.       DH Lawrence
Women make fools of the spiritual men. And when, as men, they´ve gone
flop in their spirituality, they can´t pick themselves up whole any
more. So they just crawl, and die detesting the female, or the
females, who made them fall.      DH Lawrence
Love is a battle in which each party strives for the mastery of the
other`s soul . So far, man has yielded the mastery to woman. Now he
is fighting for it back again. And too late, for the woman will never
yield.DH Lawrence
If there is one thing, I don't like, it is cheap and promiscous sex.
If there is one thing I insist on, it is that sex is a delicate,
vulnerable, vital thing, that you mustn't fool with…. not a trick
thing, or a moment's excitation, or a mere bit of bullying D H
I believe in being WARM-HEARTED. I believe especially in being
warm-hearted in love, in fucking with a warm heart. I believe if men
could fuck with warm hearts, and the women would take it
warm-heartedly, everything would come all right. It's all this
cold-hearted fucking, that is death and idiocy. D H Lawrence
Sex is only touch, the closest of all touch. And it is touch we're
afraid of. We'r only half-consious and half-alive. We've got to come
alive and aware. Especially the English have got to get in touch with
one another, a bit delicate and a bit tender. It's our crying need. D
H Lawrence
The root of sanity is in the balls. D H Lawrence
The sexual act is not for the depositing og seed. It is for leaping
off into the unknown . DH Lawrence
The soul is neither "above" nor "sithin". It is a wayfarer down the
open road. . DH Lawrence
The sexuasl act is not for depositing of sperm(seed). It is for
leaping off into the unknown. DH Lawrence

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