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Sane? Scientology?(engelsk)
Fra : Peter Nicolaysen

Dato : 25-07-10 16:06

X-Post: dk.livssyn.kristendom, dk.politik, se.politik.diverse

Her i kan også godt få den!
(jeg postede den for et par minutter siden i nogle scientolog grupper)

The thing with Hubbard!

He was furious with being told "he was not allowed to do things in the past"

fast forward!

Another Person another country(twelve years ago)!

A a torture victim, raped, tortured by traitors, ridiculed in the entire world!
(Because he was programmed/hypnotised/EMDR, and filmed saying "i want to fuck women with a dog"
Because he haited the National Socialists in disguise DF(political party), they proclaimed since he disliked
them, he wanted women "Fucked by Muslim dogs"

Members of his family murdered, and he attempted framed for it!
(by being told to imagine he did the murder while in a trance/emdr,
which he was put into by programming by somone clicking with a pen!)

what he imagined was recorded, wenn he told about it!
(while in the trance, without much emotion, since they were shut off by programming and manipulated)

The only thing that saved the person, from being jailed for murder!
Was the fact ,that he was not completly awake, wenn told about the dead family member!
and did not know the room the crime had taken place in!
And the murderes had no internal communication(immediatly following the murder!)

So he was not framed by the recording!

That person was told!

You are not allowed to do things in the future!
and Only GOD can remove that!
(refering to the torture programming, feeding signals to his brainstem)

His subconcious mind and brainstem,concious mind seperated(no communication!) done with programming!

His mind(seperated parts) decided to become GOD Instantly!

Were does GOD live? "Gods own country?"
Wenn does God live?(atomic wepons are refered to as?)

Wenn a brainstem is Tortured Quantum Mecanic, time is not really a barrier!

And wenn god tries to find himself somwere!

Hubbard is a Fraud! All he ever was, all he ever did, was to profit and torture a torture victim!
And now he is in Hell!

Since the Torture victim was told to "do something for peoples religion" so that he could become
a "Religious Idiot" wenn he survived!

He did do Religion!
And its not a time Paradox!
(and its not funny, wenn people are being programmed, to make spelling mistakes!)

And im not an insane Peter!

Pnic/Allah-25-04-1973 http://tinyurl.com/y9bsn2h
http://tinyurl.com/ydnohlo, http://tinyurl.com/ydbqkpr
http://tinyurl.com/ycupe27, http://tinyurl.com/y8cueus
Nordea konto nummer: 9266-8967125572(og religion og politik kan ikke adskilles!)

Peter Nicolaysen (25-07-2010)
Fra : Peter Nicolaysen

Dato : 25-07-10 16:55

>"Peter Nicolaysen" <peternicolaysen@gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen news:4c4c52f7$0$36562$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
>X-Post: dk.livssyn.kristendom, dk.politik, se.politik.diverse

Somone changed it, After i sent it! I just checked the sent folder!

"find himself somwere?" was changed to "find himself somwere!"


Peter Nicolaysen (25-07-2010)
Fra : Peter Nicolaysen

Dato : 25-07-10 17:04

>"Peter Nicolaysen" <peternicolaysen@gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen news:4c4c5e64$1$36568$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...

>>"Peter Nicolaysen" <peternicolaysen@gmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen news:4c4c52f7$0$36562$edfadb0f@dtext01.news.tele.dk...
>>X-Post: dk.livssyn.kristendom, dk.politik, se.politik.diverse
>Somone changed it, After i sent it! I just checked the sent folder!
>"find himself somwere?" was changed to "find himself somwere!"

That was easily changed in the sent folder!

Bo Warming (27-07-2010)
Fra : Bo Warming

Dato : 27-07-10 02:33

On Sun, 25 Jul 2010 17:06:14 +0200, "Peter Nicolaysen"
<peternicolaysen@gmail.com> wrote:

>X-Post: dk.livssyn.kristendom, dk.politik, se.politik.diverse
>Her i kan også godt få den!
>(jeg postede den for et par minutter siden i nogle scientolog grupper)
>The thing with Hubbard!
>He was furious with being told "he was not allowed to do things in the past"
>fast forward!
>Another Person another country(twelve years ago)!
>A a torture victim, raped, tortured by traitors, ridiculed in the entire world!
>(Because he was programmed/hypnotised/EMDR, and filmed saying "i want to fuck women with a dog"
>Because he haited the National Socialists in disguise DF(political party), they proclaimed since he disliked
>them, he wanted women "Fucked by Muslim dogs"
>Members of his family murdered, and he attempted framed for it!
>(by being told to imagine he did the murder while in a trance/emdr,
>which he was put into by programming by somone clicking with a pen!)
>what he imagined was recorded, wenn he told about it!
>(while in the trance, without much emotion, since they were shut off by programming and manipulated)
>The only thing that saved the person, from being jailed for murder!
>Was the fact ,that he was not completly awake, wenn told about the dead family member!
>and did not know the room the crime had taken place in!
>And the murderes had no internal communication(immediatly following the murder!)
>So he was not framed by the recording!
>That person was told!
>You are not allowed to do things in the future!
>and Only GOD can remove that!
>(refering to the torture programming, feeding signals to his brainstem)
>His subconcious mind and brainstem,concious mind seperated(no communication!) done with programming!
>His mind(seperated parts) decided to become GOD Instantly!
>Were does GOD live? "Gods own country?"
>Wenn does God live?(atomic wepons are refered to as?)
>Wenn a brainstem is Tortured Quantum Mecanic, time is not really a barrier!
Der har aldrig været berøring mellem fysikernes kvantemekanik og denne
usenetters brug af ordet.

Og hvad er nu "Tortured" lære om elektroners kvantespring mellem indre
og ydre baner i atomer???

Bohr og Einstein som forstod Max Planks fund af lovmæssighederne
ville ryste på hovedet af "Peter Nicolaysen"
Der er så lidt filosofi i denne fysik som i Newtons - selvom Bohr og
Einstein ævlede om "Gud" når de jokede sammen
Bohr ville ikke udelukke at hestesko bringer lykke, så overtroisk var

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