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Tempel trofast ??
Fra : Erik

Dato : 05-08-01 20:16

The Spiritual Centre in the Old City Has Been Found

An Especially Urgent Call for Donations to Buy the Building

After a long search for a suitable building in the Old City
close to the Temple Mount which will be used as the spiritual
centre for the Temple Mount Faithful, one has been found.

Der er bare et problem, det var det sted Muhammet afprøvede
en hest på sit Jerusalembesøg, og stedet er Islamsk hellig sted.


There is only one problem with this building and that is the
cost. The asking price price is at $1,500,000. However,
we believe that an offer of $1,000,000 would be accepted.
Besides the purchase price, the cost of the alterations will
also have to be covered. Obviously this is no small sum
but such a place and godly view cannot be measured in
monetary terms. Even with unlimited funds such a place
cannot be bought anywhere else in the world. We have
decided to make every effort to buy this house. Over
the last years we have tried to save towards this purpose
but what we have saved is still far below what will be
required and especially because what we have saved is
also earmarked for other needs for the Third Temple
and our campaign.

****There is only one problem****

Hvem vil låne Gud en skilling til at Bygge sit 3die

Er der virkelig nogen der tror at et sådan Tempel
kan erstatte Jesus død og korsfæstelse på Golgata,
og oprette en bedre pagt en den vi har i Jesus Kristus
Guds Søn.


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