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Simplethen: jeg tror ikke et døjt på dig.
Fra : Patruljen

Dato : 06-04-10 01:23

On 4 Apr., 21:46, p...@RQNNE.invalid (Per Rønne) wrote:

> > Zionisterne medvirkede til at udløse - Holocaust ved hjælp af en
> > vældig effektiv økonomisk blokade. Man proklamerede fra New York ca.. 1
> > måned efter at Hitler blev udnævnt til rigskansler, at man ville sulte
> > Tyskland ikke blot til overgivelse, men til submission - som betyder -
> > underkastelse. Der er slet ingen tvivl om at den boycut medvirkede til
> > at Tysklands udkomme af depressionen - Wall street krakket
> > mv.forværredes til hvad 2 tyske historikere omtaler som meget
> > alvorlige konsekvenser for den tyske økonomi. Man kunne omtrent ikke
> > skaffe udenlandsk valuta - etc osv.

> > Disse ting holdes ude af historiebøgerne, men kan alligevel
> > dokumenteres fra adskillige kilder hvoraf den mest værdifulde indtil
> > videre erhttp://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ Her opridses de
> > zionistiske organisationers økonomiske tiltag.

> Simplethen: jeg tror ikke et døjt på dig.

Jeg tror ikke, at man havde forestillet sig at Holocaust. Hvem har
fantasi til at forestille sig, at modparten vil bedrive et Holocaust

Men der er vist ingen grund til at mene, at disse ting ikke havde
indflydelse på tingenes udvikling:

Just weeks after Hitler assumed power on January 30, 1933, a patchwork
of competing Jewish forces, led by American Jewish Congress president
Rabbi Stephen Wise, civil rights crusader Louis Untermeyer, and the
combative Jewish War Veterans, initiated a highly effective boycott of
German goods and services. Each advanced the boycott in its own way,
but sought to build a united anti-Nazi coalition that could deliver
economic deathblow to the Nazi party, which had based its political
ascent almost entirely on promises to rebuild the strapped German

The boycotters were encouraged by the early successes of their loud,
boisterous campaign, complete with nationwide protest meetings, picket
signs, and open threats to destroy Germany's economy if the Reich's
anti-Jewish actions persisted. Skilled organizing from unions,
political groups, and commercial trade associations carried the
boycott's message to every facet of American society and abroad.
Depression-wracked nations around the world quickly began to shift
their buying habits from the entrenched German market to less
expensive, alternative goods.

* * *
The anti-Hitler protest movement culminated in a gigantic rally at
Madison Square Garden on March 27, 1933, organized by Rabbi Wise and
the American Jewish Congress. More than 55,000 protesters crammed
the Garden and surrounding streets. Simultaneous rallies were held in
70 other metropolitan areas in the U.S. and in Europe. Radio hookups
broadcast the New York event to hundreds of cities throughout the

The boycott unnerved the Nazis, who believed that Jews wielded
supernatural international economic power. They knew that in the past
Jews had used boycotts effectively against Russian Czar Nicholas II
combat his persecution of Jews, and automaker Henry Ford to halt his
anti-Semitic campaign. Whether or not this new boycott actually
possessed the punishing power to crush the Reich economy was
irrelevant; what mattered was that Germany perceived the Jewish-led
boycott as the greatest threat to its survival--and reacted

Relentless in exploiting the Nazis' vulnerability, Rabbi Wise and the
other boycott leaders were determined to form one cohesive
international movement under the banner "Starve Germany into
submission this winter."

But Hitler succeeded in averting this scenario by exploiting
within world Jewry.

The Nazi counteroffensive was launched at a secret meeting in Berlin,
just six months after the Nazis took power and at the height of the
anti-German boycott. http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/Black.html

Disse sætninger er centrale; initiated a highly effective boycott of
German goods and services.

"Starve Germany into submission this winter."


Similar rallies and protest marches were also held in other cities.
The intensity of the Jewish campaign against Germany was such that the
Hitler government vowed that if the campaign did not stop there would
be a one-day boycott in Germany of Jewish-owned stores.

Hitler's March 28, 1933 speech ordering a boycott against Jewish
stores and goods was in direct response to the declaration of war on
Germany by the worldwide Jewish leadership.


I bogen Halvmåne og hagekors berettes at Tysklands økonomi stod
overfor en international boycut. Med potientielt katastrofale
økonomiske omkostninger (s.56 - 58) Det passede derfor
nationalsocialisterne udemærket, at de kunne indløse udenlandsk valuta
ved salg af tyske produkter, da de medvirkede til, at jøder kunne
emigrere til Palæstina. Bogen er ganske interessant.

> > Per Erik Rønnehttp://www.RQNNE.dk
> > Errare humanum est, sed in errore perseverare turpe-

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