12. mar 2009, Gennembrud i batteriforskning giver lynopladning på få
Citat: "...
Derfor valgte de at arbejde videre på en anden type, nemlig
lithium-jern-fosfat blandingen, som har langt bedre termiske egenskaber
og derfor kan belastes hårdt. Desuden er den billigere og mere miljøvenlig.
Dermed bliver lithium-jern-fosfat batterier med ét slag en brugbar
teknologi til elbiler.
Det bedste er, at de materialer, der er i brug, er de samme, som
industrien bruger på lithium-jern-fosfat batterier i dag. Det er kun
fremstillingsprocessen, der ændres.
11 March 2009 Lithium batteries charge ahead.
Researchers demonstrate cells that can power up in seconds:
Qoute: "...
That seemed to be the case for lithium iron phosphate (LiFePO4), a
material that is used in the cathode of a small number of commercial
batteries. But when Ceder and Kang did some calculations, they saw that
the compound could theoretically do much better. Its crystal structure
creates "perfectly sized tunnels for lithium to move through", says
Ceder. "We saw that we could reach ridiculously fast charging rates."
The authors helped the ions by coating the surface of the cathode with a
thin layer of lithium phosphate glass, which is known to be an excellent
lithium conductor. Testing their newly-coated cathode, they found that
they could charge and discharge it in as little as 9 seconds.