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10  MuGG3K 570
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Dato : 29-07-01 14:44

Mailing Lists


The "Healthfraud" discussion list and the "Alert" announcement list are
available for those interested in the fight against unscientific medical
practices and quackery.

The mailing lists are co-sponsored by Georgia Council Against Health Fraud,
Inc., and Quackwatch, Inc., both local affiliates of the National Council
Against Health Fraud. The lists are also co-sponsored by ScotSoft Research,
Inc., headed by Scott Ballantyne, whose staff does unix and networking
consulting. Mr. Ballantyne donates the computers and technical support for
the mailing lists.

"Healthfraud" Discussion List
"Healthfraud" in Digest Form
"Alert" Announcement List

HDL Member Introduction Message Board

List Archives from 6/96 to Present
(Provided by the Association of Cancer Online Resources))
Search the Archives
Browse the Archives

Interactive Archives from 9/97 to Present
(Provided by Reference.COM)
Healthfraud Discussion List Archives
Healthfraud Alert List Archives
How to Use the Interactive Archives


"Healthfraud" Discussion List

The Healthfraud Discussion List provides a forum for discussing health
frauds, quackery, and unscientific health matters. It is a very active list,
with more than 200 members and typically about 40 postings per day.

GCAHF President Rebecca Long handles administrative details such as
difficulty in subscribing, unsubscribing or posting messages to the list.
Quackwatch board chairman Stephen Barrett, M.D., monitors the discussions
and enforces the list's policies when necessary.
The list is primarily for participants in the everyday struggle against
quackery, but others are welcome as guests.
If the volume of messages becomes uncomfortably large, guests may be asked
to post no more than two messages per day.
Healthfraud is an "unmoderated" list. However, if a discussion or argument
becomes nonproductive, the participants will be advised to continue their
discussion privately.
Messages that insult other list members or indicate that the poster is
antagonistic to the aims and purposes of our antiquackery network will
trigger a warning, temporary exclusion, or permanent exclusion from the
Netiquette Suggestions
Messages should be as brief as possible for meaningful discussion.
When responding to a message, begin by stating who said it and remove all
words not needed to understand the chain of thought. Do not routinely copy
the previous message in its entirety.
Messages like "I agree" or "Thank you" that have no relevant content should
be sent privately and not posted to the list.
If the poster's full name is not included in the poster's email address, it
should be placed at the end of the message.
How to Join and Use the List
To subscribe, send an EMPTY message to healthfraud-subscribe@ssr.com.

If you wish to receive the list in digest form, send an EMPTY message to

You will receive a welcome message with instructions and list rules, which
you should keep for reference.

To post a message to the list, send it to healthfraud@ssr.com and it will be
automatically forwarded to all list members.

To unsubscribe, send a message to
NOTE: [address] must be the email address by which you are subscribed to the

If you have problems or questions, contact Rebecca Long.
Using the Interactive Archives
The Healthfraud archives provided by Reference.com may be used to read and
send messages in a manner similar to using a Usenet newsgroup. Messages are
organized by thread, similar to the Usenet format. Rather than reading and
answering list messages through your personal email, you may read and answer
them at your convenience using your web browser. Many people prefer this to
receiving a large volume of email.

It is not necessary to join the Healthfraud list in order to read the
messages archived on Reference.com. However, to send a message to the list
you must subscribe.

Unfortunately, current list software does not provide an option to subscribe
to Healthfraud but not receive the messages by email. Therefore, to use
Reference.com rather than email to participate in the Healthfraud list, you
must be able to set your mail reader to automatically send messages from
Healthfraud to a separate mailbox or directly to the "trash bin" rather than
to your inbox.

Healthfraud Discussion List Archives
Healthfraud Alert List Archives


"Alert" Announcement List

The Alert List is for the dissemination of announcements pertaining to
health frauds, quackery, and unscientific health matters. This list has
significantly less traffic than Healthfraud. The Listowner is Rebecca Long

List members are encouraged to submit announcements which they believe to be
appropriate to the goals of the NCAHF and GCAHF. However, the list is fully
moderated to ensure that only relevant and appropriate messages are
distributed to subscribers.

Alert is for announcements only and does not provide a forum for discussion.
All announcements send to Alert are automatically distributed to the
Healthfraud list; persons wishing to discuss the issues should subscribe to
Healthfraud rather than Alert.

How to Join and Use the List
To subscribe, send an EMPTY message to alert-subscribe@ssr.com.
You will receive a welcome message with instructions and list rules, which
you should keep for reference.

To post a message to the list, send it to alert@ssr.com and it will be
forwarded to the list moderator. If determined appropriate, the message will
be distributed to all list members. If not, you will receive notification
and an explanation.

To unsubscribe, send a message to majordomo@ssr.com containing the following
line, as applicable:
unsubscribe alert [address]

NOTE: [address] must be the email address by which you are subscribed to the

If you have problems or questions, contact Rebecca Long.

Spørgsmål : 177514
Tips : 31968
Nyheder : 719565
Indlæg : 6408622
Brugere : 218887

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