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(rev 3.1) The Source of Celebrities Tom Cr~
Fra : Koos Nolst Trenite

Dato : 23-02-09 03:25

The Source of Celebrities Tom Cruise and John Travolta's Fame
- the 'Hollywood "Underworld" ' - "selling their soul to the devil"

('Exposing the Source of Evil' - Series)

4 February 2009
{HRI 20090204-V3.1}

(Version 3.1
on 23 Feb 2009)

(view Summary
by skipping

I told you already elsewhere, that there is nothing more Repulsive,
more Ugly, more inherently Evil, more devious and more deceptively
Malicious on Earth, than l. ron hubbard, that I know of.

And I know a lot, quite possibly more than anyone of you is
aware of. (Pun intended.)



The only effective tool to detect - and thus to look at, and thus to
neutralize - the continuous Evil acts (the inflictions of harmful
Energies on your body and on your soul) by this individual, by
l. ron hubbard, is the (now made sensitive enough (*))

Life Energy Fluctuation meter based on Volney Mathison's "E-meter"
invention. (***)


It now (*) works 'like a train' - even though I still do not use
automatic but manual setting, of the circuit from Volney's old
1951 (US patent 2,684,670) and 1956 (US patent 2,799,269) meter:

Inflictions of Harmful Energy Particles, that I would not even
have dreamt of checking before, now can be easily examined. (*)

And these are examined best by far, while or soonest
after they have hit you or your body, which you will
then indeed see most heavily reacting on the meter,

and which are then also most easily removed, simply by
looking at (by correctly sensing) these:

Saves you a heart attack (in case your heart is
being attacked, of course) or saves you from any
other 'disorder,'

if the inflicted harmful, attacking Energy PARTICLES
are caught (sensed, looked at and thus neutralized)

Which I think is quite preferable to a bevy
of licensed medical quacks and well-paid
charlatans commanding nurses and keeping you
in their Intensive Care or in a coma. *(a)

But - not you and me, of course, but - others are
are made and are kept that extremely Stupid, and
actually Insane if defined correctly, that they are
allowing themselves to be prevented from knowing

A High Tech society that medically is as far
"advanced" as in Very Dark Middle Ages,

by refusing to face Criminal Minds and the
Stupidity and the Insanity and the Suffering
that these inflict, and how these inflict it.


Science comes from knowing - Criminal Minds are OPPOSED to
knowing. {definition}


All you have to do - as you might know intuitively, and/or
otherwise from various fields of ACTUAL knowledge - is:

To correctly determine the source of the inflicted Energies (truth
being absolute, and being forever recorded, too),

meaning, you have to sense WHO created and who inflicts or
inflicted, the harmful Energy - on your body or on you;

you being the soul of course, and connected as you
are to your body by means of a vast amount of Life
Energy Particles, with which and in order to ALSO
feel and perceive from and via your body.





The demon, l. ron hubbard, is a CONSTANT source of intensely Evil,
Deadening, Damaging, Poisonous, deadly inflictions of Harmful Energy
onto your soul and onto and into your body:

As I told you elsewhere, the basic four, most deadly types of
Harmful Energy, are as follows:

Drug Energies {to deceive you}; Ugliness Energy {to make
you not want to look or to act or to detect or to remedy
things, that are however in need of such}; Unconsciousness
Energy {which is motivated by (his) Hate of you, and which
Energy PARTICLES knock you out or black-out parts of your
perception or sensing ability}; and Pain-Hate Energy {as
motivated, mostly and primarily, by his Envy of you}.




Added to the PROJECTION or infliction of Harmful Energy PARTICLES at
you, is, that, like any demon, (so also he)

the demon l. ron hubbard is a Vampire:

He smashes, he sucks (your Perception-, your Aliveness-, your
Beauty-, your Memory-, your Ability-, your Connection-, your
Feeling-, your Love-) Energy PARTICLES away from your soul; and
various types of Life Energy PARTICLES from your body, too.

And not only from you of course. And of course he is not
the only Vampire or demon - incarnate, or not - who does
that to you, and to others:

Hospitals are full of it,

indeed, as even Dr. Xia (pronounced Doctor 'Shia')

the grandfather of, and described extensively
in the autobiographic book 'Wild Swans' by
Mrs. Jung Chang,

admits, is the case.




The demon - called l. ron hubbard by his last life time - is connected
to other Vampires, by spiritual, Energetic ties,

to for instance the famous Tom Cruise, the famous John Travolta
also, and many other demonic creatures,

whom he, the demon l. ron hubbard, provides with Life Energies

(abilities are stored also in Life ENERGIES - which is why
they are called Energies)

that he takes - smashes and sucks away,

which is entirely symbolically

- we will say for now, because you can not conceive
of the fact that all people are spirits that can
exist and that are feeling and perceiving also
independent of a body -

portrayed not as captive souls hypnotized to give
off Life Energy to their captors, but

portrayed in the first 'Matrix' movie, as captive bodies

farmed by machines to provide Life Energy to the
captors, who can of course never be machines but who
can use machines to aid their 'milking' of PEOPLE,

to obtain

Life Energy - forcefully or in a hidden, deceptive manner
taken away from you and me.



That was the only reason, if you like, why his very
"close friend" Frank Sinatra, was sitting at the
death bed of the very great and most beautiful
singer and greatest human being, Nat King Cole.

The level of Evil of Vampires, demons or Criminal
Minds, is entirely beyond your imagination, and

so far, nobody in Hollywood has been able actually
to portray it

- without calling it fantasy, as Neil Gaiman
did (who, by the way, survived the onslaught
on him by his parents with 'Scientology') -

'Scientology' (that is, the demon
his followers from knowing about Life
Energy, about the nature of perception
as well, and about the nature of life
in general,

and in particular indeed about his own
full occupation in life and thereafter
(by incarnate and dis-incarnate, demonic


Vampiring on people, and feeding his spoil to his
companions in Evil

- the spoil, the booty, the goods stolen,
that is, what Life Energy he steals from you
and me and from others,

stolen, sucked away in particular during
your sleep.



This shows you immediately, that medical
"science" is a most ridiculous undertaking,
supporting such Evil tremendously,

if only by actively hiding it,

and by REFUSING to teach the actual
nature and functioning of life,

which they hide by PRETENDING
to teach it.

It shows you also, how VERY INTENSELY INSANE

...not you and me of course, but others.




The demon l. ron hubbard is - whether incarnate or not - Vampiring on
people, and feeding his spoil (Life Energy pulled away from others)
to his companions in Evil.

This is the actual reason, why the celebrity Tom Cruise
and the celebrity John Travolta "do like Scientology:"

They have - as the age-old story that has been told so many
times in all of literature, they have - truly 'sold their soul
to the devil.'

And that is not something ONLY from their present life time:

Those bonds are old, very old spiritual bonds, always, spanning
very many life times of Evil, of for you entirely unimaginable
evil, and of hiding it,

and many are hiding it, by pretending to "do good,"

the demons, and Life Energy Vampires like
Al Gore, Quincy Jones, Bill Gates, Michael
Moore, and so on,



So the Celebrity Life Energy Vampire Tom Cruise "playing
an anti-Nazi," is a bit ridiculous, from that viewpoint
alone, already.
He was well-cast to play Vampire Lestat, indeed, playing
which, once caused his come-back to the acting guild.

Not less worthy of ridicule, is John Travolta "playing an
angel" rather than acting the softhearted, compulsive and
ugly murderer.


The circle of such individuals, described by their
motivations and actual spiritual activities, I have
dubbed, now, 'The Hollywood "Underworld," ' also
when Oprah Winfrey, another Life Energy Vampire,
is in Chicago. (**)




There are Evil creatures who do the same (as the currently
dis-incarnate l. ron hubbard) and who also DENY even the existence
of Life Energy,

some (big laugh:) "scientifically" even DENY people being souls.

And of course, they in that way deny what they do to others:

They HIDE EVIL, they hide the most intense and most repulsive
Evil there is...

A "marvelous" project of HIDING EVIL, started recently and
that I just happened to read about,

I was picking it up, because I noticed its Energy
being "off" (doing, somehow, the opposite of what
it loudly claims to do) - their group

is called 'TED,' active in the San Francisco area, mainly.


And indeed, accordingly are the speakers invited and paid
by them, but they claim to be "the ones with the ideas to
'SAVE AND IMPROVE THE WORLD' " ...really now.

They even got the SETI man - who is hunting 'SETI'
for possible proof of the existence of life outside
of Earth, he is

PRETENDING to search for life, BECAUSE, AND ONLY
BECAUSE he wants to deny, to the "scientific"
community, the existence and nature of life itself,

to DENY the evidence of life, that is however right
in front of him and his "friends:"

Also he, the 'SETI' man, wants to make as many
people as possible, as stupid as possible and
as spiritually blind as he can manage, and
that for as long as possible.

In this, his GOAL is not different from
that of the demon and Vampire l. ron

but the "Searcher for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence," our SETI man, has chosen
other means to try and realize that
stupidity and blindness in the society.



And they try to do so by the age-old and proven method of Evil:

by catching all good intentions of people, and brightly inviting
THESE, TO ALSO HIDE EVIL, a hiding they consider sufficiently

by enthusiastically laying claim to "being very caring and
innovative and intelligent,"

and having some AP journalist, a 'science writer' - from Tom
Curley's Associated Parrots (from the AP, but which has also a
second, more familiar meaning: the Associated Press) writing
about it, about the "innovators,"

to diligently spread the stupidity and blindness, and to
maintain the suffering of people forever in more and more
"incurable diseases and disorders."

(The club they started, for self-Deception and
self-Admiration, they called

TED: 'Technology, Entertainment, Design conference'
in San Francisco -

'Ideal TED-fellow qualities include "unusual
accomplishment, exceptional courage, morale
[moral, I think they mean moral] imagination"

'and the potential to catalyze change for the
better. TED Fellows will attend annual
conferences in either California or Britain,
that routinely include famous and proven
"thinkers and doers ... " - [read: 'A platform
to admire and hide Life Energy Vampires, of
which they mentioned quite a few by name.'])



THEY, the mentioned Life Energy Vampires, at best intentionally
HIDE EVIL, Oprah Winfrey being a typical and forceful, very
active example of that, and

thus - in reality - actually (they) are proven UN-THINKERS and

who have very different motives than they pretend and do
cheer each other for,

like indeed Bill Gates, and a whole list of other 'famous
speakers,' that the newly promoted Silicon Valley club
'TED' summoned to their stage of speakers.


Indeed also, the 'Motto' of Sergey Brin, of one of
the invited speakers, IN REALITY is,


but also that has to be hidden, so he says it is
"Do not be evil," which MEANS IN ACTUALITY

- Truth being absolute, and not "what the
prevailing peer pressure demands or does
teach" - so in terms of Absolute Truth,

the motto of Sergey Brin is 'DO NOT SEE EVIL,'

while MY motto, as the faithful reader knows,


as described in 'What is Zero Tolerance,
actually.' [ZTA]


Some are also violating 'The First International Law' -
such as France's Sarkozy "learning" from Putin (as I
described elswhere), how


This then Sarkozy applied diligently to Russia's Putin,
and to Libya's Qaddafi, and to Syria's Assad.

And today (20090221) Hillary Clinton for the
USA, is telling us, while she is meeting China's
most Evil Hu Jintao:




You could say, that the American "Democratic Party," and
similar parties who PRETEND to be social, are in fact
"defining" 'social' as


And that is the sole basis of the "popularity" of Barak
Obama with Criminal Heads of State, and with various
Criminally Minded groups and Criminally Minded individuals
that hailed him,

and mainly did so, because they - being Criminal
Minds all - secretly or openly do hate George
"Washington" Bush.


And "socialist" people find this - NOT HAVING
EVIL PEOPLE DETECTED - much more pleasant than
facing Evil individuals, and,

to maintain their pleasantness, it is of
course desirable, that

those who DO FACE Evil and who do fight to
expose and thus to prevent Evil, are kept
quiet and are even attacked and "convicted
for being murderers." ...Really.


To take up the subject, if you like,

The success of George "Washington" Bush
was limited mainly, if not entirely, by

his lack of identifying Criminal Minds
within his own party, the Republican or
Grand Old Party (GOP), and

his FALSELY identifying and treating
various foreign heads of state as
"friends" but who are in actual fact
severely Criminal Minds:

Putin, Hu Jintao, Berlusconi,
former Schroeder, and more, and

not clearly and publicly identifying the
INDIVIDUALS who are intensely Evil, like
Chavez and Castro, and various "leaders"
in the Middle East (that I mentioned by
name elsewhere, in a Fatwa) and most
"leaders" of South-America and of Middle
America - while

justifying his FALSE identifications and
his LACK of explicit and public
identification of INDIVIDUAL sources of

justifying it with great


letting "democracy" be "defined"
by Criminal Minds as "the counting
of votes," for instance.

And so the "democratically
chosen" Saddam Hussein had
a vote of 99.9 percent in
favor of him "leading" the
people of Iraq.

It violates the First
International Law, too,

as George "Washington" Bush
is well aware, but refuses
to publicly admit, though
he acted upon it.



Destructive Cowards do thus attack the very
caring and very decent.

So a very severely Criminal Mind can easily become
their hero, their '"Che" Guevara,' or their 'Mao
Zedong,' and can easily become a dictator, as also
Fidel Castro became it,

to ruin the country and life in "his" country,


And part of the definition of 'Democratic,'
is honest leaders, and honest concern,

for which you have to study the
Human Rights Issues, to be able to
detect such, and to look through the
Insanity on Earth.




They - the Life Energy Vampires - HIDE EVIL. That's their main
objective, and their goal in life:

Very cleverly (or very forcefully) to hide Evil, so that they
will not be uncovered (by me) and thus stopped (by me).

But they are being compromised, now, with the Human Rights



And indeed they are likely to clash with me, as I intend to PROTECT

for the sole and simple reason, that I love people ...and you
would too.


Koos Nolst Trenite 'Cause Trinity'
human rights philosopher and poet

'Men of all nations came
to listen to Solomon's wisdom,
sent by all the kings of the world,
who had heard of his wisdom.'

1 Kings 4:34


The sensitive enough circuit, with a body shunt resistor of some
800 Kilo Ohm, and a cascade of potentiometers (of 500K, 100K and

It is so sensitive, now, that you have to keep it
away from sources of electromagnetic interference
like an opened computer case, for instance, or else
you have to shield the circuit from high frequency.

To ensure the proper signal pickup, I use two stainless steel
cups with bottoms insulated and glued together, to hold in one

- as you already can see in Volney Mathison's patent
submitted on 1956-02-07 (patent 2,799,269 granted on
July 16, 1957) measuring body resistance fluctuations -

and that, AT ANY TIME THAT MY BODY IS BEING HIT (preferably

I measure the fluctuations in order to determine the source of
the hitting (WHO is doing the hitting, who is creating the
harmful Energy being inflicted on me or on my body).

(**) {20090203 06:06 CET} [post] [DRAFT]

Subject: Hollywood's Spiritual Underworld: Tom Cruise and Travolta
"being fed" by the ghoul l. ron hubbard

Criminal Minds have destroyed or perverted physical "science" and
medical "science" so completely and so thoroughly, that these DENY
even the existence of Life Energy.

That is (and quite possibly you have been made, and are kept)
that utterly Insane, as if you would - and as if "science"
would - DENY the existence of water:

Unimaginably Insane, you are made and kept by Criminal Minds.

To stay in Hollywood:

Steven Spielberg DENIES the existence of Life Energy (as
I reported elsewhere).

I remind you of the actuality, that

ALL of life and all thought - all communication in life, all
abilities in life, all interactions in life - ALL do consist of
Life Energy, of Life Energy Particles only,

which is why I have re-created (put back on Earth again)
the science of Fine Particle Physics.


Data: Tom Cruise is a Life Energy Vampire ('LEV').

Data: John Travolta is a Life Energy Vampire.

Data: l. ron hubbard is a most violent, most active, currently
dis-incarnate rapist and Life Energy Vampire - or, being
dis-incarnate, he is also referred to as a 'ghoul' - he is an
individual of malicious deception, of depth of Evil and with an
intensity of Ugliness that is quite beyond your imagination, and
even beyond that of Hollywood.


Data: Life Energy of mine (for being connected to people and to
life, for being liked and trusted and for being active), is
found in Travolta and in Tom Cruise (and in other 'LEV' - Life
Energy Vampires - actors, like Bill Murray of 'Groundhog Day,'
just to name one I have not yet mentioned before, and found

Data: I am a major target for the ghoul l. ron hubbard stealing
Life Energy.


My Life Energy - as you know, and as the Life Energy Vampire or 'LEV'
Bill Gates knows, too - is by far the most valued on Earth

and beyond, which you don't tell the sociopaths of SETI, of course,
who are 'Searching for Extra-Terrestrial Life' - so that they can
destroy that too, I assume.

So there has been going on, and there is still going on, the eternal
fight of the ghoul, of the demon or 'devil' called l. ron hubbard,

to devise means and methods to get my Energy (and that of others,
too), so that "he can be someone" and wield some influence over
others, and

in order for him to 'Energize' - to provide with desirable Life
Energy PARTICLES, other LEV's under his "command," like the
celebrities Tom Cruise and John Travolta.

(And also that you find, highly simplified, in the first 'Matrix'
movie, showing 'Agent Smith' as someone inserting himself in,
and taking over the body - the thoughts, in fact - of, anyone so
influenceable, and doing so in order to hunt down anywhere
almost instantly, to try and stop, the main character who is in
a quest for spiritual and thus physical freedom, in the movie
'The Matrix.')


(***) [context - posted previously]

'Main But Missing History Of 'Scientology:' The Grand Theft'
{HRI note 20090121-V3.0}
(21 Jan 2009 - Version 3.0)


(a) Which I think is quite preferable to a bevy of licensed medical
quacks and well-paid charlatans commanding nurses and keeping
you in their Intensive Care or in a coma,

hardly surpassed by anyone as they are in their die-hard
Evil arrogance,

in their state-sanctioned and their insurance-paid malice
and suffering inflicted on or maintained in you...

...by paying billions upon billions in advertisement
and in "education" of the public and medical people,

to keep you UTTERLY STUPID on the subject, so as

to "visit your health care provider," instead (of
educating you and them).

They should stick to their bacteria and their viruses, and some
occasional other parasites on the body, to oppose, and maybe do
some dieting advice and vitamin diagnostics, and maybe some
CONSTRUCTIVE surgery, I would say, and set broken bones and
such, assist in the desire of birth or its refusal, etc.,

rather than meddling in the basic structure and functioning of

- which then ALREADY proves their malice and would prove it too
in any court of law:

MALICIOUS NEGLIGENCE - as I further explained elsewhere.

But as you know, these medical creatures keep you (well,
not you and me, of course, but OTHERS) too stupid even to
know about THAT.

You are being made and kept that INTENSELY Insane, already
by "education."


'Human Rights Order on the individual last known as
l. ron hubbard'
{HRO 20081017-V2.2}
(17 October 2008 - Version 2.2 on 22 Oct 2008)

'Dismantling Criminal Minds - Fine Particle Physics Major
Discoveries' ('How to become free of evil people') (DCM)
{FPP 20070331-V2.7}
{HRI 20070331-V2.7}
(31 March 2007 - V2.7 on 30 Apr 2007)
'(rev 2.0) How to get rid of l. ron hubbard and 'Scientology'
- {HRI 20070331-V2.0} ... Major Discoveries'

' "Insane" "Defined" By Criminal Minds As 'Ability To Perceive
Them' ' (IDCM)
{HRI 20040422-V2.7.1}
(22 April 2004 - Version 2.7 on 22 July 2006 -> V 2.7.1)

'Explaining The Scale Of Sanity' (SOS)
{HRI 20040619-V4.1}
(19 June 2004 - Version 4.1 on 16 May 2007)

'Obviously the Second Law Of Human Rights' (SLOHR)
{HRI 20060924-V3.2.1}
(24 September 2006 - Version 3.2.1 on 6 Aug 2007)

'How Journalists MAKE (not you, of course, but others) Annoyed
and Nauseatingly Irrational: by Violating the Definition of
Truth' (JVDT)
{HRI 20081026-V2.9.5}
(26 October 2008 - Version 2.9.5 on 2 Nov 2008)

'The Answers to 'Questions to test the "experts" on 'Scientology'
and on 'Scientology' front groups' '
{HRI note 20090102-A-1.0.1}
(2 January 2009 - Answer 17 Feb 2009)

' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series:
"Awareness Levels, - Chart, - Scales" to PRETEND "Awareness" '
{HRI note 20081010-V2.1}
(10 October 2008 - Version 2.1 on 12 Oct 2008)

' 'Scientology is False Tech'-series:
Therapy into 'Drugged' spiritual death - "Pleasure Moment,
Key-out, End Phenomena, Release, Clear"
{HRI note 20081005-II-V1.0}
(5 October 2008, IInd issue - Version 1.0)

'Defining God correctly - and Heaven, and Hell - What is
Monotheism' (DGC)
{HRI 20080406-V4.9.1}
(6 April 2008 - Version 4.9.1 on 12 Jan 2009)

(and further as applicable)



Copyright 2009 by Koos Nolst Trenite - human rights philosopher
and poet
This is 'learnware' - it may not be altered, and it is free for
anyone who learns from it and (even if he can not learn from it)
who passes it on unaltered, and with this message included,
to others who might be able to learn from it (but not to sociopaths
specifically, because these vehemently oppose any true knowledge
of life and of themselves).
None of my writings may be used, ever, to support any political
or religious or scientific "agenda," but only to educate, and to
encourage people to judge un-dominated and for themselves,
about any organizations or individuals.
Send free-of-Envy and free-of-Hate, Beautiful e-mails to:
PlatoWorld at Lycos.com

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