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Thats why i dont want to upgrade XP to Vis~
Fra : Blur T

Dato : 18-07-08 11:38

Microsoft's problem is that they did a great job in getting XP to a 'good
enough' level. People don't necessarily want 'new' when 'old' gets the job
done - especially when 'new' means new problems. They're used to XP's
problems, can work round them - why make them learn new ones? People don't
like learning curves, they are generally conservative, and why shouldn't
they be? Why is it so stupid for people to prefer XP, and to grumble about
having to 'upgrade'?

Lyrik (19-07-2008)
Fra : Lyrik

Dato : 19-07-08 13:04

"Blur T" <ghettoftwSP@Mgmail.com> skrev i meddelelsen
> Microsoft's problem is that they did a great job in getting XP to a 'good
> enough' level. People don't necessarily want 'new' when 'old' gets the job
> done - especially when 'new' means new problems. They're used to XP's
> problems, can work round them - why make them learn new ones? People don't
> like learning curves, they are generally conservative, and why shouldn't
> they be? Why is it so stupid for people to prefer XP, and to grumble about
> having to 'upgrade'?
Many people prefers XP. A good reson is system ressources. The demand for
those are much greater in Vista. I run Vista for security reasons. In XP a
gangster program can install without the user knowing it. Under Vista any
install has to be admitted by the user.

God bless you and Your XP.

Greets Jens "Lyrik" Bech

Carl Drud (19-07-2008)
Fra : Carl Drud

Dato : 19-07-08 13:20

"Lyrik" <lyrikfjern@heaven.dk> writes:

> Many people prefers XP. A good reson is system ressources. The demand
> for those are much greater in Vista. I run Vista for security
> reasons. In XP a gangster program can install without the user knowing
> it. Under Vista any install has to be admitted by the user.

Og nu kommer der en ny Vista ver.

"Vista 2X Super Ultra Turbo-Ultimate. SUTU (as I call it) will
include 33% of all of the modern architecture features that we
originally promised for Longhorn 4 years ago but dropped from the final



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