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Nu kan vi måske snart se en T. Re
Fra : Glenn Møller-Holst

Dato : 28-05-08 06:35

Nu kan vi måske snart se en T. Rex prikke i jorden? - eller måske en
"nuttet" 17 meter lang mosasaur - eller måske "bare" en mammut eller en

May 22, 2008, Life After Extinction: Is There a Tiger in the Mouse?
Researchers transfer DNA from the long-vanished Tasmanian tiger into a
By Adam Hadhazy:
Citat: "...
"In our work thus far, we have looked at one gene, and we're going gene
by gene," says Behringer. Most living beings contain thousands of genes
that interact in very complex ways, making a full-fledged resurrection
virtually impossible. "But as long as you have the DNA of a species,
then you can get that information," Behringer says.


How to Make a Dinosaur:

Apr. 25, 2008, Molecular Analysis Confirms Tyrannosaurus Rex's
Evolutionary Link To Birds:
Citat: "...
molecular analysis of a shred of 68-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex
protein -- along with that of 21 modern species -- confirms that
dinosaurs share common ancestry with chickens [høns], ostriches
[strudse], and to a lesser extent, alligators.
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences discovered soft-tissue
preservation in the T. rex bone in 2005
The current work by Organ and Asara suggests that the extracted protein
from the fossilized dinosaur tissue is authentic, rather than
contamination from a living spe-cies.

2005, HEADLINE SCIENCE: Dino Discovery: Scientists see the softer side
of Tyrannosaurus rex:
Citat: "...
Does this discovery of soft dinosaur tissue mean that scientists will
soon be able to clone a Tyrannosaurus rex? Probably not – most
scientists believe that DNA cannot survive for 70 million years. Then
again, before this discovery, most scientists believed that soft tissue
could not survive for 70 million years either.

Ancient Fossils with Preserved Soft Tissues and DNA
Sean D. Pitman M.D.
Updated March, 2005:
Citat: "...
Some scientists seem to have found intact hemoglobin molecules in the
bones of 65 million-year-old T. rex fossils! How fairly large portions
of such a seemingly delicate molecule could survive intact over many
millions of years is quite a mystery.
How such soft tissue preservation and detail could be realized after 68
million years is more than miraculous - - It is unbelievable!
All of this is a rather mute point, of course, in light of the fact that
T. rex collagen has been subsequently sequenced.
This finding supports the idea that chickens and T. rex share an
evolutionary link and bolsters previous research showing that birds
evolved from dinosaurs and that birds are living dinosaurs.



6 June 2006, BBC News: Tooth gives up oldest human DNA:
Citat: "...
Scientists have recovered DNA from a Neanderthal that lived 100,000
years ago - the oldest human-type DNA so far.

Ancient DNA & Preservation in Amber.
by Ben Best:
Citat: "...
And presumed DNA from a dinosaur egg fossil was shown to be from fungi
But deep ice cores taken from Greenland permafrost have revealed DNA
sequences from plants and insects verified to be between 450,000 and
800,000 years old [SCIENCE; Willerslev,E; 317:111-113 (2007)]. Ice cores
taken from Antarctica have the potential to reveal DNA samples that are
much older.

September 25, 1992, 40-Million-Year-Old Extinct Bee Yields Oldest
Genetic Material:

Nov. 17, 1998, Beyond Jurassic Park -- Real Science With Ancient DNA:
Citat: "...
The stuff of science fiction thrillers? Yes and no. The entire creature
can’t be recreated. However, bacteria extracted from the abdomen of
these long-dead bees has, for the first time ever, been successfully
brought back to life.

30th September 2005, Amber-entombed spider is 20m years old:
Citat: "...
University of Manchester paleontologist Dr. David Penny, who found the
spider in the Dominican Republic managed to extract some of the spider's
blood, which was then tested to reveal the specimen's age.

New Jersey has treasure trove of amber
Jeff Poling:

19 April 1997, Ancient amber, modern DNA:
Citat: "...
"The only DNA we found was from fungi, humans or other vertebrates,"
says Austin.

Quest For Life In Amber:
Citat: "...
[Næsten nederst:]
Millipedes | Spiders



Glenn Møller-Holst (25-11-2008)
Fra : Glenn Møller-Holst

Dato : 25-11-08 07:50

I første omgang bliver det vel "kun" en mammutelefant?:

25. nov 2008, Levende mammut kan genskabes for 50 millioner kroner:



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