"Honolulu" <sut.min@budweiser.com> skrev:
> Sikkert et dumt spørgsmål, men hvordan er det nu lige med de der dp? Er det
> ikke rigtigt at jo mindre tal jo bedre - dvs 0.25 dp er "bedre" end 0.26
> dp....................eller hva'????????
FAQ: What does dot pitch refer to?
A: Dot pitch, usually listed among a monitor's key specifications, refers to
the amount of space between two adjacent pixels. A pixel is a picture
element, the smallest component of the image on your monitor. Each pixel
consists of red, blue, and green elements, and dot pitch measures the
distance in millimeters between two of the same colors in adjacent pixels.
Most monitors have a dot pitch ranging from .28mm to .25mm. The smaller
the dot pitch, the sharper the image.
..25 er Sony f.eks. forlængst kommet under, men ud over det, skulle det
vist være korrekt nok. :)
Mvh. Madsen
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