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Datering igen
Fra : Bekan

Dato : 26-06-07 16:01

Så månen er mellem 2 millioner og 28 milliarder år gammel


the moon provided an outstanding test for the various dating methods,
because all those techniques were used on them. The results were a disaster.

Doctor Read, in a presentation before a special meeting of the California
State Board of Education, discussed his research into lunar rock analysis
using the various types of radioactive dating methods. Sample materials
brought back by the Apollo rockets were carefully dated by uranium dating,
thorium dating, agglutinate dating, and potassium-argon dating. The age
spread of certain moon rocks varied from 2 million to 28 billion years! Now
scientists are arguing over the results. Some say the moon is 2 million
years old, while others say it is 28 billion years old. We have here a
weighty scientific problem. (For more on this, see "Proceedings of the
Second, Third and Fourth Lunar Conferences; Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, Volumes 14 and 17.)

Peter B. P. (26-06-2007)
Fra : Peter B. P.

Dato : 26-06-07 18:01

Bekan <wishwelly2002@yahoo.dk> wrote:

> Så månen er mellem 2 millioner og 28 milliarder år gammel
> huh?
> PROBLEMS WITH ALL RADIODATING METHODS. The rocks brought back from
> the moon provided an outstanding test for the various dating methods,
> because all those techniques were used on them. The results were a disaster.
> Doctor Read, in a presentation before a special meeting of the California
> State Board of Education, discussed his research into lunar rock analysis
> using the various types of radioactive dating methods. Sample materials
> brought back by the Apollo rockets were carefully dated by uranium dating,
> thorium dating, agglutinate dating, and potassium-argon dating. The age
> spread of certain moon rocks varied from 2 million to 28 billion years! Now
> scientists are arguing over the results. Some say the moon is 2 million
> years old, while others say it is 28 billion years old. We have here a
> weighty scientific problem. (For more on this, see "Proceedings of the
> Second, Third and Fourth Lunar Conferences; Earth and Planetary Science
> Letters, Volumes 14 and 17.)

So sædvanligt angiver Bekan ikke kilden til hvor han har grevet disse
sound bites op. Gad vide hvorfor.

regards , Peter B. P.
http://titancity.com/blog , http://macplanet.dk

"We don't dial 911 - we dial .357".

Andreas Falck (26-06-2007)
Fra : Andreas Falck

Dato : 26-06-07 18:09

Peter B. P. skrev i 1i0bwtd.gbbro8jyetN%peter@DIESPAMMERSCUM.dk:

[ ... ]
> So sædvanligt angiver Bekan ikke kilden til hvor han har grevet disse
> sound bites op. Gad vide hvorfor.

For more on this, see "Proceedings of the
Second, Third and Fourth Lunar Conferences; Earth and Planetary Science
Letters, Volumes 14 and 17.)

Med venlig hilsen Andreas Falck - ICQ 108 480 093
http://bibeltro.dk/ + http://skabelsen.info/ + *DebatForum*
http://RUI.ravsted.dk - den lokale ungdoms- & idrætsforening
http://ravsted.dk/ - nok Danmarks mest besøgte landsby-webside i *ny* udgave

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