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No Jo at 22.37!!!!!
Fra : Mr. Mox

Dato : 28-04-07 16:12

HY HI or what you say!

Pat and I has been to Taulhøj and demonstrated as teacher (I), and
pupil (her) what can be taught with the proper superb instructors. I
believe we managed to get two persons more on next years class. We
started last year with 8 people, are now 14, so if all come to september
we will have to get a bigger classroom. Patricia is forever complaining
about me not having any "Hold" in my educating, but the pupils like it!
I swear at them, and tell them not to make straight lines with a
tuler, to be more free and "impressionistic" in their paintings!! They
are all between 80 and skindead, but I cuddle them and make them feel
all newborn!!! There was a fleamarket where I managed to get rid of a
lot of books on repairing cars and the likes, all after a lot of
prodding by the one who has etcetera. Then She HERSELF brought home 4
redwine- and 7 whitewine-glasses, and could not understand why asked if
she could explain the meaning of "White Elephants" to me. My life is
very hard.

We had standig lunch and a beer at Taulhøj, when we came home a guy from
the golfclub came to collect a wheel to his trolley that I had repaired.
He brought a botle of fine Aussie Wine that we have saved for you. He is
83 and has a castle with wine in France. So when I asked him why he
brought us Aussie wine, he said it was good. We'll find out together.
Then I brought out a botle of South African "Savannah" wine, on sale
from the Co-op shop in Taulov at 150 kr. for six, half-price they say,
and I asked him what he as an expert thought of it. He said it was OK
but with a litlle taste f Tanning-acid (?) So I had to try it also, AND
afternoon. The only thing I missed were the blue-crabs on your jetty
(?), pier, mole (?).

Patricia thinks there is no "HOLD" in my letter either, but women have
funny ideas. I imagine you will call to morrow, there must be
thomething I have misunderstood with the days of the week in Aussieland.

Luv galore to you all from Jens (Patricia does not seem to want to be
intanglED IN THIs letter)

Hi HI Jens

Ivan V. Klattrup (28-04-2007)
Fra : Ivan V. Klattrup

Dato : 28-04-07 16:15

Mr. Mox skrev:

> HY HI or what you say!

Jeg gider ikke engelsk i en dansk gruppe.

Ivan V. Klattrup

Bertel Lund Hansen (29-04-2007)
Fra : Bertel Lund Hansen

Dato : 29-04-07 20:52

Ivan V. Klattrup skrev:

> Jeg gider ikke engelsk i en dansk gruppe.

Så må du undlade at læse de danske grupper, eller også ignorere
de indlæg der er på et fremmedsprog. Der står ingen steder at der
skal skrives på dansk i de danske grupper - præcis som der heller
står at man skal skrive på engelsk i de engelske osv.

Chancen for at finde en der kan give et brugbart svar formindskes
hvis man spørger på et fremmedsprog, men det er spørgerens eget

http://bertel.lundhansen.dk/      http://fiduso.dk/

Mr. Mox (29-04-2007)
Fra : Mr. Mox

Dato : 29-04-07 07:54

Mr. Mox skrev:
> HY HI or what you say!
Uha, det må I sørme undskylde.

Den rødmende Mr. Mox

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