Philip Kofoed wrote:
> Hi Hugh,
>> has a very big collection of early postcards deposited by danish
>>publishers by law
> Mange tak for tippet! Ved du hvad baggrunden for den lov var, og hvornår /
> hvor længe den gjaldt?
in the end it was easiest to ask a librarian
lov i 1697 til Kongens Bibliotek
Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Postbox 2149, DK-1016 København K, (+45) 33 47
47 47
I would think censorship would be one of the reasons
to defend the monarchy
in England it was the printer who got imprisoned if he got caught
der er mange ting jeg ikke vid
men jeg har det godt med at laver "look ups"
Hugh W
=============== all my research ======
world wide there is a network of deposit or copyright libraries
national or based on a leading university
if you publish a book, newspaper, map or postcard - however humble -
you must by a local law donate a copy to each relevant library{5385F1AE-C659-4FBF-9FC0-C49FDC20CA3A}
Biblioteksstyrelsen er Kulturministeriets sagkyndige organ for hele det
offentlige biblioteksvæsen. Styrelsen administrerer følgende love:
* Lov om Biblioteksvirksomhed
* Lov om ophavsret
* Lov om biblioteksafgift
* Lov om pligtaflevering
* Lov om distributionstilskud til visse periodiske blade og
* Lov om tilskud til distribution af dagblade
* Lov om Dagbladsnævnet
Biblioteksstyrelsen besvarer derudover bibliotekernes forefaldende
spørgsmål indenfor ophavsretten.
PÃ¥ denne del af hjemmesiden kan du finde information om de love, regler
og aftaler, der gælder for Biblioteksstyrelsens område. Du kan her læse
om lovtekster og dertil hørende spørgsmål og svar.
Lov om pligtaflevering
Her på siden kan du læse om loven og de seneste ændringer af loven.
Dokumenter » Arkiv
» Act on Legal Deposit of Published Material
Act No. 1439 of 22. December 2004
» Bekendtgørelse om pligtaflevering af offentliggjort materiale
Bekendtgørelse nr. 636 af 13. juni 2005
» Lov om pligtaflevering af offentliggjort materiale
Lov nr. 1439 af 22. december 2004 om pligtaflevering af offentliggjort
10 historisk
Dokumentet er historisk og indeholder 232 linier
LOV nr 160 af 01/07/1927
Lov om pligtig Aflevering af Tryksager til offentlige Biblioteker. (* 1)
Dokumentet er historisk og indeholder 315 linier
BEK nr 206 af 15/07/1927
Bekendtg�relse angaaende Gennemf�relsen af Lov af 1. Juli 1927 om
pligtig Aflevering af Tryksager til offentlige Biblioteker
Til det kongelige Bibliotek og Statsbiblioteket i Aarhus skal der af
vedkommende Bog-, Kunst- eller Avistrykkeri eller - forsaavidt de
paagældende Tryksager er fremstillet i Udlandet - af vedkommende
Forlægger (bortset fra Aviser) afleveres et Eksemplar af alt, hvad der
ikke i de nedenstaaende Bestemmelser er undtaget fra Pligtaflevering.
Til Universitetsbiblioteket skal der af vedkommende Forlægger indenfor
de samme Grænser afleveres et Eksemplar efter Paakrav fra Biblioteket af
de enkelte Tryksager.
Af de her i Lande udkommende Aviser skal der af vedkommende Trykkeri
eller - forsaavidt Avisen er fremstillet i Udlandet - af vedkommende
Forlægger afleveres 1 Eksemplar af alle Aviser til det kongelige
Bibliotek, 1 Eksemplar af alle Aviser til Statens Avissamling i Aarhus
og 1 Eksemplar af alle i København udkommende Aviser til
there may be an older law findable with other keywords
=) searches and notes --- I use google to find the danish spelling
Legal deposit is the act of depositing published material in designated
libraries or archives. Publishers and distributors in the United Kingdom
and Ireland have legal obligation to deposit published material in the
six legal deposit libraries which collectively maintain the national
published archive of the British Isles.
Publishers must supply a copy of each of their publications to the
British Library, within a month of the date of publication.
as a Danish publisher we are obliged by Danish law to provide the Royal
Danish Library a free subscription to all printed and electronic works we
publish. In other words the Royal Danish Library acts as the legal deposit
library for all Munksgaard publications, including IUCr publications. In
addition the Library of Congress, Washington receives a free copy of all
printed journals. But no other library than the Royal Danish Library has
free access to our e-journals. The printed and electronic works is only
available for personal use at the Royal Danish Library.
Det Kongelige Bibliotek, Postbox 2149, DK-1016 København K, (+45) 33 47
47 47,, EAN: 5798 000795297
copyright is a much newer concept in english
- Consolidated Act No. 164 of March 12, 2003
The Act on Copyright, cf. Consolidated Act No. 618 of June 27, 2001, as
amended by Act No. 1051 of December 17, 2002, is hereby promulgated.
The World's Knowledge
We hold over 13 million books, 920,000 journal and newspaper titles, 57
million patents, 3 million sound recordings, and so much more. Start
exploring here.
the best known component of the new national library consisted of the
library departments of the British Museum. The Museum's Department of
Printed Books was founded in 1753, the year of the foundation of the
Museum itself. Over the intervening two hundred years, the library of
the British Museum had grown into one of the largest in the world,
sustained by its privilege of legal deposit whereby it was entitled to a
copy of most items printed in the United Kingdom - not only books and
periodicals, but newspapers, maps and printed music. In addition, the
Museum's comprehensive holdings of non-legal deposit items had
reportedly earned it the accolade from Lenin of possessing (in the
1900s) a more comprehensive collection of Russian books than libraries
in Moscow and St Petersburg.
Lenin was one of those privileged to use the Museum's spectacular domed
reading room. Designed in the 1850s at the instigation of Sir Anthony
Panizzi, then Chief Librarian, the reading room and surrounding
bookstacks were constructed in the courtyard of the British Museum
providing its library with impressive premises in the heart of what was
already an overcrowded building. The Reading Room had been thrown open
to all for a short period at the time of its opening in May 1857,
thereafter admission was by pass only, giving access to its collections
an aura of selectivity and exclusiveness. In addition to Lenin (who used
the pseudonym Jacob Richter), the roll call of those holding reader
passes included Karl Marx, Charles Dickens, George Bernard Shaw and
Virginia Woolf.
Patent Office Library (from 1962 National Library of Science and Invention)
Another constituent part of the British Library was the library of the
Patent Office. Its origins lay in the Patent Law Amendment Act of 1851
which required "true copies of all specifications to be open to the
inspection of the public at the office of the commissioners", the Patent
Office library itself opened in 1855.
a wonderful artist in Denmark
Beta blogger photographs and walks