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Jewish Atrocities Are Exposed for the Worl~
Fra : Salah Jafar

Dato : 06-10-06 04:31

Zionist War Crimes Video

Jewish Atrocities Are Exposed for the World to See

by Mark Franklin, 3/5/05

I've made what may very well be the most controversial video in the U.S. It deals with a topic that no actors or producers in Hollywood will even mention out of the corner of their mouths. They will not touch the topic of Zionist war crimes, and there is a good reason for this.

The reason for this topic being so controversial is, quite simply stated, Jews control the majority of the media. If you don't realize this by now, I don't even want to talk with you. You need to take out your favorite search engine for a few days and look at all the links for "Jews" and "media" -- and by that I don't just mean the articles written by Jewish groups like the ADL, who obviously have something to hide. When you're done with that, come back to this article and read it. Jews may as well be called the "Jewish Media Barons," for they determine what people in America watch and hear.

Look at the heads of almost all the major news sources: Gerald Levin is the CEO of CNN, AOL, and Time Warner. Peter Chernin is president and CEO of the FOX Group. Sumner Redstone, also known as Murray Rothstein, recently acquired CBS and controls the book publishing companies Simon & Schuster, Scribner, The Free Press, and Pocket Books. Redstone's Viacom also controls Showtime, MTV, and Nickolodeon, among other TV networks. Steven Borenstein is CEO of ESPN. Michael Eisner controls Walt Disney, Touchstone Television, Buena Vista Television, and ABC, not to mention dozens of radio stations. Ronald Perleman owns New World Entertainment. Jeffrey Katzenberg, Steven Spielberg, and David Geffen own DreamWorks. The brothers Samuel and David Newhouse, the children of media baron Samuel Newhouse, control 26 newspapers, 12 television stations, 87 cable TV systems, and about two-dozen popular magazines. Edgar Bronfman Jr., President and CEO of Seagrams, controls MCA and Universal Pictures which recently merged under the name of Universal Studios and controls Interscope Records and PolyGram as well. Mortimer Zuckerman controls U.S. News & World Report. Arthur Sulzberger Jr. controls The New York Times, 33 other newspapers, and about a dozen magazines. Until her recent death, Katherine Meyer Graham controlled Newsweek and the Washington Post. The same can be said of Canada where Israel Asper controls numerous newspapers and has reportedly fired employees for being critical of Israel. This list was actually made 3-4 years ago, and may need a little updating. The names may change, but the Jewish Media Barons' practices and monopoly continue.

Well-known Jewish writer Ben Stein recently wrote a most revealing article about this Jewish control.(1) The title of it is, "Do Jews Run Hollywood? You bet they do--and what of it?" Stein begins with a quote by Marlon Brando, who once reportedly stated on Larry King Live,

"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews--and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because...we have seen...the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the [line]."(2)

Brando's point appears to have some merit, as Jews are seldom portrayed in a negative light on television or in the movies. If anything, Jews are often shown as the victims of unfettered hatred, perhaps to elicit feelings of sympathy among viewers. In other roles, they are typically chosen as the elite, the comical, the wise, et cetera, ad nauseam. In fact, the number of times Jews have been portrayed as less than wholesome can probably be added up on one hand (if not one finger). Concurring with Stein's article, popular Jewish publications in the past have said something similar:

"Jews dominate Hollywood today as they did in the industry's infancy, in the acting, directing and producing departments, Tom Tugend writes in The Jewish Chronicle of London. 'On the whole,' he asserts, 'the Jewish presence in Hollywood is taken as a historic fact of life and few insensitivities are aroused by the number, influence, or character of Jews in the movie industry.' ... Moving over into the realm of the producers and directors, Tugend says the 'majority . . . are Jewish while the Writers Guild is practically a Semitic closed shop with Jews making up 70 to 80 percent of the membership."(3)

Stein, of course, says that all these Jews in the media should be ignored. It's not a conspiracy, he says. Jews just decided one day to monopolize the media, spread their propaganda, and charge ridiculous sums for commercials that boost everything up in cost (giving them more money to monopolize other fields). Stein says that Jews, who are about 2.5 percent of America's population, only make up 60 percent of the media. What he fails to mention is that they are the media elite; they are Jewish Media Barons, who are in the controlling positions. (The other 40 percent, who Stein claims are not Jews, are the ones who do the dirty work, and this figure of 40 percent seems a bit large at that.) Stein argues that Gentiles should ignore all this.

President Nixon even recognized that Jews control the media, and things have gotten much worse since he was in office. Of course, this is why Jews tend to portray Nixon in a negative light, trying to write off his comments as being merely "anti-Semitic." President Nixon stated,

"[People] have to realize that Jews in the U.S. control the entire information and propaganda machine, the large newspapers, the motion pictures, radio and television, and the big companies. And there is a force we have to take into consideration."(4)

Additionally, American politicians, for the most part, are controlled by Jewish plutocrats, many of whom reside in Israel, as well. This is why American politicians are hesitant to be critical of Israel. This is not some bizarre "anti-Semitic fantasy," as Jews would like some people to believe. Rather, it is a fact with which America has to admit. Indeed, as much of the Internet has heard by now, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon openly gloats about such control. On October 3, 2001, the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs noted something rather disturbing that Sharon said on Israeli public radio:

"We the Jewish people control America. And the Americans know it."(5)

Paul Findley, a congressman from Illinois for 22 years, documented this fact quite well in his book They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby. If there were no others who would corroborate Findley's findings, it would be easy to discredit him as simply an anti-Semite. However, he cites numerous other politicians who have also pointed out this disturbing matter.

Apparently, this is how it works: Jews are allowed to have dual-citizenship between the U.S. and Israel. America gives Israel $4 billion a year that it does not pay back (and this doesn't necessarily include military secrets and hardware, plus occasional bank-bailouts and other matters). The Jews who are dual-citizens take a small portion of this $4 billion and re-invest it in American politics, choosing U.S. politicians who are likely to support Israel. (It is believed that Israel has somewhere around 300 different political action committees working inside of America, led by Jews with dual-citizenship.) Aside from Findley's book, the book Stealth PACs also describes how some of these pro-Israeli groups use seemingly innocuous names to hide their pro-Israel agenda at American taxpayers' expense.

How much has this unchecked support of Israel cost American taxpayers? The well-respected economist Dr. Thomas Stauffer stated that America's financial loss due to its support of Israel is about $1.7 trillion in today's dollars, roughly one-third of America's deficit.(6) (And let's not even begin to talk about to whom we owe this money).

Numerous political figures have gone on record about this nigh-insane support of Israel that some endorse.

In February 1957, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles promulgated,

"I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a foreign policy [in the Middle East] not approved by the Jews."(7)

Likewise, when Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff George S. Brown spoke to Duke University on October 10, 1975, he said something similar. A student asked Gen. Brown a question:

"How can we stop Israel from obtaining from the Congress more foreign aid than any other nation in the world?"

To this, General Brown responded:

"When they get tough-minded enough to set down the Jewish influence in this country and break that lobby. It is so strong, you wouldn't believe it. Now, we have the Israelis coming to us for equipment. We say we can't probably get the Congress to support a program like this. And they say, 'Don't worry about the Congress. We will take care of the Congress.' This is somebody from another country. But they can do it."(8)

When some Jews countered with the usual argument that Gen. Brown was merely an anti-Semite, General M.B. Twining, a hero of WWII and the Korean War who was Commander of the U.S. Air Force, reportedly told the San Diego Union:

"A group of powerful U.S. Jews have grotesquely distorted U.S. foreign policy in blind fanatic support of Israel, and Gen. Brown deserves praise, not criticism, for saying so. As head of our nation's armed forces, he sees us--a nation of 200 million people--being dragooned into a disastrous war . . . by a ruthless lobby of Jewish-American extremists single-mindedly bent on enforcing their rule or ruin policy in the Middle East."(9)

Admiral Thomas Moorer of the Joint Chiefs of Staff described this alarming pattern as well:

"I've never seen a President-I don't care who he is-stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want.... If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms."(10)

Jews openly gloat about their control over America. And it extends beyond Sharon's aforementioned comments, bragging about his control over America. Indeed, one popular Jewish publication even had a caricature of President Bush drawn. It depicted him as a comical wooden puppet, pulled by (Jewish) strings.(11)

U.S. Senator Fulbright (for whom the Fulbright Scholarship is named) stated:

"Israel controls the Senate... We should be more concerned about the United States' interests."(12)

Indeed, America should be more concerned about its interests. For that little comment that Sen. Fulbright made, Jews were able to get him unseated. Jews were able to unseat Fulbright because of their 300 or so pro-Israel political action committees that receive support from Israel and because Jews, quite simply stated, control the media.

My search for the truth began some time back. Using the Internet, I came across many acts of terrorism perpetrated by Jewish supremacists in Israel. You can spend a little time and do a search for "Zionists" and "atrocities" with your favorite search engine, again, if you doubt me. I was able to read about all kinds of atrocities perpetrated against the Palestinians. I saw pictures of these things. But what did the pictures truly mean? For all I knew, maybe the person who was photographed was in the act of doing something wrong, I thought. This aroused my curiosity even more. I began to learn more about the underlying Jewish influence in world conflicts, particularly in Palestine.

I used the Internet to find addresses of TV stations in the Mid-East. I wrote to various TV stations, told them that I'd like to make a movie exposing Israeli atrocities, and that I'd like some video footage. I was upfront with these places and told them that I had no experience making a video at the time. Here I was asking a foreign TV station for free footage to use in a video that I had never really had any experience in making. I was asking in English, since I know no Arabic. Much to my surprise, I actually received responses.

With this thought in mind, I put this footage together and made a videocassette and Interactive CD (ICD) that show the vicious nature of Israel for the world to see. The video and ICD are entitled, Zionist War Crimes: The Case for the Prosecution. The ICD and video show some of the most controversial footage ever to be shown outside the Mid-East.

The video isn't perfect. Palestinians captured much of the video at great personal risk to themselves, since the Jewish supremacists in Israel won't allow camera crews. I didn't have the budget to hire a professional speaker or a sound studio. And I had to write the script myself. Nevertheless, I think anyone watching this video will find it both informative and shocking. If enough people purchased it, the Jewish Media Barons would have something serious with which to concern themselves, as I would not hesitate to make other videos.

The videocassette is an hour long. It begins with the days of Theodor Herzl and extends through Israel's inception, when it expelled numerous Palestinians from their homes. See Palestinians as they are marched through the streets, and herded into truck like cattle. See the Palestinians, as literally tens of thousands are forced to live in tent cities, far from where their nice homes had been. See some child victims of Deir Yassin, another area where the Israeli terrorists had their way. Short clips of the King David Hotel are shown, after the Jewish supremacists bombed and murdered dozens of Britons and others. Count Folke Bernadotte is shown, a UN Mediator who was murdered by Menachem Begin's terror force. (Begin later became Prime Minister of Israel.) Lord Moyne is shown after Yitzhak Shamir's crew murdered him. (Shamir later became Prime Minister of Israel and bragged about this.) See some of the aftermath of the LaVon Affair-an American interest in Egypt that the Israelis bombed. See some of the victims of the USS Liberty, after the Jewish hatemongers murdered many aboard. This video shows many of the war crimes perpetrated against the Palestinians, which has led to their current ongoing battle with the Jewish supremacists. Sabra and Shatilla, Lebanon, Jenin, and a host of other atrocities are exposed for everyone in the world to see. After viewing this, you will understand the effort to have Sharon tried for war crimes.

The ICD has the entire video mentioned above on it in MPEG-1 format, which is viewable with just about any PC made in the last 4 years or so (must be at least a 166MHz processor, preferably with 32MB of memory or more, and be able to run video/sound with Windows Media Player). This ICD is really something else. When inserted into your computer's drive, an attractive-looking menu should pop-up. In addition to the video, it also has a graphic slideshow, so that you can truly see the extent of the hatred exhibited by the Jewish supremacists in Israel. Several articles are also on this ICD, five of which were translated from Arabic. Background music can be turned on/off while reading the articles or watching the slideshow. This ICD is the wave of the future, as it conveys a lot of information on it.

This Interactive CD is sure to anger Jewish supremacists, as it reveals many of their actions. How long can something like this remain on the market before the Zionists attempt to suppress it one form or another? This is a question that is unknown at this time. However, you might not want to take the chance of waiting for a war with Iraq to begin, when criticizing America's so-called "ally" Israel might very well become a crime.

This video and ICD were discussed on the popular talk show the Free American ( http://www.freeamerican.com/). The show occurred on February 17, 2003 and was archived at the time. Take a visit to the Free American's talk show host's archives, http://soundwaves2000.com/freeamerican, to see if this show is still there. The Free American talk show appears on AM, FM, and shortwave. Additionally, it is mentioned in March's magazine, which has a circulation of approximately 50,000.

The Internet is making everyone more knowledgeable about what has occurred in the past. And, with items like these videocassettes and ICDs, the whole world will soon be exposed. There is no stopping the truth. And when the world discovers the truth, what comes with it will not be pleasant for those Jewish supremacists in Israel who have promoted their particularly hateful acts of terrorism and ethnic cleansing.

The world will soon know the truth about the Jewish supremacists in Israel. And a trial for war crimes in Belgium awaits Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.


1.) Entertainment Online: http://www.eonline.com/Features/Specials/Jews

2.) Entertainment Online: http://www.eonline.com/Features/Specials/Jews

3.) Jewish Post and Opinion, December 6, 1974

4.) Leonard Dinnerstein, Anti-Semitism in America, pp. 232-233

5.) Washington Report on Middle East Affair's website: http://www.wrmea.com/html/newsitem_s.htm

6.) The Christian Science Monitor, December 9, 2002

7.) Donald Neff, Fallen Pillars, p. 99.

8.) "The Generals and the Jews," Newsweek (November 25, 1974), p. 39+.

9.) "The Generals and the Jews," Newsweek (November 25, 1974), p. 39+.

10.) Andrew Hurley, One Nation Under Israel

11.) Australian Jewish News, February 15, 2002, p. 17.

12.) Paul Findley, They Dare to Speak Out, p. 95.

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