Karsten wrote:
> I tried to clean up my C

rive, but something went wrong.
> I desided to format C and re-install Windows.
> Everytime I tried to reinstall the PC either "froze" og crashed
> (restarted).
> Then I tried to use Norton Partitionmagic - but it just tells me, that
> there are no active partitions - and the only partition I have is BAD.
> I know for sure that I still have the D and E partitions (can see them
> in another software) - but I keep getting "error #4" from PM.
> Anyone who has tried somthing similar? And even better: Somone who
> handled the problem?
> KH Karsten
Det lugter jo lidt af en HD, der er steget af? - Der kan godt være Bad
Sectores, som forhindrer adgang til een partition, selvom du stadig har
adgang til øvrige partitioner.
Prøv at boote fra CD og kør en chkdsk på harddisken - den burde kunne
identificere og neutralisere dårlige sektorer.
BJ Denmark
Jeg har endnu tilgode at se den dag, hvor argumentet "Du er en idiot"
får nogen til at indse, at de ikke har ret.