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Site Critique - Please (new changes!!)
Fra : WDC

Dato : 18-01-01 13:53

Please Critique my site


Thanks in advance

Alien Spawn (18-01-2001)
Fra : Alien Spawn

Dato : 18-01-01 23:03

"WDC" <webdesigncork@eircom.net> wrote in message
> Please Critique my site
> www.webdesigncork.f2s.com
> Thanks in advance

gettin better ! On the right hand side of your blue navigation bar since it
looks blank you could have a "last updated xx xx xx" so people know that at
least site hasn't been abandoned (and change it reg.). Nothing worse than
coming across a site that has "last updated 12/03/1996" and there are plenty
of them..

Brian McKim (28-01-2001)
Fra : Brian McKim

Dato : 28-01-01 01:14

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Applet never did kick in...I am using Netscape 4.5

For a design site, it's pretty...un-exciting...perhaps,
to quote your own site, "you just need some eye-catching graphics."

Also: I clicked on "Flash Development," and I am still waiting
for something to happen...connected at 44K...

P.S. Your logo just came up for the first time in 3 tries...at
first it was a white box...then the second time I visited, it
was a black box...now it's your logo.

WDC wrote:
> Please Critique my site
> www.webdesigncork.f2s.com
> Thanks in advance


Brian McKim & Traci Skene
Editors/Publishers, SHECKYmagazine.com

For details on the
SHECKYmagazine.COMICS-Only Reunion go to:

©Copyright 2001 Independent Together
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Brian McKim
Content-Disposition: attachment;

n:Brian McKim;& Traci Skene
tel;fax:(253)595-3024...24 HRS/7 DAYS
org:SHECKY! A magazine about standup...
adr:;;P.O. Box 1096;Merchantville;NJ;08109;U.S.A.
title:Editors & Publishers
fn:Brian McKim & Traci Skene


MikeG in Philly (28-01-2001)
Fra : MikeG in Philly

Dato : 28-01-01 01:58

Well, from a layman's viewpoint: the pale blue color is neither hot nor cold
and is too "blah"; the pages take forever to load, especially the cbphobby
page, and the lack of even simple graphics was noticeable, and the pages
generally were too 'empty.' I know that generally less is more, but
sometimes, less is empty. I really liked the water effect on the logo, but
the load time was quite long. I have a 56K dialup, IE5.5, WinME. If you can
work in HTML and CGI and JavaScript and Flash you are quite talented, and it
all needs to be combined with a design with 'punch' and the text does not do
justice to your talents . The prospective customer needs to know why they
should hire 'YOU' for their job. If I were doing the pages I'd probably try
to have them load as a single screen without slide bars, maybe menu items
on both sides and really specific text in between. Suggest a very pale green
background - something to compliment the dark blue of the logo, with some
sort of dark green accent to pick up the same value as the dark blue. The
colors totally should be three, ideally. Good luck. MikeG in Philly
MikeG in Philly
"Brian McKim" <Editors@sheckymagazine.com> wrote in message
> Applet never did kick in...I am using Netscape 4.5
> For a design site, it's pretty...un-exciting...perhaps,
> to quote your own site, "you just need some eye-catching graphics."
> Also: I clicked on "Flash Development," and I am still waiting
> for something to happen...connected at 44K...
> P.S. Your logo just came up for the first time in 3 tries...at
> first it was a white box...then the second time I visited, it
> was a black box...now it's your logo.
> WDC wrote:
> >
> > Please Critique my site
> >
> > www.webdesigncork.f2s.com
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > WDC
> --
> Brian McKim & Traci Skene
> Editors/Publishers, SHECKYmagazine.com
> http://www.sheckymagazine.com
> For details on the
> SHECKYmagazine.COMICS-Only Reunion go to:
> http://www.sheckymagazine.com/reunion.htm
> ©Copyright 2001 Independent Together
> Comics/Writers/Producers

Kevin Hill (30-01-2001)
Fra : Kevin Hill

Dato : 30-01-01 03:10

Why is the left side menu spacing different for "Services" than it is for
"portfolio" and "Contact Us"? The different graphics? Makes it look a
bit... wonky...

I like the lined background, but I have seen it in quite a few places, and
have always been partial to it! GRIN.

Graphic where your logo should be is just a grey box. Nothing coming

VERY, VEEEEEERY Slow. If you are seriously trying to market yourself as a
web designer the first two things I think of are: Cool site layout and
speed. Your site has no speed, and has an ok layout. Dazzle me with your
layout here. Show me something that really jumps at me, and blows my
eyeballs out of my sockets.

Kevin Hill
Vice President/Webmaster

"Brian McKim" <Editors@sheckymagazine.com> wrote in message
> Applet never did kick in...I am using Netscape 4.5
> For a design site, it's pretty...un-exciting...perhaps,
> to quote your own site, "you just need some eye-catching graphics."
> Also: I clicked on "Flash Development," and I am still waiting
> for something to happen...connected at 44K...
> P.S. Your logo just came up for the first time in 3 tries...at
> first it was a white box...then the second time I visited, it
> was a black box...now it's your logo.
> WDC wrote:
> >
> > Please Critique my site
> >
> > www.webdesigncork.f2s.com
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > WDC
> --
> Brian McKim & Traci Skene
> Editors/Publishers, SHECKYmagazine.com
> http://www.sheckymagazine.com
> For details on the
> SHECKYmagazine.COMICS-Only Reunion go to:
> http://www.sheckymagazine.com/reunion.htm
> ©Copyright 2001 Independent Together
> Comics/Writers/Producers

akratt (30-01-2001)
Fra : akratt

Dato : 30-01-01 07:02

If I were to start offering my services as a web designer.... would you hire
me? just wondering seeing as I only do this for fun. I'm thinking of
trying to get work at this... should I bother?

The Great and Powerful Rat Has Spoken.
AKRATT ~~~(,, ,,">

Kevin Hill (30-01-2001)
Fra : Kevin Hill

Dato : 30-01-01 10:03

I would not hire you. However, I think you should bother. If this is in
fact your first venture into web design, you are already way ahead of quite
a few others out there.

Not necessarily because you don't have what it takes, it's just that you
really have to zing me for me to want to spend a couple of grand on you to
take over part of my existing job.

Essentially, I want to see things on your site that I cannot do, and don't
have any idea of how to to do.

Kevin Hill
Vice President/Webmaster
"akratt" <akratt@nospam.com> wrote in message
> If I were to start offering my services as a web designer.... would you
> me? just wondering seeing as I only do this for fun. I'm thinking of
> trying to get work at this... should I bother?
> --
> *****************************************************
> The Great and Powerful Rat Has Spoken.
> http://personal.lig.bellsouth.net/lig/a/k/akratt/
> AKRATT ~~~(,, ,,">

Ken (28-01-2001)
Fra : Ken

Dato : 28-01-01 02:29

On Thu, 18 Jan 2001 12:53:13 -0000, "WDC" <webdesigncork@eircom.net> wrote:

>Please Critique my site

   The applet never did load in Netscape 4.7. It's a bit amateurish,
anyway. I think it'd be better if you just used an image. The "Last updated"
and the counter are also quite amateurish. Use a tracker that doesn't show
the user how many people have been to your site.

   In your "CGI / Integration" page, you have the following quote: "CGI
is a language ..." CGI is NOT a language. CGI is a protocol for running
programs on a server. That quote makes you look like you do not know what
you're doing, in my opinion.

No e-mail replies, please. The opinions expressed are my own.

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