dk wrote:
> Passer det at der skulle være noget som hedder sildblink, altså når det er
> mørkt og månen skinner og stimer af sild vender sig, at det så kan ses på
> himlen som et lysglimt?
Mon det er noget i disse retninger?:
11/21/2005, A glowing sea, courtesy of algae:
Citat: "...
When we stepped hard on the dock, it made the fish jump. They looked
like little glow sticks underwater! I then stuck my foot in the water
and moved it about. The water glowed green in the direction of the
movement. My boyfriend jumped in, moved his arms and legs, and he looked
like a glowing angel.
A: Little microscopic creatures (called Lingulodinium polyedrum) that
glow in the dark caused the alluring strange display that night.
05 October 2005, Sea's eerie glow seen from space:;=earth_rss20
Citat: "...The ancient mariners were right. Tales of "milky seas" that
glow bluish-white at night and extend as far as the horizon have been
spun by sailors for centuries. Now this eerie glow has been spotted from
The glowing area spanned 15,400 square kilometres, an area the size of
Connecticut (Image: Steven D Miller, US Naval Research Laboratory).
DAAC Study: The Incredible Glowing Algae:
Citat: "...Each year, the North Atlantic Ocean announces springtime by
producing “blooms” large enough to be seen from space. These explosive
increases in microscopic marine algae, called phytoplankton, appear as
sudden bright blossoms in satellite imagery..."