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2006 Moon in Auriga
Fra : Real Time Reality Re~

Dato : 13-02-06 17:58

Moon in Auriga 2006

Copyright © 2006 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved.

Moon in Auriga serves our prediction in the year 2006 much as Moon in
Cetus marked all the major events in the year 2005. Auriga is a
zodiacal IAU constellation after Orion.

The Moon can be both in Orion (11-9 WTC) as well as Auriga, while other
astrologic planets can be in Orion; thus in the year 2007 we have Venus
in Orion. Venus in Orion has been documented in our early publication
on Venus in Special Constellations.

In the case of a planet in Cetus we elaborated on two distinct
positions that we conveniently marked Cetus I and Cetus II. In the case
of Moon in Auriga we can clearly distinguish two different positions,
namely Moon at the Stargate and Moon conjunct star 49 Aurigae. The star
Kappa Aurigae stands in between these two distinct positions.

The intersection point between the galactic equator and the ecliptic
defines the Orion Stargate. That Orion is our galactic neighbor was
known to our old civilizations who worshiped it while studying its
precession and longer cycles. The Orion Stargate lies between Taurus
and Gemini constellations as defined by the IAU. This point happens to
lie just below Auriga constellation.

It is understandable that extreme positions of the Moon affect peculiar
circumstances in the life cycle on planet Earth. As above so below.
Auriga regulates automobile industry, but also computer industry since
the two tend to blend. Auriga is about quick decision such as in
formula one, tank battle and supercomputing. It is also about
dislodging and exile. Neighboring Gemini has always been associated
with binary calculus but also with war, Auriga takes the attributes of
Gemini to extreme announcing a super technological war campaign with
issuing refugees. The chariot of power becomes a modern tank geared
with sophisticated computer technology operative in a sand storm as
well as night battle.

When the Moon opposes Pluto in the year 2006, it does so from Taurus
constellation, just below Auriga. Pluto hovers at the borders of
Serpens, flirting with Ophiuchus constellation. The next opposition
happens at 167.7 angular degrees on March 7th 2006.

The Moon's extreme position does not seem to bode well for world
peace towards May 2006. Moon's entry into Auriga with Mars standing
by and Pluto in opposition doesn't seem to portray a peaceful time.
If we are unlucky to have a major a battle fighting, the celestial
setting looks like the taking of a capital city. In formula one affairs
as well as competitive automobile industry a major rival will largely
triumph over three opponents.

Some of the major events that will portray the destiny of the planet
besides Moon in Auriga are Jupiter's entry into Ophiuchus as well as
Pluto's entry into Sagittarius. Pluto's position in Sagittarius is
especially interesting as concern the Sagittarius Stargate where
Jupiter is about to join after its journey through Ophiuchus. Venus in
Hydra will mark the year 2007. We shall attempt at drilling the planet
to the core from a Japanese ship. The apocalyptic years 2007 to 2012
will thus be marked by the effort of getting to the crystal core of the
planet. This looks like coming into accord with some dark Mayan
prophecy as well as with the first approach of killer asteroid Apophis
around New Year 2013.

Michael Alcandor (13-02-2006)
Fra : Michael Alcandor

Dato : 13-02-06 18:51

There is a lot wrong with your post.

First, all your talk about various planets being in constellations that
are not part of the traditional zodiac, which you use to try to justify
your self-image as a person who is superior to others and who has
access to knowledge that other "lower" forms of people do not have
access to, is based on the fallacy of so-called "sidereal astrology",
which holds that it is the haphazard background stars and
constellations that determine the nature of a planet when it is near
that part of the ecliptic. See my thread "Sidereal Astrology is
Clearly Wrong" for a more detailed discussion of the obvious problems
with so-called "sidereal astrology".

Secondly, since you know that your wrong attempts have never been and
never willbe any more successful than chance guessing would be at
predicting the future, you attempt to serve up some lame "predictions"
for the coming year, based on your entirely wrong conception, which you
developed to try to differentiate yourself from others, and to try to
create some factual basis for your grossly inflated ego.

The moon's position "does not seem to bode well for world peace".
"Seems"? Nay madam, it is, I know not "seems". Why seems it so
particular with thee that you would have to include the ass-covering
qualifier "seems" on to a vague milque-toast "prediction" that there's
going to be war in 2006? Has there ever been one single year in the
entire history of mankind where there was world peace? So your lame ass
prediction would apply to every single year that man has ever been

I could go on and on, but why bother? You try to weasel some bullshit
about planets being "in" constellations that are not part of the
zodiac, becuase you want to try to seem "special", in order to creat
some factual basis for your inflated opinion of yourself. The
constellations were OBVIOUSLY nothing more than convenient bookmarks
for the ancients to mark equinox and solstice points, and some
gradation between them. Marking these poitns was crucial to their
survival. So they picked a random conglomeration of visible objects in
that part of the sky, and called it a scarab, or a ram or whatever,
even though they look nothing like those animals. Because they just
needed a visual mnemonic to remember that part of the sky with.

You're all wet, guy. Sideral astrology is wrong, and you are distorting
even this wrong study with more nonsense, in order to boost your ego.

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