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digital signature og Linux
Fra : DenverD

Dato : 25-10-05 13:01

it appears that one *must* use Internet Exploder to have a digital
signature in Denmark...is that correct?

A Texan in Denmark (on a box with no M$ or Intel)

Anders Bystrup (25-10-2005)
Fra : Anders Bystrup

Dato : 25-10-05 13:05

DenverD wrote:
> it appears that one *must* use Internet Exploder to have a digital
> signature in Denmark...is that correct?
> DenverD
> A Texan in Denmark (on a box with no M$ or Intel)
> www.texan.dk

Nope - it works fine on linux here... (Debian & firefox)
When you order the signature there is two possibilities as far as i
remember. One for IE only and one for all other browsers.


Torben Schou Jensen (26-10-2005)
Fra : Torben Schou Jensen

Dato : 26-10-05 14:52

"Anders Bystrup" <anders@XXXXXX.redakula.net> wrote in message
> DenverD wrote:
>> it appears that one *must* use Internet Exploder to have a digital
>> signature in Denmark...is that correct?
>> DenverD
>> A Texan in Denmark (on a box with no M$ or Intel)
>> www.texan.dk
> Nope - it works fine on linux here... (Debian & firefox)
> When you order the signature there is two possibilities as far as i
> remember. One for IE only and one for all other browsers.
> /Anders

With your digital signature exported in pkcs12 format you can use it in any

Peter Mogensen (25-10-2005)
Fra : Peter Mogensen

Dato : 25-10-05 13:33

DenverD wrote:
> it appears that one *must* use Internet Exploder to have a digital
> signature in Denmark...is that correct?

No. The "digital signature" is just plain x509.
What makes it the "official" signature is more a question of security
and policy demands (who can issue and so..) than technical formats. You
can use any x509 (S/MIME) client.


Max Andersen (25-10-2005)
Fra : Max Andersen

Dato : 25-10-05 13:48

DenverD wrote:
> it appears that one *must* use Internet Exploder to have a digital
> signature in Denmark...is that correct?
> DenverD
> A Texan in Denmark (on a box with no M$ or Intel)
> www.texan.dk

I use digital signature, but I had to order the Flex signature instead
of the normal IE signature.

But since you use IE now, and TDC has changed the signature behaviour
due to MS not default exporting with a password, you might have to start
all over.

So had it not been for the ridiculously low security settings default on
MS boxes, the porting would have been a joy.

You'll have to contact TDC and order a new signature called flex, I
believe. Unless the export can be imported in other browsers than IE.
try out the export first.

start -> programs -> tdc digital signatur -> eksport (or something like


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