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Fra : Sune Salminen

Dato : 14-07-05 22:53

Gratis, fuld PC-version af onEscapee.

"onEscapee is a graphic action-adventure very much in the Flashback
mould with a gameplay similar to Another World.
onEscapee has a distinct cyberspace air to it. The main character is on
the run from powerful alien beings on an alien planet, having been
transported there for a reason that no-one knows at the beginning.
The title "onEscapee" hard to understand for the first sight: it is a
compound of two words: "one" and "escapee". The one is supposed to
emphasize the 'one man against the world" theme, and the hero is an
escapee from alien kidnappers.
Since onEscapee has been released on the Amiga, it's received a number
of awards, such as "Game of the Year" including Amiga Flame's, or the CU
Superstar award from the word biggest selling Amiga mag!
Looking at the fact that it has recieved 90% or more better rating
everywhere so far, plus that for the upcoming releases a number of
improvements has been added, onEscapee is to be a success in the PC
world as well!"


Ser ud somom det er fra de samme folk som lavede det legendariske
off-road racerspil, Insane.


Nuke a gay vegan whale for christ!
My band: www.secondnature.dk
[Remove the monkey to send mail]

Poul Johannsen (15-07-2005)
Fra : Poul Johannsen

Dato : 15-07-05 08:51


Takker for linket

Mvh Poul

Hans Nikolajsen (16-07-2005)
Fra : Hans Nikolajsen

Dato : 16-07-05 08:56



Jeg har hentet den, men kan ikke starte installationen
Den kommer med en NSIS error!
Den fortæller ar det kan være en virus eller en fejl ved downloaden.

Andre der har samme problem ???

Hans Nikolajsen
Homepage: http://home1.stofanet.dk/jadav/

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