Mogens Michaelsen wrote:
> Efter at have læst "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics"
> af David J. Griffiths, har jeg et spørgsmål som jeg ikke synes
> bogen afklarer:
> På side 428 skriver forfatteren, at "... There is no way the
> person manning the electron detector could use his measurement
> to send a signal to the person at the positron detector, since he
> does not control the outcome of his own measurement ..."
> Et andet sted i bogen, side 431-433, omtales et fænomen der
> kaldes "quantum Zeno effect", der skulle betyde, at man kan
> forhindre et ustabilt system i at henfalde ved at foretage
> gentagne målinger på systemet med ekstremt kort tids-interval.
> Mit spørgsmål er, om man ikke kan benytte sig af Zeno-effekten
> til at overføre/kopiere information øjeblikkeligt over afstand?
> Nemlig ved enten at foretage gentagne målinger med kort mellemrum
> (=1) eller undlade at gøre det (=0).
Hej Mogens
Kig på denne adresse:
16 June, 2004, BBC News: Teleportation breakthrough made:
Citat: "...What the teams at the University of Innsbruck and the US
National Institute of Standards and Technology (Nist) did was teleport
qubits from one atom to another with the help of a third auxiliary
atom...The teleportation took place in milliseconds and at the push of a
button, the first time such a deterministic mechanism has been developed
for the process...The landmark experiments are being viewed as a major
advance in the quest to achieve ultra-fast computers, inside which
teleportation could provide a form of invisible "quantum wiring"..."