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Top 10 brugere
mblm 1770
summer 1170
ans 1142
JanneP 1010
e.p. 880
Rellom 850
Teil 728
refi 645
o.v.n. 630
10  molokyle 587
Maria-indvielsen i 1984
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 05-04-05 23:00

Maria-indvielsen i 1984 ...

Hvilken dag i året var det ?


Internal nonsens-talk'ing:

Interrupt from file ...
3308 news:m5pod.67998$Vf.3373637@news000.worldonline.dk
> Jesus-Break:
(2004-11-22, CET )
> 18:08
> - "Leave."

Interrupt from file ...
3774 news:H6E3e.109211$Vf.4159357@news000.worldonline.dk
> ... Det kollektive selvmordsvanvid blev stoppet - i tide.

Voice from Heaven came:
(2005-04-05, CET 23:41)
- "Gå mod south-east."

Go south-east (from Denmark position)

3792 news:51e4e.109497$Vf.4161685@news000.worldonline.dk
> horisonten fra nordøst mod øst.

Aha ... nordøst-mod-øst is point'ing: south-east.

Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Saudi-Arabia_and_Irak_and_Iran.

(2005-04-05, CET 23:56)
- "Amen."

With kind regards,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3811

Jesus-loves-you (05-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 05-04-05 23:14

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]

You said:
(around 2005-04-06, CET 00:09)
- " ... (classified) ... "

(2005-04-06, CET 00:09:15-x)
- "Hørt."


With kind regards,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3812

Jesus-loves-you (06-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 06-04-05 01:27

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
> Memory:
> 3792 news:51e4e.109497$Vf.4161685@news000.worldonline.dk
[ ... ]
> South-East:
> Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Saudi-Arabia_and_Irak_and_Iran.

Do we have an earthquake-alarm ?

Un-identified voice came:
(2005-04-06, CET 01:33)
- "Yep!"

Time for impact ?

Old counter-time:
3595 news:_pOKd.85929$Vf.3803247@news000.worldonline.dk
> DADDY-Break:
> (2005-01-26, CET 07:29:36, delay -00:00:07)
> - "Det skal du (gentag warning to Muslim World)."

Hmm ... 70 days.

New counter-time: 4 days.

66 (70-4) ... Ups!

66 memory:

The World-Trade-Center letter
=== citat start ===
From Mogens Kall Friday, 14. September 2001
UDN, Denmark CET 12:08

( ... cut 2005-04-06 ... )

filename New.66 (99-07-23, 14:48)

=== citat slut WTC-letter ====

0066 news:oEdp9.89782$Qk5.4046630@news010.worldonline.dk
> What is this coming from the dcxesert like a columm of smoke,
> fragrant with incense and myrrh,
> the incense sold by the traders?
[ ... ]
> We are the Children-of-God, El-Shaddai.
> We are on our way to...
> The Promised Land of God, Yoy.
[ ... ]
> REv 16,5-6
> I heard the angel in charge of the waters say,
> "The judgments You have made are just,
> O Holy Óne, You who are and who were!
> They poured out the blood of God's people
> and of the prophets, and so You have given
> them blood to drink.
> They are getting what they deserve!"

With kind regards (see file 3067),
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3813

Jesus-loves-you (06-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 06-04-05 01:49

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
> > Memory:
> > 3792 news:51e4e.109497$Vf.4161685@news000.worldonline.dk
> [ ... ]
> > South-East:
> > Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Saudi-Arabia_and_Irak_and_Iran.
> Do we have an earthquake-alarm ?
> Un-identified voice came:
> (2005-04-06, CET 01:33)
> - "Yep!"
> Time for impact ?
> Old counter-time:
> 3595 news:_pOKd.85929$Vf.3803247@news000.worldonline.dk
> >
> > DADDY-Break:
> > (2005-01-26, CET 07:29:36, delay -00:00:07)
> > - "Det skal du (gentag warning to Muslim World)."
> Hmm ... 70 days.
> New counter-time: 4 days.
> 66 (70-4) ... Ups!
> 66 memory:
> The World-Trade-Center letter
> === citat start ===
> From Mogens Kall Friday, 14. September 2001
> UDN, Denmark CET 12:08
> ( ... cut 2005-04-06 ... )
> filename New.66 (99-07-23, 14:48)
> === citat slut WTC-letter ====
> 0066 news:oEdp9.89782$Qk5.4046630@news010.worldonline.dk
> >
> > What is this coming from the dcxesert like a columm of smoke,
> > fragrant with incense and myrrh,
> > the incense sold by the traders?
> [ ... ]
> > We are the Children-of-God, El-Shaddai.
> > We are on our way to...
> > The Promised Land of God, Yoy.
> [ ... ]
> > REv 16,5-6
> > I heard the angel in charge of the waters say,
> > "The judgments You have made are just,
> > O Holy Óne, You who are and who were!
> > They poured out the blood of God's people
> > and of the prophets, and so You have given
> > them blood to drink.
> > They are getting what they deserve!"

The same un-identified voice came again:
(2005-04-06, CET 02:42)
- " ... (du skal advare dem ... fra mig) ... "

Message will be sent now to Khatami, IRNA and Embassy of Iran.

The same voice came again:
- "Long live the King!"

Yea - Long live the King ...

With kind regards (see file 3067),
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3814

Jesus-loves-you (06-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 06-04-05 10:52

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
> The same un-identified voice came again:
> (2005-04-06, CET 02:42)
> - " ... (du skal advare dem ... fra mig) ... "

3804 news:Lnk4e.109584$Vf.4165670@news000.worldonline.dk
> > 2.
> > Hvad kommer der ud af deres læresætninger ? - Hvad er frugten
> > (Matt.7,15-20) ?
> Independence Day ?
> Justice ?
> Friend (warning seven days *before*) ?
> 3481 news:wMmxd.76414$Vf.3620617@news000.worldonline.dk

Hmm ... Jesus siger:

"Gør ...

(2005-04-06, CET 11:40)
Skulle slå op i bibelen for at citere Luk.6,31. Tilfældigvis blev bogen
åbnet på en side, hvor jeg havde markeret følgende skriftsted's ord meget
kraftigt: *ild* (means: *fire*), Luk.12,49.

(Jesus siger:)

"Gør mod andre mennesker sådan,
som I vil, at de skal gøre mod jer!"

Og Johannes skriver:

"Den, der ikke elsker, kender ikke
Gud, thi Gud er kærlighed."

> Message will be sent now to Khatami, IRNA and Embassy of Iran.
> The same voice came again:
> 02:47
> - "Long live the King!"
> Yea - Long live the King ...

0878 news:hjIyb.49927$jf4.2691959@news000.worldonline.dk
> ... His Majesty, King Jesus Christ

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3817

Jesus-loves-you (06-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 06-04-05 13:00

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
> 3792 news:51e4e.109497$Vf.4161685@news000.worldonline.dk
> >
> > horisonten fra nordøst mod øst.
> Aha ... nordøst-mod-øst is point'ing: south-east.
> South-East:
> Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Saudi-Arabia_and_Irak_and_Iran.

Very bad news:

12-days syntax:

3633 news:eKGOd.98865$Vf.3876492@news000.worldonline.dk
> "USS Nimitz - verschollen ist"-internal:
> (2005-02-10, CET 11:27:1x)
> - "Gør klar til at borde ("skibet")."

3634 news:ZldXd.103508$Vf.3982210@news000.worldonline.dk
> News from Iran (Tuesday 2005-02-22, day no 16):
> Iranian earthquake this morning (Iranian time, 22. feb.)


Is there a classified program ?

Searchstring ...

Date: 21. januar 2005 CET 04:08 (DK sommertime 2005)
Subject: Liv-2 hypotesen - det første bevis eller vranglære ?
3578 news:0vZHd.84401$Vf.3753377@news000.worldonline.dk
> Subject: Liv-2 stjernekort (Noa step 1 + 2)
[ ... ]
> Som det fremgår af kortet (som et et foto af himlen, dog sidenhen renset
> for
> irrelevant data) er afstanden mellem Noa-punktet og den variable stjerne
> Mira i forhold til Mira og Mælkevejens sydpol (SGP) *nøjagtig* 1 til 2.

Picture-download (for some days) Noa.gif (67,2 KB):

Date: 5. april 2005 CET 12:51
Subject: Liv-2 stjernekort
Newsgroup: dk.binaer
3808 news:h6u4e.109877$Vf.4165953@news000.worldonline.dk

Hmm ... Noa step 1 + 2 ???

12-days (STEP 1)
24-days (STEP 2)


24-days (12*2) syntax (?):

2005-04-02, CET 22:06 meteor-impact-time (warning ?)

02 + 24 = 26 (2005-04-26)

2005-04-26 Tjernobyl-impact-time (19 years)

With kind regards (see file 3067),
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3820

Jesus-loves-you (07-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 07-04-05 10:55

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
> 12-days (STEP 1)
> 24-days (STEP 2)
> -
> 24-days (12*2) syntax (?):
> Official-Input:
> 2005-04-02, CET 22:06 meteor-impact-time (warning ?)
> 02 + 24 = 26 (2005-04-26)
> Ukraine-memory:
> 2005-04-26 Tjernobyl-impact-time (19 years)

Search-string "Atom-kraftanlæg":

Found ...
0097 news:mBEt9.170652$Qk5.5961764@news010.worldonline.dk
0107 news:5qFt9.170899$Qk5.5969634@news010.worldonline.dk
0575 news:39Dra.41909$y3.2930911@news010.worldonline.dk
0587 news:Fz9sa.43207$y3.3056723@news010.worldonline.dk
1139 news:36XJb.66659$jf4.4293805@news000.worldonline.dk
1517 news:IktXb.89605$jf4.5667645@news000.worldonline.dk
1541 news:cSHYb.92311$jf4.5774209@news000.worldonline.dk
3182 news:5fMid.62494$Vf.3076255@news000.worldonline.dk
3209 news:iTjkd.63226$Vf.3127587@news000.worldonline.dk

Dem original (eigenwillig):

The World-Trade-Center letter
Letter to the government of Iran and the Muslim World
(Copy: The International Court of Justice)
Date: Friday, 14. September 2001, CET 12:08 - WTC-day no 3
1139 news:36XJb.66659$jf4.4293805@news000.worldonline.dk
> ... Derfor anbefales det, at man ikke opholder sig i
> nærheden af brandbare væsker, såsom benzin-stationer, ammunition,
> Atom-kraftanlæg osv.

With kind regards (see file 3067),
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3825

Jesus-loves-you (07-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 07-04-05 11:46

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

> Maria-indvielsen i 1984 ...
> Hvilken dag i året var det ?

25. marts 1984


=== citat start ===

The March 1984 consecration was performed before 250,000 people at Rome.
Prior to this, on December 8, 1983, John Paul wrote to all the bishops of
world, asking them to join with him on the March 25th 1984 date to
consecrate the world to Mary.

=== citat slut ====

> -
> Internal nonsens-talk'ing:
[ ... ]
> South-East:
> Ukraine,

3820 news:GbQ4e.110125$Vf.4167753@news000.worldonline.dk
> Ukraine-memory:
> 2005-04-26 Tjernobyl-impact-time (19 years)

1984-03-25_1984-12-31 = 281
1985-01-01_1985-12-31 = 365
1986-01-01_1986-04-26 = 116

762 (281+365+116)
666 (Antichrists number)
096 (delta)

Hmm ... 9 and 6 ???

3209 news:iTjkd.63226$Vf.3127587@news000.worldonline.dk
> Memory:
> 6,9 R ... 1945 aug. 6. and 9.
> (Little Boy, Fat man)

Code identified !

Last memory - in the name of the Father:

3825 news:3t75e.110314$Vf.4168214@news000.worldonline.dk
> Dem original (eigenwillig):
> The World-Trade-Center letter
> Letter to the government of Iran and the Muslim World
> (Copy: The International Court of Justice)
> Date: Friday, 14. September 2001, CET 12:08 - WTC-day no 3
> 1139 news:36XJb.66659$jf4.4293805@news000.worldonline.dk
> >
> > ... Derfor anbefales det, at man ikke opholder sig i
> > nærheden af brandbare væsker, såsom benzin-stationer, ammunition,
> > Atom-kraftanlæg osv.

With kind regards (see file 3067),
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3826

Jesus-loves-you (07-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 07-04-05 11:57

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
> > The World-Trade-Center ...
[ ... ]
> > Date: Friday, 14. September 2001, CET 12:08 - WTC-day no 3

(2005-04-07, CET 12:53)
- "Thou shalt NOT kill !!!"

With kind regards (see file 3067),
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3827

Jesus-loves-you (07-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 07-04-05 18:11

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
>...> ... Derfor anbefales det, at man ikke opholder sig i
>...> nærheden af brandbare væsker, såsom benzin-stationer, ammunition,
>...> Atom-kraftanlæg osv.


=== citat start ===
TV2 TTV s163 Tor 07 Apr (2005, CET) 19.00.50

Kairo: Bombe på turiststrøg, 1 død

=== citat slut ====

Hmm ... den sædvanlige undvige-manøvre ?

(vi er vist ved at ha' fat i *roden* på ukrudtsplanten, Rom.13,1-5)

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3840

Andreas Falck (07-04-2005)
Fra : Andreas Falck

Dato : 07-04-05 20:49

Jesus-loves-you skrev i oRd5e.110427$Vf.4168754@news000.worldonline.dk

[ ... ]
> (vi er vist ved at ha' fat i *roden* på ukrudtsplanten, Rom.13,1-5)

Vil det sige at du fremover vil sende meningsfulde indlæg i stedet for det
paldder du sender mest af?

Med venlig hilsen Andreas Falck - ICQ 108 480 093
http://bibeltro.dk/ - *Om Bibelen og bibeloversættelser*
http://maranatha.dk/ + http://skabelsen.info/ + *DebatForum*
http://ravsted.dk/ - http://ravsted.net/

Jesus-loves-you (15-04-2005)
Fra : Jesus-loves-you

Dato : 15-04-05 18:22

"Jesus-loves-you" skrev

[ ... ]
> > > ... Derfor anbefales det, at man ikke opholder sig i
> > > nærheden af brandbare væsker, såsom benzin-stationer, ammunition,
> > > Atom-kraftanlæg osv.

A voice came:
(2005-04-15, CET 19:17)
- "... (China, Chernobyl) ..."

Jesus siger:

"Du må IKKE friste Herren din Gud"

(2005-04-15, CET 19:20)
- "Amen."

Med venlig hilsen,
Mogens Kall, The servant of Michael
SETI: Win (vind) 4000 Danish Kr. (around 700 US $), jump ...
3640 news:idWXd.103947$Vf.3986983@news000.worldonline.dk
(use perhaps http://www.google.dk/grphp )
File-number: 3930

Spørgsmål : 177501
Tips : 31968
Nyheder : 719565
Indlæg : 6408523
Brugere : 218887

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