Michael Berg wrote:
> Hej alle,
> Findes der et apparat der kan skifte EM stråling op og ned i spektrummet i
> realtime? Dvs. bølgelængde X ind = bølgelængde Y ud?
> /Michael
Hej Michael
Ja kig her under:
Se adressen:
2004-05-24, Sciencedaily: Tightly Focused Laser Light Generates
Nonlinear Effects And Rainbow Of Color:
Citat: "..."supercontinuum generation in nonlinear fibers." The
phenomenon can be observed in a new class of optical fibers, called
photonic crystal fibers. PCFs consist of a tiny solid glass core
surrounded by a cladding, or casing, that contains air holes along the
length of the fiber...As the IR light propagates, or spreads, through a
1-meter-long fiber, the light appears, first orange, then yellow and
finally green...The visible lightwaves emerge from the fiber as white
light, which contains all the colors of the spectrum..."
Et almindeligt farvekamera og farvefjernsyn kan f.eks. lave den røde
kanal om ti blåt lys.
Her nævnes et ulineart krystal "crystal of beta barium borate" kan
omdannes fra UV-fotoner til 2 fotoner med lavere frekvens.
How to entangle photons: