"Steen" <virker@ikke.invalid> writes:
> At Gemini-programmet kom til at hedde Gemini havde sådan set ikke så meget
> med stjernetegnet at gøre, men snarere, at der var plads til to personer
> ("tvillinger") i rumkapslen.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration announced December
7, 1961, a plan to extend the existing manned space flight program
by development of a two-man spacecraft. The program was officially
designated Gemini on January 3, 1962. It was named after the third
constellation of the zodiac, featuring the twin stars Castor and
Pollux. The program was operationally completed with the Gemini XII
Det kan godt være at navnet er valgt på grund af de to astronauter,
men det er med tydelig henvisning til stjernetegnet.
Peter Makholm | Wisdom has two parts:
peter@makholm.net | 1) having a lot to say, and
http://hacking.dk | 2) not saying it